Henry B. Linford Award for Distinguished Teaching

linford-awardThe Henry B. Linford Award for Distinguished Teaching was established in 1981 for excellence in teaching in subject areas of interest to the Society.

Nomination Deadline: April 15, odd years
Presented: Spring meeting, even years

Eligibility criteria

The recipient will be distinguished for teaching excellence in subject areas of interest to the Society. The recipient does not need to be a member of The Electrochemical Society.

Nomination guidelines

Nominators and endorsers should be members of The Electrochemical Society. Nominations, once submitted, shall be considered in effect for two consecutive award cycles. 

A complete nomination package includes:

  • Completed Electronic Nomination Form
  • At least two, but no more than five supporting letters (one page in length)
  • Additional documents that may be included:

– Candidate’s curriculum vitae
– Publications list
– Other pertinent information that supports and strengthens the candidate’s nomination


The award consists of a silver medal and a plaque that contains a bronze replica, both bearing the recipient’s name, the sum of US $2,500, complimentary meeting registration for award recipient and companion, a dinner held in recipient’s honor during the designated meeting, and Life Membership in The Society. The recipient will receive the award in person at the designated Society meeting and deliver a general address on a subject related to the contributions for which the award is being presented.

About Henry B. Linford

Henry B. Linford was a distinguished professor of chemical engineering at Columbia University and known for his work and research in electroplating and corrosion of metals. With a Society history dating back to 1936, Dr. Linford served as ECS secretary for 10 years and president of The Electrochemical Society from 1961-62.


Uziel Landau
Martin Winter
Arumugam Manthiram
Ralph White
John Scully
Dennis Hess
Mark E. Orazem
Daniel T. Schwartz
Eliezer Gileadi
Derek Pletcher
Ronald M. Latanision
Dennis Peters
Glenn E. Stoner

Robert A. Rapp
Thomas C. Franklin
John O’M. Bockris
Ken Nobe
John Newman
Leo Brewer
Allen J. Bard
Brian E. Conway
Charles W. Tobias