Call for Nominations: Editor-in-Chief

ECS Sensors Plus

The Electrochemical Society (ECS) is seeking candidates to serve as the founding Editor-in-Chief (EIC) of ECS Sensors Plus, a journal in the process of being launched in 2021.

ECS Sensors Plus is a multidisciplinary, open access journal that provides an international platform to publish high-quality impactful articles and promote scholarly communication and interactions among scientists, engineers, and technologists whose primary interests are focused on mechanisms, materials, structures, properties, performance, and characterization of sensing and detection devices and systems, including sensor arrays, networks, and actuators. The goal of ECS Sensors Plus, as a one-stop shop journal for sensors, is to advance the fundamental science and understanding of sensors and detection technologies for efficient monitoring and control of industrial processes and the environment, and improving quality of life and human health.

Nomination timeline

Nomination submission opens: May 18, 2021
Nomination submission closes: June 17, 2021 (more…)

StorageX International Symposium
Sponsored by Stanford’s StorageX Initiative

Novel Aqueous & Non-aqueous Chemistries for Energy Storage
Friday, April 23, 2021
7:00am-8:45am Pacific Time (14:00-15:45 GMT)

StorageX’s Symposium spotlights “Novel aqueous and non-aqueous chemistries for energy storage” this week. (more…)

Posted in Announcements

July 15 is the nomination deadline for the ECS Pacific Northwest Section Electrochemistry Research Award Sponsored by Gamry Instruments

Nominate now


The ECS Honors and Awards Program and ECS Pacific Northwest Section are pleased to announce the new ECS Pacific Northwest Section Electrochemistry Research Award Sponsored by Gamry Instruments. The section established the award to recognize excellence in electrochemistry and solid state science and technology research. Gamry Instruments generously sponsors the award.


DST DivisionThe ECS Dielectric Science and Technology (DS&T) Division is offering the prestigious Thomas D. Callinan Award in 2022. Nominations are invited and must be received by August 1, 2021.

The award was established to encourage excellence in dielectric investigations, the preparation of high-quality science and technology papers and patents, and publication in the Journal of The Electrochemical Society. Outstanding contributions to the field of dielectric science and technology are also recognized.

The winner is recognized at the 241st ECS Meeting in Vancouver, Canada, in spring 2022, where he/she will present a lecture to the DS&T Division. The award consists of a framed certificate and US $1,500 prize. Financial assistance is available to facilitate attending the meeting where the award is presented. Financial assistance is available to facilitate attending the meeting where the award is presented. (more…)

The Electrochemical Society mourns the passing of Nobel Laureate and long-term member, Isamu Akasaki, on April 1, 2021.

“The world knew Isamu Akasaki as the pioneering scientist who invented the blue LED. At the Society, we came to know him on a more personal level during his 35-plus years of membership. We tracked the extraordinary progress of Professor Akasaki’s research at ECS meetings and in ECS journal articles. We also noted his remarkable humility and how he always credited his success to the support of co-researchers, students, and colleagues. Prof. Akasaki was both a leader in the field, and mentor to a generation of scientists following his lead in finding solutions to reducing global dependence on fossil fuels,” said Christopher Jannuzzi, ECS Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer. (more…)


Biographical sketches and statements follow for the candidates nominated for the position of ECS Energy Technology Division (ETD) Treasurer. ECS division officers serve as volunteers. We urge all ECS Energy Technology Division members to take part in this important election!

Voting is open from April 1 through April 29.

Vote Now (more…)

IOP Publishing—the Society’s digital publishing partner—invites the ECS community to enjoy the complimentary March issue of Physics World, the world’s leading physics magazine. Don’t miss open access to features from acclaimed physicists and science writers, comprehensive news and analysis, and incisive opinion pieces, along with valuable career advice, reviews of the best new books, and updates on the latest research breakthroughs and physics-based technologies.

A potent partnership

Every month Physics World is sent to all members of the Institute of Physics (IOP), one of the largest physical societies in the world. The Electrochemical Society entered into a partnership with IOP and its publishing branch, IOP Publishing, over a year ago. Together, the two organizations have over 200 years of expertise in scientific publishing excellence. IOPscience hosts the ECS Digital Library and the ECS Webinar Series is available on the Physics World website. (more…)

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Linford AwardNominations now accepted

Application deadline: April 15, 2021

The Henry B. Linford Award for Distinguished Teaching was established in 1981 for excellence in teaching in subject areas of interest to The Electrochemical Society.

The award consists of a silver medal and plaque with a bronze replica, both bearing the recipient’s name. Recipients also receive US $2,500; complimentary meeting registration for the award recipient and a companion; a dinner held in the recipient’s honor during the designated meeting; and Life Membership in the Society. The award is presented at a designated Society meeting. At that meeting, the winner is asked to deliver an address on a subject related to the contributions for which the award is presented. (more…)

Monday, April 5 – Sunday, April 11

On April 5—when the ECS paywall comes down—more than 160,000 scientific journal and magazine articles and meeting abstracts become available at no charge. Free the Science Week 2021 reaffirms the Society’s long-term vision for open access: research that is openly available to anyone, anywhere in the world. Tag articles of interest now, to access them quickly when the paywall comes down!

Fifth annual Free the Science Week

ECS is celebrating its fifth annual Free the Science Week from April 5-11, 2021. For the duration of the week, the ECS Digital Library, hosted on IOPscience, is freely accessible to everyone. The Library includes the Society’s entire collection of published research including the Journal of The Electrochemical Society, the oldest peer-reviewed journal in its field. (more…)