Key Decisions at ECS Board Meeting: Diversity Initiatives, New Member Category, and More

Gerardine Botte, President of The Electrochemical Society, presided over the Board of Directors meeting on Thursday, May 30, 2024, at the 245th ECS Meeting in San Francisco, CA, US. Highlights of the meeting included:

Approved! Creation of ECS Diversity Officer and Committee

• Champion diversity in all its forms within ECS’s governance structure and in ECS programs and services
• Diversity committee chair will be nominated by Nominating committee and approved by the Board of Directors
• Diversity committee chair will be a member of ExCom, TAC, Board of Directors, and Nominating committees
• Diversity committee will have representatives from all ECS divisions and Diversity committee representatives will sit (without vote) on the Honors & Awards, Individual Membership, Education, Ethical Standards, and TAC subcommittees

Approved! Creation of Associate Member Category

• Akin to a customer loyalty program
• Accurately account for the size of the engaged ECS community
• Not eligible to vote, join a division/section/chapter, become a Fellow, or receive an award in which ECS membership is a requirement

Approved! Final Slate of 3rd VP Candidates for 2025 ECS Officer Election

• Marca Doeff—Battery Division
• EJ Taylor—IE&EE Division

Approved! Various Bylaws Changes

• Article V Section 2
• Article XXIV Section 1
• Article XXIV Section 2
• Article XXIV Sections 3 and 4

Read the full recap of the meeting in the upcoming fall issue of Interface!


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