ECS and IOPP Announce Collaboration with Baidu

ECS publications are now accessible through the Chinese language internet search platform, Baidu. The new collaboration between ECS, publishing partner IOP Publishing, and Baidu alleviates difficulties researchers in China faced when searching for ECS journals and accessing the Society’s official landing pages to submit their papers. Benefits anticipated through the new collaboration include:

  • Official Baidu tag: The addition of the official Baidu tag lends credibility to ECS journal websites, assuring readers and authors of their authenticity.

  • Enhanced user experience: ECS readers and authors will find it easier to find the official websites of IOPP journals, thus avoiding any potential time or financial losses associated with false websites.

  • Improved navigation and submission process: The optimization of the ECS community navigation and publication experience, along with the introduction of a new submission button, will streamline the submission process and make it more accessible.

  • Increased visibility: By optimizing search results and securing a prominent position on the first page, ECS journals will capture more attention, further elevating our visibility and impact.

All ECS publications are included in the collaboration. Baidu is the dominant internet search engine in China.  



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