ECS Meeting, Paris, France (Spring 2003): Published Forthcoming
SBMICRO 2003 Conference (September 2003)
ECS Meeting, Orlando, FL (Fall 2003): Published Forthcoming
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Published PVs from the ECS Meeting, Paris, France (Spring 2003)
PV 2003-01 <ISBN 1-56677-346-6>Dielectrics in Emerging Technologies -- D. Misra, K. Worhoff, and P. Mascher, $60.00 member, $72.00 nonmember, 446 pages -- This volume highlights the recent developments in science and technologies of dielectrics and dielectric films, ranging from the nanoscale up to the micrometer scale, with emphasis on electrical, mechanical, and magnetic properties. Research fields covered in this volume are devices for optical communications and computing, mechanical devices, integrated sensing devices, memory and storage devices, devices for biophysics and medical application, and scaled existing silicon-based devices.
PV 2003-02 <ISBN 1-56677-347-4>Silicon Nitride and Silicon Dioxide Thin Insulating Films (7th) -- R. E. Sah, K. B. Sundaram, M. J. Deen, D. Landeer, W. D. Brown, and D. Misra, $66.00 member, $79.00 nonmember, 684 pages -- The papers address a very wide range of fabrication and characterization techniques and applications of thin films for microelectronic devices. More specific topics address by the papers include: reliability, interface states, gate oxide studies, passivation, tunneling phenomena, and dielectric breakdown.
PV 2003-03 <ISBN 1-56677-348-2>ALTECH 2003 Analytical and Diagnostic Techniques for Semiconductor Materials, Devices, and Processes -- B. O. Kolbesen, C. L. Claeys, P. Stallhofer, and F. Tardif, $68.00 member, $82.00 nonmember, 568 pages -- Papers in this book address recent developments and applications of analytical techniques and characterization methods in the field of semiconductor materials, processes, and devices. Topics covered also include new techniques and improvements of existing techniques illustrating their strengths and weaknesses, as well as time and cost aspects regarding routine applications in the monitoring of materials and device manufacturing.
PV 2003-04 <ISBN 1-56677-349-0>State-of-the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors (SOTAPOCS XXXVIII) and Wide-Bandgap Semiconductors for Photonic and Electronic Devices and Sensors III -- E. B. Stokes, R. C. Fitch, D. N. Buckley, P. C. Chang, F. Ren, and D. W. Maerfield, $62.00 member, $74.00 nonmember, 288 pages -- This joint proceedings volume contains state-of-the-art information on basic science and technology issues related to utilization of compound semiconductor and wide-bandgap semiconductors. This includes the following topics: substrates and bulk growth; epitaxial growth; high growth rate methods; wet and dry etching; ion implantation; contact technology; material characterization; device fabrication and testing, and development of application specific devices, such as sensors.
PV 2003-05 <ISBN 1-56677-375-X>Silicon-on-Insulator Technology and Devices XI -- S. Cristoloveanu, G. K. Celler, J. G. Fossum, F. Gamiz, K. Izumi, and Y-W Kim, $67.00 member, $80.00 nonmember, 534 pages -- The context of SOI technology is different from the past: SOI is penetrating the commercial market and has been included in the device roadmap as the most realistic solution for the ultimate stages of the microelectronics. The proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on SOI Technology and Devices covers recent significant advances in SOI materials, processing, and components. It will be of interest to materials and devices scientists, as well as to process and applications oriented engineers.
PV 2003-06 <ISBN 1-56677-376-8>ULSI Process Integration III -- C. Claeys, F. Gonzalez, R. Singh, J. Murota, and P. Fazan, $66.00 member, $79.00 nonmember, 606 pages -- This volume contains the papers presented at the third symposium on ULSI process integration, which provided a forum for reviewing and discussing all apects of process integration. In addition to full technologies and future trends, different front and back-end integration issues are addressed. The papers have an emphasis on process integration aspects rather than on the development of individual process modules. The following areas are discussed: process integration; front-end-of-line-integration; plasma damage and etching effects; and back-end-of-line integration.
PV 2003-07 <ISBN 1-56677-377-6>Solid Oxide Fuel Cells VIII (SOFC VIII) -- S. C. Singhal and M. Dokiya, , $90.00 member, $108.00 nonmember, 1540 pages -- This is the eighth volume in the continuing biennial series of proceedings of the international symposia on solid oxide fuel cells. This volume contains papers dealing with the materials for cell components, fabrication methods for components, and complete cells. Also contained in this volume are cell electrochemical performance and modeling, stacks and systems, and field testing of SOFC demonstration units for different applications.
PV 2003-08 <ISBN 1-56677-378-4>Chemical Vapor Deposition XVI (CVD VXI) and EUROCVD 14 -- M. Allendorf, F. Maury, and F. Teyssandier, $92.00 member, $110.00 nonmember, two-volume set, 1,626 pages -- This proceedings provide a comprehensive overview of the latest research in the field of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) for this joint symposium of the international CVD conference and the biannual EUROCVD meeting. Some of the topics included in the proceedings are: fundamental chemistry of deposition; modeling of CVD processes; materials modeling; process control and diagnostics; materials types; novel materials/applications; nanostructured materials; and new processing tools and equipment.
PV 2003-12 <ISBN 1-56677-392-X> Mechanistic and Synthetic Aspects of Organic and Biological Electrochemistry -- D. G. Peters, J. Simonet, and H. Tanaka, $68.00 member, $82.00 nonmember, 226 pages, -- The papers in this volume provide a permanent record of oral presentations of this symposium. Among the topics covered are (a) direct and indirect electron transfer, (b) new electrode materials and solvents (c) electrocpolymerization, (d) organometallic species, (e) molten-salt electrochemistry, (f) electroenzymatic syntheses, and (g) chemically modified electrodes.
PV 2003-13 <ISBN 1-56677-393-8> Thin Film Materials, Processes, and Reliability -- G. S. Mathad, T. S. Cale, D. Collins, M. Engelhardt, F. Leverd, and H. S. Rathore, $68 member, $82 nonmember, 430 pages -- This volume focuses on the technical community that is working and interested in the patterning of films for the fabrication of devices at the 100 nm node and the development and practice of multi-level metal (MLM) interconnections using copper and low-k dielectric films and advanced interconnect systems.Out of Print.
PV 2003-14 <ISBN 1-56677-396-2> Advanced Short-Time Thermal Processing for Si-Based CMOS Devices -- F. Roozeboom, E. Gusev, L.-J. Chen, M. C. Ozturk, D.- L. Kwong, and P. J. Timans, $74.00 member, $89.00 nonmember, 480 pages. This proceedings contains recent developments in advanced short-time thermal processing and equipment issues, and their applications in advanced Si-based CMOS devices. Typical subjects are in the following areas: ultra-thin dielectrics and MOS gate stacks, ultra shallow junctions and contacts, epitaxial growth, equipment issues and new applications of RTP, ALD, and other short-time thermal processing.
PV 2003-15 <ISBN 1-56677-397-0> Fullerenes Vol. 13 -- Fullerenes and Nanotubes: The Building Blocks of Next Generation Nanodevices -- D. M. Guldi, P. V. Kamat, and F. D’Souza, $86.00 member, $103.00 nonmember, 610 pages. Papers in this proceedings volume are from the Paris, France Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanoclusters symposia: Electron Transfer and Its Applications; Photoinduced Processes; Molecular and Supramolecular Chemistry of Fullerenes; Nanotubes, Nanoscale Materials and Molecular Devices; Energetics and Structures; Endofullerenes and Carbon Nanocapsules; Solid-State Physics, Fullerenes Based Materials for Medicine; and Porphyrins and Supramolecular Assemblies.
PV 2003-16 <ISBN 1-56677-399-7> High Temperature Corrosion and Materials Chemistry IV -- E. Opila, P. Hou, T. Maruyama, B. Pieraggi, M. McNallan, D. Shifler, and E. Wuchina, $74.00 member, $89.00 nonmember, 578 pages. This volume focuses on fundamental thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of oxidation, corrosion, and other chemical reactions involving inorganic materials at high temperatures. Topics include mechanisms of oxidation and corrosion, response of protective coatings to high temperature environments, vaporization of inorganic materials, determination of high temperature thermodynamic properties of inorganic materials and fundamental studies of solid-state reactions and interdiffusion.
PV 2003-17 <ISBN 1-56677-400-4> Electrochromic Materials and Applications -- A. Rougier, D. Rauh, and G. A. Nazri, $68.00 member, $82.00 nonmember, 320 pages. Electrochromic displays and devices have a wide range of applications, including windows, eyewear, mirrors, displays, renewable paper, variable emissivity surfaces, and sensors. Papers in this volume cover the fundamental and applied aspects of electrochromic materials and their device applications.
PV 2003-18 <ISBN 1-56677-401-2> Electrochemistry in Mineral and Metal Processing VI -- F. M. Doyle, G. H. Kelsall, and R. Woods, $72.00 member, $86.00 nonmember, 424 pages. This volume considers recent progress in electrochemical aspects of concentrating and extracting base, precious; and light metals; and associated developments. Fundamental and applied work is presented on: mineral flotation of sulfides; hydrometallurgy of sulfides and precious metals; electrowinning and refining of base, light, and rare metals; environmental compliance; and secondary metal recovery and production.
PV 2003-19 <ISBN 1-56677-402-0> Semiconductor Wafer Bonding VII: Science, Technology, and Applications -- F. S. Bengtsson, H. Baumgart, C. E. Hunt, and T. Suga, $70.00 member, $84.00 nonmember, 400 pages. This book covers state-of-the-art R &D results of the last two years in the field of semiconductor wafer bonding technology. Wafer bonding technology can be used to create novel composite materials and devices that would otherwise be unattainable. Wafer bonding today is rapidly finding application in such diverse fields as photonics, sensors, MEMS, X-ray optics, high performance power electronics, non-electronic miscrostructures, and SOI.
PV 2003-20 <ISBN 1-56677-403-9> New Trends in Intercalation Compounds for Energy Storage Conversion -- K. Zaghib, C. M. Julien, and J. Prakash, $86.00 member, $103.00 nonmember, 682 pages. Intercalation compounds are widely used as electrodes in advanced systems for energy storage and conversion (Li batteries, fuel cells, metal-hydride batteries, electrochromics, etc.). New trends in these materials are presented in detail and provide guidance on the selection of a suitable material for application. Other topics of interest in this volume include, but are not limited to: synthesis, characterization and materials, engineering from micro to nano, and structure and reaction mechanisms.
PV 2003-32 <1-56677-433-0> Chemical Solution Deposition of Semiconducting and Non-Metallic Films -- D. Lincot and G. Hodes, $70.00 members, $91.00 nonmembers, 234 pages - Chemical Solution Deposition (CSD), also known as Chemical Bath Deposition, is the solution analogue of Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD), widely used to prepare thin films for optoelectronic applications. CSD is based on precipitation or electroless processes in solutions. This volume reflects recent advances in the field from fundamental aspects to advanced applications.
Published PV from the SBMICRO 2003 Conference (September 2003)
PV 2003-09 <ISBN 1-56677-389-X> Microelectronics Technology and Devices (18th)
SBMICRO 2003, J. A. Martino, M. A. Pavanello, and N. I. Morimoto, $64.00 member, $77.00 nonmember, 472 pages. This conference proceedings covers several areas related to integrated circuit and micromaching devices and technology. This includes processing steps (deposition, etching, etc.) physical and chemical analysis of resulting structures, process integration and resulting devices, electrical, optical and mechanical analysis, process and devices modeling. Emphasis is on Si technology, but contributions on other materials and devices are also presented.
SBMICRO 2002-17th Conference was held in September 2002. (See PV 2002-08 for information on the published proceedings volume).
Published PVs from the ECS Meeting, Orlando, FL (Fall 2003)
PV 2003-10 <ISBN 1-56677-390-3> Copper Interconnects, Low-k Inter-level Dielectrics, and New Contact Metallurgies/Structures -- G. S. Mathad, H.S. Rathore, C. Reidsema-Simpson, K. Kondo, and V. Bakshi, $66.00 member, $79.00 nonmember, 274 pages. This volume contains papers from the symposium, which was aimed at bringing together scientists and technologists engaged in the development and practice of all aspects of multi-level- metal (MLM) interconnections using copper and low-k dielectric films used in sub-0.13 devices and circuits.
PV 2003-11 <ISBN 1-56677-391-1> State-of-the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors XXXIX -and- Nitride and Wide Bandgap Semiconductors for Sensors, Photonics, and Electronics IV -- A. G. Baca and R. F. Kopf, $64.00 member, $77.00 nonmember, 410 pages. The SOTAPOCS papers address the most recent developments in compound semiconductors encompassing advanced devices, materials growth, characterization, processing, device fabrication, reliability, and other related topics. Numerous applications are appearing for wideband gap semiconductors, including blue/UV light emitters, high temperature/high power electronics, passivation layers for other semiconductors, and various types of sensors. Papers cover issues related to utilization of III-nitride based semiconductors.
PV 2003-21 <ISBN 1-56677-404-7> Chemical Mechanical Planarization (CMP VI) -- S. Seal, R. L. Opila, K. Sundaram, and R. K. Singh, $68.00 member, $82.00 nonmember, 366 pages. This symposium volume addresses the fundamentals of chemical mechanical planarization (CMP) and its application in Inner Layer Dielectrics (ILD) polishing, metal polishing, and trench and mesa isolation. Also addressed are post-CMP cleaning, consumable characterization, polish end point detection, CMP process integration, and manufacturability issues with this emerging technology.
PV 2003-22 <ISBN 1-56677-405-5>
Physics and Technology of High-k Gate Diectrics II -- S. Kar, R. Singh, D.
Misra, H. Iwai, M. Houssa, J. Morais, and D. Landheer, $72.00 member, $86.00 nonmember,
508 pages. This
volume highlights all aspects of high dielectric constant (or K) materials, and
special emphasis is placed on the use of these materials as gate dielectric and
DRAM capacitors for sub 100 nm feature size silicon integrated circuits. It also
contains papers in all areas related to properties and synthesis of materials,
processing, interface characteristics, reliability, process integration, and
PV 2003-23 <ISBN 1-56677-408-X> Corrosion and Protection of Light Metal Alloys -- R. G. Buchheit, R. G. Kelly, N. A. Missert, B. A. Shaw, $68.00 member, $82.00 nonmember, 424 pages. This book discusses recent results related to corrosion and corrosion prevention of aluminum, magnesium, titanium, and their alloys, Papers included are on a broad range of fundamental and applied topics. Also in this volume are papers on corrosion prevention which include topics on environmentally friendly coatings and inhibitors and corrosion protection in atmospheric or marine exposure.
Now Available:
PV 2003-24 <ISBN 1-56677-409-8>
Power Sources for Transportation Applications -- A. R. Landgrebe, V. S.
Battaglia, T. Q. Duong, Z. Ogumi, A. J. Salkind, I. B. Weinstock, and K. Zaghib,
$74.00 member, $89.00 nonmember, 262 pages This symposium volume covers a wide
range of topics, some of which are system requirements for transportation
applications, such as electric and hybrid electric cars, vans, trucks buses, and
trains are reported. The current status of batteries, fuel cells, capacitors,
controls, and sensors for electric and hybrid transportation applications for
recently marketed, newly developed electrochemical power sources power, and
systems being developed are covered. Also included with this volume is a bonus
CD including the papers from this symposium plus those from the Electrolytes for
Lithium-Ion Batteries Symposium held at the same meeting. BONUS CD -- Orlando C1, Electrolytes for Lithium-Ion Batteries, K. M. Abraham and D.
Aurbach The two-day international symposium "Electrolytes for Lithium Ion
Batteries" held at the 2003 fall meeting of The Electrochemical Society covered
fundamental and applied aspects of liquid, gel, and polymer electrolytes for
rechargeable lithium batteries. A selected group of papers from this symposium
covering a range of topics on electrolytes, from theoretical modeling and
physical properties to thermal stability and performance in batteries. These
papers have been included as bonus material on the CD-ROMs of PV 2003-24 and PV
2003-28. This material is not available separately.
PV 2003-25 <ISBN 1-56677-410-1> Surface Oxide Films -- V. Birss, L. Burke, A. R. Hillman, and R. S. Lillard,
$70.00 member, $84.00 nonmember, 360 pages. Oxide Films can play a crucial role in the electrochemistry of metals and semiconductors. They may form intrinsically, as in corrosion and passivation processes, or they may be deliberately deposited to take advantage of their properties in applications such as electrochomics, electrocatalysis, batteries, supercapacitors, etc. This volume focuses on the growth, characterization, reactivity and applications of a range of types of oxide films formed by chemical, electrochemical, thermal or by other means.
PV 2003-26 <ISBN
1-56677-411-X> Cleaning
Technology in Semiconductor Device Manufacturing VIII --J. Ruzyllo, T.
Hattori, R. Novak, and R. Opila, $70.00 member, $84.00 nonmember, 448
pages. This volume contains papers presented during the Eighth International
Symposium on Cleaning Technology in Semiconductor Device Manufacturing held
during the ECS fall meeting in Orlando, Florida, October 12-17, 2003 The
included papers cover a wide range of topics related to the removal of
contaminants from the silicon surfaces, as well as topics related to surface
conditioning prior to critical deposition steps. Specific cleaning methods used
in front-end and back-end cleaning operations are covered.
PV 2003-27 <ISBN
1-56677-412-8>Low Temperature
Electronics and Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic Based Electronic Devices -- C.
L. Claeys, W. W.-Ng, and K. M. Nair, $68.00 member, $82.00 nonmember, 328
pages. This
volume contains 26 peer-reviewed papers and 3 extended abstracts from two
symposia that were held during the annual meeting of The Electrochemical Society
jointly with The Electronics Division of The American Ceramic Society,
October 11-17, 2003, in Orlando, Florida. Miniaturization of electronic devices and improved system properties are
the cornerstone for the development of advanced semiconductor electronic
technologies for this century. Existing materials technologies and manufacturing
processes reached a level-limiting stage. Therefore further understanding of new
materials and technologies and development of cost-effective manufacturing
techniques is needed for a quantum jump in system properties and applications
such as wireless telecommunication devices, military hardware, automotive
electronics and the so-called emerging technologies. The latter include single
electron transistors, nano-electronic devices, spintronics and quantum
Now Available:
Now Available:
2003-29 <ISBN 1-56677-452-7>Epitaxial Growth of Functional Oxides--A. Goyal, Y. Kuo, O. Leonte, and W. Wong-Ng, $68.00 member, $82.00
nonmember, 380 pages. This
proceedings volume contains papers presented at the Epitaxial Growth of
Functional Oxides Symposium at the 202nd Electrochemical
Society meeting, held in
Now Available:
2003-30 <ISBN 1-56677-454-3>Fundamental Understanding of Electrode Processes, in Memory of Professor Ernest B. Yeager --
J. Prakash, --J.
Prakash, D. Chu, D. Scherson, M. Enayetullah and Tae Bae, $88.00 member,
$114.00 nonmember, 406 pages. This proceeding volume contains 30 papers that were
presented at the symposium “Fundamental understanding of electrode processes
in memory of Professor Ernest B. Yeager” in the 196th
Electrochemical Society Fall Meeting held in
PV 2003-31 <1-56677-425-X> Interfaces in Electronic Materials --
L. Cook, D. Misra, S. Mukhopadhyay, W. Wong-Ng, O. Leonte, and K. Sundaram, $72.00 members, $94.00 nonmembers, 334 pages -
Interfaces important in electronic materials include not only planar interfaces between dissimilar materials but also grain boundaries in polycrystalline materials. Papers in this volume deal with the following aspects: experimental characterization of interfaces and interface properties, fabrication of interfaces, including structure, chemistry, and thermodynamics, and interfaces in service: degradation, passivation, and performance.
Please email for information on future releases.
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