The 2024 Battery Safety Workshop takes place at the University of South Carolina from Aug 5-6, 2024. Since 2022, this annual workshop has provided an informative and inclusive forum to discuss state-of-the-art research progress in the battery safety area. Attendees include scientists, researchers, and engineers in academia and industry to inspire collaborative and synergic efforts toward solving battery safety issues.  The Electrochemical Society is a proud sponsor of the workshop. 

Samuel Lawton Senior Scientist Exponent Date: July 17, 2024 Time: 1000–1100h ET

The Electrochemical Society hosted Thomas S. Miller’s live webinar, “Electrochemical Atomic Force Microscopy of Battery Interfaces,” on March 27, 2024. Dr. Miller took audience questions during a live Question and Answer following the presentation, then kindly answered in writing, questions not answered during the broadcast. See his responses below. NOTE: Registration is required to view the webinar replay.

The ECS Honors and Awards Program and the ECS Battery Division proudly announce the creation of the new ECS Battery Division M. Stanley Whittingham Mid-Career Award recognizing mid-career achievement and contributions to the field of electrochemical energy storage. When the pandemic caused the cancellation of a PRiME 2020 event honoring his winning the Nobel prize, Dr. Whittingham requested that donations to the event be used for an award. The Battery Division Early M. Stanley Whittingham Mid-Career Award is partially funded…
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Nomination period: March 15 – June 15, annually Presented: ECS spring meeting, annually The ECS Battery Division M. Stanley Whittingham Mid-Career Award was established in 2024 to recognize mid-career achievement and contributions to the field of electrochemical energy storage. The award is granted based on the importance and significance of the applicant’s science and technology (S&T) achievement or major contribution to the field of electrochemical energy storage, intercalation chemistry, solid state ions, interface and interphase and energy materials synthesis and...
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Register for Gerald Morrison’s March 27 seminar The ECS Detroit Section invites you to Gerald Morrison‘s in-person presentation, “Enabling Online EIS for Improved Battery Safety and Better Performance in Electric Vehicles” on March 27 at Mercedes-Benz Research & Development North America, Inc.

Thomas S. Miller Associate Professor in Electrochemistry and Materials Science Electrochemical Innovation Lab Department of Chemical Engineering University College London, UK Date: March 27, 2024 Time: 1000–1100h ET

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