Jie Xiao, ECS Battery Division Secretary, is taking the lead on chartering an ECS Pacific Northwest Division and requests the support of ECS members in Washington and Oregon. With so many well-established and startup companies, research-intensive universities, and a large national lab located in Washington and Oregon, it is timely to form an ECS Pacific Northwest Section.
Deadline Extended for IE&EE New Eletrochemical Technology Award
Posted on July 2, 2020 by Genevieve GoldyThe nomination deadline for the IE&EE Division New Electrochemical Technology (NET) Award has been extended to July 15, 2020! Take advantage of this extension to submit your nominations today!
A research strategy for ocean carbon dioxide removal and sequestration
This summer, you may find yourself on the shore’s edge admiring the vastness and beauty of the ocean. There’s a lot going on in there! According to The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the ocean covers about 70% of the Earth’s surface and buffers a large fraction of anthropogenic CO2 emissions—removing roughly 55% of emitted CO2 naturally. BUT, it may be possible to enhance both the uptake and longer-term sequestration potential of these processes. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is looking to do just that and are currently soliciting nominations for individuals to serve on the Committee on A Research Strategy for Ocean Carbon Dioxide Removal and Sequestration. (more…)
We are pleased to announce the release of the 2019 Annual Report of The Electrochemical Society (ECS).
“2019 was an amazing year for ECS. From new beginnings and partnerships to unprecedented growth in publications and meetings—and longtime ECS members being recognized for ground-breaking achievements—the Society’s vision and mission advanced dramatically through the efforts of our community (volunteers, members, constituents, and staff). The successes of 2019 have positioned the Society to endure the unprecedented challenges of 2020,” said Chris Jannuzzi, ECS Executive Director and CEO.
In the report, you will find:
- Reports on the expansion of ECS’s community, meetings, publications, and program participants
- Profiles of ECS’s three 2019 Nobel Laureate members
- Summaries of ECS’s support for members including fellowships and awards
- A snapshot of our audited finances and investments in 2019
- A statement of gratitude for ECS’s diverse supporters
StorageX Initiative Presents Doron Aurbach and Kang Xu on June 26
Posted on June 25, 2020 by ECS StaffRegistration is free and open to all!
On Friday, June 26, At 700 am PT (1400 GMT), the StorageX International Symposium features JES Technical Editor Prof. Doron Aurbach of Bar Ilan University speaking on “Frontiers in R&D of high energy density rechargeable batteries,” and Dr. Kang Xu, US Army Research Laboratory, presenting “Interphases: what, how and why.”
Learn more and register here!
Reserve your spot! The Canada Section of The Electrochemical Society will hold its Annual General Meeting by Zoom video conference at 1300h (EDT) on July 7, 2020. All ECS Canada Section members are invited to attend. Advanced registration is required.
Join us for the 2020 Annual Society Business Meeting (ASBM) of the Electrochemical Society, taking place on Tuesday, June 30, from 1400-1500h EDT. Due to COVID-19, for the first time in ECS’s history, the ASBM will be hosted virtually. We hope you will be part of this special online event.
Reserve your place at the Annual Society Business Meeting
View meeting agenda and minutes from the 2019 ASBM
Connect with members and colleagues as you share in stewardship of the Society. Learn important updates on the state of ECS—including the latest plans for PRiME 2020—through presentations by President Stefan De Gendt, Treasurer Gessie Brisard, Secretary Marca Doeff, and Executive Director Chris Jannuzzi.
Call for Nominations: 2020 Energy Technology Division Research Award
Posted on June 15, 2020 by Genevieve GoldyDeadline for Nominations: September 1, 2020
The Energy Technology Division Research Award was established in 1992 to encourage excellence in energy related research and to encourage publication in the Journal of The Electrochemical Society. The award recognizes outstanding and original contributions to the science and technology of energy related research areas that include scientific and technological aspects of fossil fuels and alternative energy sources, energy management, and environmental consequences of energy utilization.
On May 14, 2020, the ECS Board of Directors approved a proposal by the Individual Membership Committee to grant student members full voting rights.
Student Membership Expands
Student members are the fastest growing segment of The Electrochemical Society. From 2010 to 2019, student membership grew by nearly 30 percent. Since 2016, ECS Student Chapters doubled to more than 100 chapters. Excellent and highly active student chapters are located around the globe. News about these chapters and their activities is chronicled in recent issues of Interface. In the period from 2010 to 2019, student members showed tremendous passion for ECS and supporting its key missions. Students are an invaluable part of the Society’s membership and community. (more…)
Annual Workshop on Electrochemical Measurements this August!
Posted on June 10, 2020 by Jennifer OrtizJoin Case Western Reserve University’s
Annual Workshop on Electrochemical Measurements
The Virtual Online Edition
Theory and Hands-On Experiments