Canada Section Student Award

Nomination deadline: February 28, annual
Presented: annually

The Canada Section Student Award was established in 1987 to recognize promising young engineers and scientists in the field of electrochemical power sources. The award is intended to encourage recipients to initiate or continue careers in the field.

Eligibility criteria

The recipient is a student pursuing a PhD degree at a Canadian university in any area of science or engineering in which electrochemical science and technology and/or solid state science and technology is the central consideration. 

Nomination guidelines

Nomination by a Canadian university faculty member is required. 

The complete nomination package includes:

  • Completed electronic Award Nomination Form;
  • Letters of recommendation written by university, industry, or government personnel;
  • Curriculum vitae for the student, listing publications and work experience, as well as the month and the year when all university degrees were begun or completed. In particular, an estimate must be made of the date of completion of the currently pursued degree. The student should expect to retain his or her status as a graduate student at least until after September of the year for which the award is being given;
  • Letter of recommendation for the nomination from the nominating professor answering the question: “Why do you wish to single out this student for the award?” and outlining the nominee’s strong points and weaknesses in electrochemical research; 
  • Brief (one to two typed pages) outline of the proposed and completed research project, written by the student;
  • Copies of university transcripts are not required as the nomination criterion is the excellence of the student’s research accomplishments.

The award consists of a prize not to exceed USD $1,500. The award is presented at an ECS Canada Section meeting.

Recipient obligations

At the Section meeting when the award is presented, the recipient is invited to present a lecture on the topic of their research project.


Contact with questions or for more information.

Review the Society’s robust Honors & Awards and Fellowships & Grants Programs.


Anu Adamson
Shipeng Jia
Yue Zhang
Sho Fujita
Holly Fruehwald
Keegan Adair
Jeffrey Daniel Henderson
Shuai Chen
Leah Ellis
Not Awarded
Drew Higgins
Karen Chan, Simon Fraser University
Ahmad Ghahremaninezhad, University of British Columbia
Mohammed Naser, University of Western Ontario
Mohamed Naser, McMaster University
Arash Shahryari, McGill University
Thamara Laredo, University of Guelph
M. Toupin, Université du Québec à Montréal

Amy Lloyd, University of Western Ontario
Sandra Rifai, University of Ottawa
Vlad Zamliny, University of Guelph
Luc Beaulieu, Dalhousie University
Bryan Park, University of Waterloo
Dany Brouillette, Université de Montréal
Shiyuan Qian, Université de Sherbrooke
Ian A. Courtney, Dalhousie University
Aicheng Chen, University of Guelph
Alexandre Brolo, University of Waterloo
Sylvie Morin, University of Ottawa
Dan Bizzoto, University of Guelph
Meijie Zhang, University of Ottawa
Hubert Dumont, Université de Sherbrooke
Gregory Jerkiewicz, University of Ottawa
James Hinatsu, University of Toronto
Gessie Brisard, Université de Sherbrooke
Jean St-Pierre, École Polytechnique, Montréal