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The ECS community is one-of-a-kind. Researchers, engineers, students, established professionals, and early career researchers in the electrochemical and solid state science and technology, and allied fields rely on the Society as a trusted resource throughout their careers.

From networking events, professional development workshops, biannual meetings, ECS’s journals, and more, The Electrochemical Society is a platform that touches many aspects of our members’ professional lives. (more…)

Since the COVID-19 outbreak began, governments, universities, and businesses have pivoted to remote classrooms and workplaces for everyone’s safety. Out of necessity, students and faculty have rapidly adapted to online teaching and learning to finish the spring term—but recreating the lab experience remotely has been more challenging. Beyond academia, the lockdowns have disrupted researchers in government and industry labs, negatively impacting timelines and objectives. At the same time, the challenges that the solid state and electrochemical sciences are tackling have not gone away, leading to more stress and frustration. (more…)

Last November, ECS Executive Director and CEO Christopher Jannuzzi and ECS Director of Community Engagement Shannon Reed attended the Chemical Sciences Roundtable (CSR) Electrochemistry Workshop in Washington, DC, which focused on the Advances, Challenges, and Long-Term Opportunities in Electrochemistry: Addressing Societal Needs.

The event, hosted by NAS and NSF, explored how electrochemistry can transform technologies related to various applications. The focus was on the instrumentation, education, and other needs required to advance the electrochemical field. (more…)

To Our Valued ECS Media Advertisers

With the entire world online, contact Anna Olsen at to consider how you can engage with the ECS community via our many digital media channels.

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Given the unprecedented times that we are facing on a global scale, we understand that individual researchers and institutions have been impacted in ways most of us have never experienced. Please know that ECS’s first priority is the health and safety of all. To that end, ECS staff has fully transitioned to working remotely, enabling us to maintain our critical operations despite the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. (more…)

ECS and IMCS Montreal Meeting Update

Dear Friends,

On behalf of the ECS Board of Directors, we are writing to share the news that in light of the COVID-19 pandemic we are faced with the unfortunate, albeit inevitable decision to cancel the 237th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, scheduled for Montreal, Canada May 10-14. In addition, the collocated International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS), has voted to postpone their meeting to a date that has yet to be determined. (more…)

ECS Upcoming Meeting Status

Dear ECS Members and Constituents,

Because the health and safety of our community is our top priority, we at ECS Headquarters continue to closely monitor the developments related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) and the impact it will have on ECS activities.

As of this writing, the 237th ECS Meeting with IMCS 2020 are planned to take place as scheduled in Montréal, Canada, May 10-14, 2020.


Nomination Deadline: April 1, 2020

ECS’s Electrodeposition Division is accepting nominations for two awards: the Electrodeposition Division Early Career Investigator Award and the Electrodeposition Division Research Award. The award winners are recognized at PRiME 2020 in Honolulu, Hawaii, from October 4-9, 2020.

Electrodeposition Division Early Career Investigator Award

The Electrodeposition Division Early Career Investigator Award was established in 2015 to recognize an outstanding early career researcher in the field of electrochemical deposition science and technology. Early recognition of highly qualified scientists is intended to enhance his/her stature and encourage especially promising researchers to remain active in the field. (more…)

IOP Publishing (IOPP) and The Electrochemical Society’s partnership is setting records!

IOPP recently celebrated its millionth article, reached in part, due to ECS’s publishing partnership with IOPP which went into effect this year. ECS’s move to their online publishing platform, IOPscience, brought over more than 150,000 papers, helping IOPP achieve the extraordinary achievement. (more…)

UPDATE: In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 11th International Frumkin Symposium on Electrochemistry has been postponed until October 2021 (expectedly October 18-22). Learn more here.

Inviting all ECS members

In honor of the 125th anniversary of the birth of famous electrochemist Alexander N. Frumkin, the organizing committee of the Frumkin symposium invites all ECS members for participation on

October 19-23, 2020 in Moscow, Russia

The symposium covers principal areas of modern electrochemistry. It will be carried out in the form of eight parallel sections: (more…)