The following are the biographical sketches and candidacy statements for the candidates nominated for the position of ECS Sensor Division Treasurer.

ECS Sensor Division members are urged to take part in this important election! Voting begins September 1 and ends September 29.


IOPscience is IOP Publishing (IOPP)’s online publishing platform, and host of ECS content since the beginning of 2020. Users experiencing issues in downloading ECS content from IOPscience should first check that they are using an IOPP preferred browser. IOPP now only works with browsers which receive regular security updates from Microsoft, for example Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. Internet Explorer (IE) is not an IOPP preferred browser because it is no longer supported by Microsoft and does not receive regular security updates. (more…)

Q&A with Dr. Venkat Viswanathan

Venkat Viswanathan

On August 12, 2020, Venkat Viswanathan, Faculty Fellow at the Wilson E. Scott Institute for Energy Innovation and Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon Universitypresented his talk on “Autonomous Discovery of Battery Electrolytes with Robotic Experimentation and Machine Learning” via a live webinar presentation.

Dr. Viswanathan’s talk covered the importance of robotic experimentation, machine learning guided design of experiments, and the frontier of remote experimentation.

View Dr. Viswanathan’s webinar presentation, here.

* Note: You must fill out the registration form to view the webinar *

Following the talk, attendees were given the opportunity to ask Dr. Viswanathan questions in a Q&A session, available below. (more…)

StorageX International Symposium

An Online Series on Energy Storage

Sponsored by Stanford’s StorageX Initiative

Join Stanford StorageX for an interactive symposium series on the latest advances and breakthrough research in energy storage. (more…)

ECS is proud to present Chad D. Vecitis via webinar on August 26, 2020, at 1:00 pm ET.

Removal and Inactivation of Bacterial and Viral Species with an Electrochemical CNT Filter

Presenter: Chad D. Vecitis
CTO and Co-Founder of Nth Cycle
August 26, 2020
Time: 1-2 pm ET (more…)

Jean-Michel Savéant, Emeritus Professor at Université de Paris, France, and former Research Director at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), passed away on August 16th, 2020, at the age of 86. He was a giant of electrochemistry, combining a strong personality with extreme rigor and elegance in his work, deep creativity, and a communicative enthusiasm for ceaselessly exploring the frontiers of knowledge and chemical sciences.

Savéant’s scientific career is the story of the founding and development of molecular electrochemistry. He pioneered and developed most aspects of the field, from instrumentation to theoretical aspects and practical applications. (more…)

Following on ECS’s three hugely successful webinars in June, ECS is proud to present Venkat Viswanathan on August 12, 2020, at 1:00 pm ET.

Autonomous Discovery of Battery Electrolytes with Robotic Experimentation and Machine Learning

Presenter: Venkat Viswanathan, Faculty Fellow at the Wilson E. Scott Institute for Energy Innovation and Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University
Date: August 12, 2020
Time: 1-2pm ET (more…)

StorageX International Symposium

A New Online Series on Energy Storage
Sponsored by Stanford’s StorageX Initiative

Join Stanford StorageX for an interactive symposium series on the latest advances and breakthrough research in energy storage. (more…)

UPDATE: In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 11th International Frumkin Symposium on Electrochemistry has been postponed until October 2021 (expectedly October 18-22).

The symposium organizing committee hopes to proceed with the symposium in its originally planned format on this later date.

The symposium website, as well as the registration and abstracts submission engine, will remain fully operational so that previously submitted materials are kept active.

Further announcements will be available on here

Questions? Concerns? Reach out to Mikhail Vorotyntsev via email: (more…)

Francis D’Souza

Francis D’Souza

Dr. Francis D’Souza, Distinguished Research Professor of Chemistry at the University of North Texas (UNT), is one of the most recent recipients of the prestigious Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI) Medal. The award recognizes, promotes, and fosters talent in Chemistry and Chemical Sciences in order to improve the quality of Chemical Education at all levels.

Dr. D’Souza, an ECS member since 1993 and ECS Nanocarbons Division member since 2014, says he is honored to receive recognition from his motherland, in an article by UNT.

“Previous awardees have been from top-rated institutions across the globe. Getting this award while at UNT is something special for me,” says Dr. D’Souza.
