Ali OthmanAli Othman, PhD, Receives Prestigious Award

Ali Othman, PhD, Research Associate in Clarkson University’s Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Science, received The Electrochemical Society’s prestigious 2021 ECS Colin Garfield Fink Fellowship. The fellowship provides financial assistance for Othman’s research in the months of June through August. His work focuses nanomaterials and the interface chemistry of materials and their bio(sensing) and environmental applications.

“I am truly grateful for the ECS Colin Garfield Fink Fellowship, donors, and committee of the award,” said Dr. Othman. “This fellowship highlights me and allows me to be recognized in the scientific community as well as to focus on my goal and additional educational opportunities. Thanks to your support, I am one step closer to my goal. I will do my best to keep up the great work.” (more…)

The Electrochemical Society (ECS) announces the awarding of the 2021 ECS Summer Fellowships. These fellowship awards assist students in the months of June through August pursue work of interest to the Society. The recipients must be enrolled in a college or university and a member of ECS. At the end of the award period, the recipients are required to submit a brief resume or abstract suitable for publication in The Electrochemical Society Interface concerning the work performed during the fellowship period. (more…)

Plan Ahead to Buy Lab Equipment

Alex Peroff, Ph.D.Alex Peroff, Ph.D.
Electroanalytical Scientist
Pine Research Instrumentation

We live in a world of instant gratification. Whether it’s streaming video from Netflix, food from Doordash, or next-day delivery from Amazon, we can have it with the click of a button. And in large part, scientific equipment suppliers are keeping up. From online portals generating fast purchase orders, to maintaining sufficient inventory, scientific equipment suppliers are meeting the needs of research scientists. However, as I mentioned briefly in an earlier ECS Blog post, COVID has affected the global supply chain, and its impact has trickled down to scientific equipment suppliers.

Most news headlines reflect the microchip shortage and its impact on the automobile industry. However, the microchip supply is not the only culprit. Automobile manufacturers grew accustomed to receiving parts quickly. As a result, they never kept extra chips in stock. Why keep additional inventory when it could be delivered at a moment’s notice? While it is undoubtedly a more economical and efficient system, its a vulnerability when your supplier can’t deliver on time. Having spare equipment to do your work is a lesson I learned early on when I was a graduate student. (more…)

Webinars on June 15, 17, 22, and 29

Participants are sought from across academia, National Laboratories, industry, and NGOs by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) to provide their expertise, insights, and vision for the use of electrochemical processes across the U.S. industrial sector.

Be an active participant or just a “listener” in a virtual workshop series examining how adopting electrochemical technologies and strategies could substantially improve the performance of the industrial sector, for example in energy productivity, thermal efficiency, reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, reduced number of process steps. Opportunities for technology development to accelerate commercial deployment will also be discussed.

Help identify technologies and associated R&D opportunities related to electrochemical processing systems used in major industries.

Assist in prioritizing the technical areas where AMO funding could have the greatest impact on manufacturing, energy efficiency, and greenhouse gas emission reduction.

Participate in the June 15 kickoff session to help set the agenda for the series. (more…)

NGenE 2021 Workshop: Inescapable

Streaming on YouTube June 14-16, 2021

Recent years have witnessed a boom in research areas leveraging electrochemistry for diverse uses and applications. The sixth annual Next Generational Electrochemistry Workshop—NGenE 2021—showcases the stunning breadth of topics that now depend on advances in electrochemical knowledge. Simultaneously, NGenE 2021 highlights how many unresolved questions cut across possible applications, meaning that progress at a fundamental level can have a widespread technological and social impact. 

The Electrochemical Society is a sponsor of the NGenE 2021 Workshop.

NGenE 2021: Inescapable
June 14-16, 2021
Where: Livestream via NGenE’s YouTube channel
Information and sign up for updates*
The FREE online program is open to anyone interested in learning more!

* Doctoral students and postdocs interested in being “in the room” with the panel, contact Thomas at


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This year’s Annual Society Business Meeting (ASBM) takes place virtually via webinar on Wednesday, June 2, 2021, at 1400h EDT. The meeting is open to all ECS members; registration for the 239th ECS Meeting is required to participate in the ASBM.

Looking back and ahead

At the ASBM, which is held annually during the ECS spring meeting, the Society reviews the past year’s successes and challenges and outlines plans for the coming year.

This year, a special ceremony will be held immediately following the ASBM to announce recent award winners and recognize some of our volunteers’ past service. (more…)

Presented by Prof. Daniel A. Scherson and Prof. Henry S. White from August 16-20, 2021

Daniel A. Scherson

Daniel A. Scherson

Henry White

Henry S. White

Event info
Annual Workshop on Electrochemical Measurement
Second Virtual Online Edition
Theory and Hands-on Experiments

Daniel A. Scherson
Case Western Reserve University

Henry S. White
University of Utah


Dr. Rodney Ruoff

Dr. Rodney Ruoff

Dr. Rodney Ruoff delivers the ECS Lecture on May 31

The ECS Lecture at the Plenary Session of the 239th ECS Meeting with IMCS18 will be delivered by Dr. Rodney Ruoff, Distinguished Professor in the Departments of Chemistry and Materials Science, and the School of Energy Science and Chemical Engineering at the Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), South Korea, and Director of the Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials (CMCM). The Plenary Session is from 2100-2200h EST on Monday, May 31, after which the content will be available through June 26, 2021. The 239th ECS Meeting with IMCS18 takes place in a digital format. There is no cost to participate, however pre-registration is required. (more…)

StorageX International Symposium

Building Energy Efficiency and Energy Storage

Sponsored by Stanford’s StorageX Initiative

Join Stanford StorageX for an interactive symposium series on the latest advances and breakthrough research in energy storage.

Global experts will cover materials, devices, systems, theory, simulation, and economics across the spectrum of energy storage applications – from electronics and EVs, to backing up the grid and renewables.

The series, hosted by StorageX faculty co-directors Yi Cui and William Chueh, is free and open to the public, registration required.

Dian Grueneich, Alexi Miller & Grace Relf

Friday, May 21, 2021: 7:00-8:45am Pacific Time
(14:00-15:45 GMT) (more…)

Focus on: The ECS Canada Section

Some attendees and sponsors of the digital 2020 ECS Canada Section Fall meeting.

Some attendees and sponsors of the digital 2020 ECS Canada Section Fall meeting.

A network of electrochemical researchers in Canada who are members of The Electrochemical Society (ECS) came together to form the ECS Canada Section. They aim to support electrochemical researchers and students throughout the country, and host semi-annual symposia. An important form of support are the division awards: the Canada Section Electrochemical Award, R.C. Jacobsen Award, and W. Lash Miller Award.

Biannual symposia

Current Challenges and Recent Advances in Electrochemical Technologies for a Sustainable Society, the section’s highly successful Fall Symposium (December 12, 2020), was organized and hosted by Dr. Byron Gates (Simon Fraser University, Canada) and members of his research team: Audrey Taylor, Merissa Schneider-Coppolino, Alexi Pauls, Kelsey Duncan, Rana Faryad Ali, Sakshi Sharma, and Dr. Gurbinder Kaur.

Don’t miss Electrochemistry for a Sustainable and Healthier Future, the section’s Spring Symposium on May 15, featuring keynote speaker Dr. Wolfgang Schuhmann, FRSC, Principal Investigator at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany, along with presentations by Shelley Minteer from the University of Utah, U.S., and representatives from leading Canadian institutions,  Sanela Martic (Trent University), Maria de Rosa (Carleton University), David Herbert (University of Manitoba), Leanne Chen (University of Guelph), and Philippe Dauphin Ducharme (Université de Sherbrooke). (more…)