New Tire Harnesses Heat to Power Your Car

The tire can generate energy from friction and heat. However, Goodyear has yet to describe the materials to be used.Image: YouTube/Goodyear

The tire can generate energy from friction and heat. However, Goodyear has yet to describe the materials to be used.
Image: YouTube/Goodyear

There’s no question that engineers and manufacturers around the world are moving away from the fuel-based car to the electric vehicle. In order to make these cars possible, they must improve in efficiency. Now, one company is looking outside the box for the answer to electric car sustainability.

Goodyear has just announced the concept of their new tire, which will harvest heat in a variety of ways to help power electric vehicles. The new BH-03 tire is poised to be able to absorb heat while static due to the ultra-black texture of the tire, as well as take advantage of the natural occurrence of friction as the tire moves.

The company believes the tire will be sustainable in two ways. First, it will be able to produce electricity through thermoelectric material which transforms heat into electricity. Second, the tire is being designed to produce electrical energy though piezoelectric material which transforms pressure due to structure deformation into electricity.

While the company’s intent is promising, there are still many questions that surround that tire. Goodyear has yet to release how much electricity these tires would be able to generate or how much they will cost.

The tire is still very much in the concept phase. If Goodyear is able to create this regenerative tire, it could expand the possibilities for the electric car.

[Sources: Gizmodo & Goodyear]

For more information on the future of the electric vehicle, check out this recently published open access paper on the lithium-sulfur electric vehicle battery.

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