In the age of Open Access, web browsers have become the search option of first choice for most researchers. Chrome, Explorer, and Bing can reach out across the whole of the internet in response to a query and pull in more results than would be found in any one online repository.

Similarly, the search features available on hosting platforms are becoming simpler and more streamlined. This reflects the growing number of journals being hosted across single platforms in order to enhance search functionality across multiple titles. Therefore, those searching for specific content must tailor their search parameters to the way the function works. (more…)

The ECS San Francisco Section is proud to present Distinguish Seminar speaker Shirley Meng on May 18 at 1100 (PST) via Zoom:

Li Metal Anode – Advanced Characterization for Next Generation Energy Storage Materials

Shirley Meng, PhD
Zable Endowed Chair Professor in Energy Technologies and
Professor of NanoEngineering and Materials Science
University of California San Diego

When: Monday, May 18, 2020
 1100-1200h PST
Join Zoom Meeting:

Free participation; no advance registration required (more…)

Thermo Fisher ScientificECS is proud to work with all our exhibitors, and particularly now with PRiME 2020 exhibitor Thermo Fisher Scientific, which is aggressively responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Most recently, Thermo Fisher Scientific’s CEO Marc Casper announced the company’s goal to produce 5 million coronavirus tests per week. (more…)

Posted in Announcements

IOP Publishing (IOPP), the publishing partner of The Electrochemical Society, has become the first publisher to integrate its ScholarOne article submission system with the Editage Online System, allowing authors using Editage services to submit directly to IOPP.

“I am thrilled that our authors will benefit from these types of advances that IOP Publishing is making in their publishing operations. As a partner using ScholarOne, ECS authors engaging in Editage’s services can submit directly to our journals, which helps minimize the time spent in getting their manuscript into the editorial review process,” says Beth Craanen, Director of Publications. (more…)

Deadline: Monday, July 27, 2020

Are you an undergraduate, graduate student, postdoctoral researcher, young professional, or faculty member presenting a paper at PRiME 2020? Many ECS divisions and sections offer travel grants to help fund travel to the meeting. See which ECS divisions and sections are offering travel grants —and their specific requirements.  (more…)

2020 Leadership Circle Award Winners

Since 2002, long-term ECS supporters and partners in electrochemistry and solid state science have been recognized through the Leadership Circle Awards. The awards are granted in the anniversary year an institutional member reaches a milestone level. Recipients receive a commemorative plaque and credit in ECS publications. 

ECS gratefully acknowledges the institutional members receiving the 2020 Leadership Circle award. (more…)

Kiana Amini, department of chemical engineering PhD candidate at the University of Waterloo, has some tips on how you can stay scientifically productive during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

In an article published on the University of Waterloo blog, Amini says although most in-person classes, events, and research operations are now remote, which presents its challenges, it also presents many opportunities. (more…)

Posted in Education

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has released a memorandum, entitled, “Administrative Relief for Recipients and Applicants of Federal Financial Assistance Directly Impacted by the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) due to Loss of Operations.” According to NSF, the purpose is to implement flexibilities authorized by Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Memorandum M-20-17 from specific administrative, financial management, and audit requirements contained in 2 CFR Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, without compromising accountability requirements. The document highlights flexibilities that are applicable to NSF proposers and awardees affected by the loss of operational capacity and increased costs due to the COVID-19 crisis. Learn what they are, here. (more…)

ECS Webinar Sponsorship Opportunities

ECS Webinar Sponsorship hosted by IOP Publishing and

ECS is hosting a series of webinars presented by distinguished speakers in June. Series sponsorship gives businesses unique visibility with the electrochemistry and solid state science community. ECS Webinar Sponsorship is hosted by IOP Publishing and

Webinar Title Presenter Date ECS Award

New Directions for Energy from Sunlight

Harry Atwater

June 10, 2020

ECS Lecture from the 237th ECS Meeting

Intricacies of High-Energy Cathodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries

Arumugam Manthiram

June 17, 2020

Henry B. Linford Award Address for Distinguished Teaching

Electrochemical CO2 Reduction: Path Towards a Carbon Neutral Chemical Industry?

Paul Kenis

June 24, 2020

Energy Technology Division Research Award Address

All webinars are hosted from 1pm-2pm ET. (more…)

Celebrate Earth Day with ECS


We are indeed living in a unique and challenging time in human history. Never before, in the modern age, have we faced a pandemic with such a profound, global impact as COVID-19. Although we are still very much in the initial grip of this unprecedented catastrophe, it is vital—perhaps more than ever before—that we recognize and celebrate Earth Day and its 50th anniversary. (more…)