Lucky Members Win Prizes at 245th ECS Meeting Member Reception

Raffle winners celebrate with ECS President Gerardine Botte. From left to right: Thomas Turek, Hui Xu, Gerardine Botte, Ching-Hsiu Chung, and Sadagopan Krishnan. (Photo by Photography)

ECS members met, mingled, and had a great time at the 245th ECS Meeting Member Reception on Sunday, May 26, in San Francisco, CA. There was a lot of networking, catching up with old friends, making new ones, enjoying the delicious appetizers—and of course, the open bar!

Five especially lucky members won Raffle prizes:

5-night Hotel Stay, 247th ECS Meeting, Montréal, Canada
Sadagopan Krishnan, Oklahoma State University

Lifetime Membership
Simiao Niu, Rutgers University

PRiME 2024 Meeting Registration
Thomas Turek, Technische Universität Clausthal

$250 Amazon Gift Card
Ching-Hsiu Chung, University of Illinois Urbana-Champagne

$250 Amazon Gift Card
Hui Xu, Envision Energy USA

Missed the reception because you’re not a member? Join or renew now to enjoy all the exclusive ECS Membership benefits. And be sure to attend the PRiME 2024 Opening Reception when we celebrate all ECS, Electrochemical Society of Japan, and Korea Electrochemical Society members and nonmembers.

See you in Honolulu, HI!


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