Plenary Session

Featuring the ECS Lecture and Awards & Recognition Ceremony

Monday, May 19, 2025 | 1630h EST
Room 517a

Gather with your colleagues!

The plenary session is a highlight of every ECS meeting, bringing participants from all symposia together to celebrate some of the greatest minds in the field.

ECS President Colm O’Dwyer wraps up the first full day of the 247th ECS Meeting, welcoming meeting attendees and beginning the session with the Awards and Recognition Ceremony.

The following are presented at the ceremony:

Don’t miss the Society, division, and section award winners’ talks presented in various symposia throughout the week. Check the Online Program for specific dates and times, then add them to your personal meeting schedule.

Following the ceremony, President O’Dwyer introduces David P. Wilkinson from the University of British Columbia, who presents the highly anticipated ECS Lecture.

David P. Wilkinson, 247th ECS Plenary Speaker

Harnessing Protons and Electrons for NetZero 2050
by David P. Wilkinson, University of British Columbia

David P. Wilkinson is Professor and Associate Department Head of Chemical Engineering, and a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Clean Energy and Electrochemical Technologies at the University of British Columbia (UBC). Before that, he held the Methanex Professorship and was Executive Director of the UBC Clean Energy Research Center. His research covers a wide range of electrochemical areas including fuel cells, electrolyzers, battery research, carbon dioxide and nitrogen conversion, electrochemical approaches to clean energy and fuels, and electrochemical treatment of wastewater and drinking water. Much of his research is used by industry, leading to the co-founding of companies including Mangrove Lithium, which improved lithium processing to battery grade product with a modified electrodialysis process.

After receiving a BS in Chemical Engineering at UBC in 1978, Prof. Wilkinson completed a PhD in Chemistry at the University of Ottawa in 1987 under Prof. Brian Conway. Before joining UBC in 2004, Prof. Wilkinson spent over 18 years in electrochemical industries. He developed rechargeable Li metal batteries as Electrochemistry Group Leader at Moli Energy Ltd. (1986-1990) and served as Director and Vice President of R&D in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Technology at Ballard Power Systems Inc. (1990-2003). He was briefly Group Leader and Principal Research Officer with the Canada National Research Council.

The holder of over 82 issued US patents, Prof. Wilkinson has published more than 250 refereed journal publications, a co-authored book, and a number of edited books and book chapters. He received many awards including the Order of Canada, Grove Medal, Lifetime Award of the Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Association, and fellowships from the Engineering Institute of Canada, Canadian Academy of Engineering, Chemical Institute of Canada, and Royal Society of Canada. 

Prof. Wilkinson joined ECS in 1982. Now an Emeritus Member, he served the ECS Canada Section as a Member at Large and on the Student Award Subcommittee. He received the ECS Battery Division Technology Award, ECS Canada Section Electrochemical Award, and an ECS Summer Fellowship to pursue PhD research on proton donor and medium effects in electrochemical proton discharge.

Read his full abstract here.