Target the Right Candidates with Ease

Avoid getting inundated with under-qualified resumes from generic job boards. Niche job boards, like The Electrochemical Society Career Center, help you reach a targeted audience of highly qualified candidates with the skills and certifications you are looking for.

Moreover, when you’re posting on The Electrochemical Society Career Center, every potential candidate is unique to your niche so you can focus on listing job benefits, bonuses, and other company perks.

Post your electrochemistry and solid state science and engineering job openings with ECS now!

Advertise open positions now!


To access the best and brightest in the field, visit the ECS Career Center for resources employers can depend on!

Congratulations to Chibueze Amanchukwu; Christopher Arges; Marm Dixit; Marta Hatzell; and Siddharth Komini Babu; the winners of the 2021-2022 ECS Toyota Young Investigator Fellowship for Projects in Green Energy Technology. ECS and the Toyota Research Institute of North America (TRI-NA), a division of Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing North America, Inc. (TEMA), chose the five recipients who are pursuing innovative electrochemical research in green energy technology. Through this fellowship, ECS and Toyota encourage young professionals and scholars to pursue battery and fuel cell research, and hope to see further innovative and unconventional technologies born from electrochemical research.

2021-2022 ECS Toyota Young Investigator Fellows

Chibueze AmanchukwuUniversity of Chicago
“Synthesis of novel perfluoroether polymer electrolytes for energy-dense solid-state lithium metal batteries”

Chibueze Amanchukwu is Neubauer Family Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago. He received his PhD in Chemical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2017), with Paula Hammond as advisor. Amanchukwu pursued postdoctorate study at Stanford University with Zhenan Bao (2017-2019) and the University of Cambridge with Clare Grey (2019). His research on electrolyte design for next generation lithium batteries has been recognized by awards including the 2021 3M Nontenured Faculty Award; 2017-2019 Stanford University TomKat Center Postdoctoral Fellowship in Sustainable Energy and California Alliance Postdoctoral Fellowship; 2014-2017 National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship; 2014 MIT-Imperial College London Global Fellowship; 2012 Texas A&M ChemE Outstanding Graduating Student Award; and 2011 Texas A&M Craig Brown Outstanding Senior Engineer Award. He has published 19 articles with an h-index of 14 and filed one patent. Amanchukwu serves on the Community Board of Materials Horizon. (more…)

Voting is now taking place for the position of Treasurer of the ECS High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes (H-TEMP) Division. Biographical sketches and statements follow for the candidates nominated for the position. ECS division officers serve as volunteers.

We urge all ECS H-TEMP Division members to take part in this important election! Voting is open from September 1 through September 29. (more…)

Posted in Announcements

Networking While Social Distancing

You hear it over and over: to get your dream job, get out there and network. Here some suggestions from experts on networking during a period of social distancing. No matter what stage of career you are in—student, early, mid or advanced career—networking is useful. ECS provides a multitude of networking opportunities. Here’s how to make them work for you.

Eight tips

1. Participate in digital meetings with leaders in your field. Take advantage of Q&A sessions to introduce yourself (by full name and organization) and ask questions. Then follow up with the experts through LinkedIn and emails. The 240th ECS Meeting is a great opportunity to link up with the leading authorities in the field of electrochemistry—wherever they are in the world! (more…)

Free Professional Resume Review

Job interviewGrab the attention of employers and recruiters with a great resume! Your resume is your first impression to potential employers. As a job seeker, your resume should be current and stand out from the competition.

The Electrochemical Society Career Center FREE Resume Critique service allows you to get your resume reviewed by experts with the same critical attention as potential employers. To increase your chance of getting an interview, these experts ensure that your resume outlines your strengths and emphasizes vital skills.

A professional resume review can increase your chance to land your dream job.

Upload Resume


To jump start the journey to enhance your career, visit the ECS Career Center for job seeking resources and open positions!

The ECS Education Committee recently voted to combine the Short Course Subcommittee and Career and Professional Development Subcommittee into one committee: the ECS Continuing Education Subcommittee. The conjoined committee is looking for motivated individuals to help shape the future of continuing education opportunities for the ECS community.

As the fields of electrochemistry and solid state science and related technologies continue to evolve, so do the educational needs of our community. COVID-19 changed education dramatically, forcing a precipitous shift away from the classroom to online learning. While face-to-face education can never be completely replaced, certain aspects of online learning are here to stay.

Be part of the dialog on how the Society maintains its preeminence in continuing education in electrochemistry and solid state science and related technologies—and meets the challenges of an ever-changing education landscape!

ECS continuing education programs


The ECS Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering (IE&EE) Division recognizes and rewards promising young engineers and scientists in the fields of electrochemical engineering and applied electrochemistry with two special awards. Congratulations to Akshay Subramaniam who received the IE&EE Division Student Achievement Award, and Eric McShane, winner of the IE&EE Division H. H. Dow Memorial Student Achievement Award.

The IE&EE Division Student Achievement Award was established in 1989. The IE&EE Division H. H. Dow Memorial Student Achievement Award was established in 1990 with a gift from the Dow Chemical Company Foundation to encourage recipients to continue careers in electrochemical engineering or applied electrochemistry. Both awards require that nominees describe a research project that they will pursue during the award year, and how that project relates to the field of electrochemical engineering or applied electrochemistry. The recipients of the awards each receive a framed certificate and US $1,000 prize. The IE&EE Division H. H. Dow Memorial Student Achievement Award restricts use of the award to expenses associated with the recipient’s education or research project, i.e., tuition, books, equipment, or supplies. (more…)

Byron Gates and Jeff Warren lecture on July 23, 2021

The ECS British Columbia Student Chapter invites students, post-docs, professors, and anyone interested in electrochemistry, materials, or renewable energy, to our 10th Annual Young Electrochemists Symposium. This milestone meeting is online via Zoom due to the unprecedented nature of COVID-19. Hopefully, this is the last online meeting before we gather in person again. 


We hope to see you soon at our symposium,

ECS British Columbia Student Chapter


Find the Right Job for You

Unsure of when to begin a new job search? With The Electrochemical Society Career Center, start looking for your next job opportunity today.

In a normal job market, it can take up to six months to find an acceptable position, and the interviewing process can push the start date even further. However, if job postings are unusually plentiful and competition is low, the chances of finding a job quickly improves. (more…)

ECS 2020 Annual Report cover imageECS announces the release of Adapting and Advancing, the 2020 Annual Report of The Electrochemical Society.

“The COVID-19 pandemic, with the compounding crises of faltering economies, social unrest, and science denial on an unimaginable scale, changed virtually every aspect of how we live and work,” said Stefan De Gendt, ECS President, 2020-2021. “Casting aside our best laid plans, the Society was forced to adapt and innovate in order to continue to support, convene, and advocate for our science. Together, we achieved our goals and realized the mission.”

Spotlight on 2020
