These are the 2021 updated deadlines and submission guidelines for ECS division, section, and student chapter news to be considered for Interface.

2021 ECS Division, Section, and Student Chapter Submission Deadlines

Interface Issue

Submission Deadline

Anticipated Publication Date


January 15, 2021

March 26, 2021


April 15, 2021

June 25, 2021


July 15, 2021

September 24, 2021


October 15, 2020

December 24, 2021


The workshop date changed from May 2021 to November 16-17, 2021.

Laboratory Automation and Accelerated Synthesis: Empowering Tomorrow’s Chemist—A Workshop

The Chemical Sciences Roundtable is hosting a workshop exploring laboratory automation which can provide chemists and other scientists with the ability to create libraries of new compounds efficiently in unprecedented time. The promise of laboratory automation is much more realistic today with recent advances in various technologies than in years past. As technology improves, however, one must consider how best to automate the laboratory and train next-generation chemists, chemical engineers, materials and formulation scientists, and others. (more…)

ECS IE&EE Division member Prof. Mark Orazem (Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Florida) and his student William Watson published their ground-breaking impedance spectroscopy measurement model program, “EIS: Measurement Model Program.” It is available at no cost (for non-commercial use) on ECSarXiv, the Society’s free online service for preprints and other preliminary communications. Orazem began working on the program in the early 1990s. His undergraduate student, William Watson, provided the final key—using Python—to make distribution of the program viable. (more…)

ECS Implements Single Sign On

With the completion of the year-long project to implement Single Sign On (SSO), the electrochemical and solid state community can now log in to the ECS website with just one set of credentials, and have access to all ECS-approved applications and websites without having to having to log in again. SSO simplifies username and password management while improving identity protection, decreasing “password fatigue.”


At their next meeting, the ECS Board of Directors will vote on a proposal to change the name of the ECS Sponsorship Committee to the ECS Institutional Engagement Committee. The name change was proposed at a meeting during PRiME 2020.

 “We felt that the word ‘sponsorship’ did not clearly define the purpose of our committee. Our goal is to engage the broader electrochemical community. By defining our committee as the ECS Institutional Engagement Committee, we will reach both the academic and industrial members of our society,” said Committee Chair Marion Jones, of Scribner Associates, Inc.


ECS is proud to present Dr. Jie Xiao via webinar on November 11, 2020, at 1300h EST.

Electrochemistry in Rechargeable Lithium Metal Batteries

Dr. Jie Xiao
Laboratory Fellow and Group Leader of the Battery Materials & System Group, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 
Arkansas Research Alliance Scholar & Associate Professor, Inorganic Chemistry, University of Arkansas

Date: November 11, 2020

Time: 1300-1400h ET (more…)

The ECS Board of Directors chartered a new ECS section on October 16, 2020. With the addition of the ECS Pacific Northwest Section, the Society now hosts over 24 region-specific sections providing opportunities for regional scientists and engineers to connect with researchers and participate in various events. Jie Xiao, ECS Fellow and Battery Division Secretary, took the lead in chartering the section and now serves as its chair.

The ECS Pacific Northwest Section seeks to connect all interested parties from academia, industry, and government, and bridge a scientific gap while providing networking opportunities that could lead to new developments—and help members advance their careers. The section serves all of the universities and national labs in Washington State, Idaho, and Oregon. Xiao believes the section will bolster the growth of the electrochemistry and solid state science fields in the Pacific Northwest. (more…)

The student chapter program continues to expand because students around the world are excited to join ECS’s global community. On October 16, 2020, the Board of Directors approved the chartering of six new student chapters. (more…)

The ECS Detroit Student Chapter introduces “Trailblazers in Electrochemistry (Vision 2020),” a virtual seminar series featuring renowned electrochemists from across the globe discussing new ideas and long-term visions for electrochemistry research. An excellent line-up of speakers has accepted the chapter’s invitation to present oral presentations (abstracts attached):

Dat​e & time 


Seminar topic 

1400-1500h EST

Professor Patrick Unwin
University of Warwick, UK

“Correlative Electrochemical Multi-Microscopy: Building an Understanding of Electrochemical Interfaces from Local to Global”

1430-1530h EST 

Professor Adam Holewinski
University of Colorado, Boulder

“Efforts on gaining a mechanistic understanding in electrocatalytic syntheses with renewable feedstocks”

1400-1500h EST

Professor Shannon Boettcher
University of Oregon, Eugene

“Water Dissociation Catalysis”  


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