Battery Division Technology Award

Nomination period: October 15 – January 15, annually
Presented: ECS fall meeting, annually

The Battery Division Technology Award was established in 1993 to encourage the development of battery and fuel cell technology, and to recognize significant achievements in this area. The award is given to those individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the technology of primary and secondary cells, batteries, and/or fuel cells.

Eligibility criteria

The award recognizes recent contributions to the field that can be expected to impact future battery and/or fuel cell applications. Judgement of the importance and significance of the achievement/contribution’s importance is based on the document(s) where it is reported. As the work’s significance may become clearer with time, consideration should be given to papers that appeared up to ten (10) years before May 1 of the award year.

Candidate(s) requirements:

  • Author or coauthor(s) of a paper or papers, one (1) of which appeared in an ECS journal or another ECS publication, reporting new advances in battery/fuel cell technology;
  • Patent literature may be considered as supporting evidence if the author(s) have made the advance the subject of letters of patent;
  • Supporting document(s) show technical excellence of a high order and the technology’s practical applications. Factors considered include:
    • Overall importance of the contribution to the practical application of batteries/fuel cells;
    • Originality of concept;
    • Planning and execution of experiments;
    • Analysis of results;
    • Clarity of presentation.
  • Current membership in The Electrochemical Society and ECS Battery Division.
Nomination guidelines

A complete nomination packet includes:

  • Completed electronic Award Nomination Form;
  • Curriculum vitae;
  • List of publications and patents;
  • Up to three (3) letters of support.

Unsuccessful nominations are considered for one (1) additional award cycle.

Battery Division Technology Award Committee members may not submit nominations or letters of support during their terms of service.


The award consists of:

  • Framed certificate;
  • USD $2,000;
  • ECS Battery Division membership for as long as the recipient maintains Society membership;
  • Discretionary support for ECS meeting travel expenses.

When the award is given jointly to two (2) or more coauthors, each coauthor receives all the award elements.

Recipient obligations

The award recipient is asked, but not required, to present a lecture to the ECS Battery Division at the Society’s fall meeting when the award is presented.


For more information or questions, contact

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Debra R. Rolison Jeffrey Long Joseph F. Parker
John Muldoon
Jun Lu
Arumugam Manthiram
Yong Yang
Jie Xiao
Yi Cui
Yongyao Xia
Feng Pan
Jun Liu
Yang-Kook Sun
Dominique Guyomard


Ashok Shukla
Feng Wu
Karim Zaghib
Yet-Ming Chiang
Jeffrey Dahn
Khalil Amine
Eiji Endoh
Hiroshi Inoue
Satoshi Mizutani
Michel Broussely
K. Lee
Doron Aurbach
Petr Novak

M. Ue
M. Yoshio
J. Yamaki
D. Wilkinson
M. Winter
Boone Owens
H. Y. Chey
A. Yoshino
G. E. Blomgren
J. M. Tarascon
S. Gilman
E. S. Takeuchi
K. Ozawa
Y. Nishi