For Immediate Release Pennington, NJ – The Electrochemical Society (ECS) is proud to announce that the 17th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XVII) takes place in Stockholm, Sweden, from 18-23 July, 2021. The ECS High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division and The SOFC Society of Japan are the meeting co-sponsors. The organizers are Eric D. Wachsman, University of Maryland, and Teruhisa Horita, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). The deadline to submit abstracts is February 5, 2021. SOFC is the preeminent meeting on solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) science, technology, and applications. The meeting brings together hundreds of leading scientists, engineers, and researchers from academia, industry, and government, to share research and discuss issues related to solid oxide fuel cells and solid oxide electrolysis cells (SOECs) for electric power generation and storage, as well as chemical production. SOFC-XVII’s preeminence in technical content will be showcased in a Nobel setting. Stockholm’s Golden Hall, home of the Nobel Prize banquet, is the location for the opening reception, and the conference banquet takes place in Nobel’s former laboratories. “For over 30 years, this conference has been the premier international solid oxide fuel cell event, from fundamental science and global governmental programs to commercialization of technology. I was fortunate enough to present a paper at the very first SOFC back in 1989. It’s my honor to continue the success of the founder, Dr. Subhash Singhal, who built a world-wide community of solid oxide fuel cell researchers, and provide such an exciting venue for their collaboration, Stockholm’s Golden Hall,” says Eric Wachsman, University of Maryland. With the global fuel cell market expected to reach US $33.09 billion by 2027, the importance of SOFCs cannot be exaggerated. Their extremely high electrical efficiencies and low operating costs make them a leading contender for first place in the alternative energy generation race. SOFC-XVII is expected to include 450 papers on the latest research and developments on SOFCs, solid oxide electrolysis cells (SOECs), and related areas. Topics addressed include: Submit an original abstract on a related topic by February 5, 2021, in order to be considered to present an oral or poster presentation at SOFC-XVII. The Electrochemistry Society ECS, a prestigious nonprofit professional society, has led the world in electrochemistry, solid state science and technology and allied subjects since 1902. By publishing research, hosting meetings, fostering education, and collaborating with other organizations, ECS advances scientific theory and practice. Our 8,000+ member community in 85+ countries develops innovative solutions to major global challenges. The ECS Digital Library, hosted on IOPscience, encompasses 160,000+ journal and magazine articles and meeting abstracts, and the Journal of The Electrochemical Society, the oldest peer-reviewed journal in its field. Scientists, engineers, and industry leaders share relevant scientific developments, network, and expand research horizons at ECS biannual, co-hosted, and sponsored meetings. Learn more about the history of ECS at Media Contact The Electrochemical Society
Eric D. Wachsman holds the William L. Crentz Centennial Chair in Energy Research at the University of Maryland (UMD) where he is the founding director of the Maryland Energy Innovation Institute, with joint appointments in the departments of Materials Science & Engineering and Chemical Engineering. He received his PhD from Stanford University, US, in 1990. Prof. Wachsman serves as Senior Vice President of The Electrochemical Society (ECS) and has received many honors and awards, including ECS Fellow and Fellow of the American Ceramic Society, elected member of the World Academy of Ceramics, and recipient of the 2017 Carl Wagner Award from ECS. Prof. Wachsman has more than 270 peer-reviewed publications and 34 patents/patent applications, and to date, three companies have been founded based on these inventions.
Teruhisa Horita is Deputy Director of the Research Institute of Energy Conservation (iECO), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Japan. He joined the National Chemical Laboratory for Industry (formerly part of AIST) in 1992. Subsequently, he began research on solid oxide fuel cell materials. He received his PhD from Waseda University, Japan. Group Leader at the Fuel Cell Materials Group, AIST, from 2008-2013, Dr. Horita then became Manager of Science and Technology for Industry at Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry from 2013-2015. Dr. Horita has served as the executive director of the SOFC Society of Japan since 2010. The author of over 250 publications, Dr. Horita’s research has garnered many awards and honors including the Excellent Paper Award from the Electrochemical Society of Japan in 1994 and the Richard M. Fulrath Award from the American Ceramic Society in 2005.
Shannon Reed
Director of Community Relations
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