244th Z01 General Student Poster Session Award Winners

244th Z01 General Student Poster Session Award Winners (from left to right): Gianmarco Gabrieli, Amina Lahrichi, and Ho Lun Chan. Photo courtesy of Marie Ullnert, Happy Visuals

Congratulations to Gianmarco Gabrieli, Amina Lahrichi, and Ho Lun Chan, winners of the 244th ECS Meeting Z01 General Student Poster Session Awards. Over 169 posters were submitted! Please take a moment to celebrate all the Z01 participants’ excellent work!

Z01 General Student Poster Session awards

Join us in congratulating this meeting’s winners: (more…)

The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) issued a new Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) encouraging Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) to submit proposals for new Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST Center) addressing the social, political, cultural or cognitive dimensions of “advancing emerging technologies.”  

CREST projects are five-year research awards that increase research capacity and infrastructure at MSIs.


244th ECS Meeting DEVguide is Live!

The Electrochemical Society’s Digital Exhibitor & Vendor Guide (DEVguide) is now available.

Today and tomorrow’s top electrochemists, solid state science engineers, scientists, and industry leaders search here.

Review the latest electrochemistry and solid state science products in real time. DEVguide is designed for ease of navigation on any platform, making user experience highly positive. (more…)

The 244th ECS Meeting Exhibit Hall in Gothenburg, Sweden, is sold out. ECS can no longer accept names for the waitlist.

A total of 52 exhibitors covering 55 booths will be present at the meeting, displaying the greatest innovations in the industry, including cutting-edge instruments, materials, systems, publications, and software, as well as other products and services. Don’t miss this great opportunity to network—or discover the strategies and best offerings of the industry’s top brands.

Review the list of 244th ECS Meeting exhibitors.


Malgorzata Norek

Malgorzata Norek

Małgorzata Norek
Associate Professor
Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland

Date: October 4, 2023
Time: 1000–1100h ET
Sponsors: BioLogic

Register (more…)

David Theuerkauf

David Theuerkauf

Register for David Theuerkauf’s September 20 seminar

The ECS Detroit Section invites you to an in-person seminar with David Theuerkauf, Technical Sales Specialist, AVL North America, at 1800h on September 20, 2023, at Mercedes-Benz R&D North America.


In constructed lithium ion batteries, only voltage, current, and temperature can be measured. This leads to difficulty making in situ analysis of electrochemical properties. Measuring and sourcing current at a high level of quality, 0.005% of full scale range, is considered ultra-high precision coulometry. Analysis of ultra-high precision coulometry metrics can be made by running cells at a slow 16-hour charge and discharge rate, with stable environmental control. These metrics can be used to compare degradation rates and anticipated rollover failure, quickly compare different potential chemistries or electrolytes, or detect lithium plating. (more…)

Arumugam Manthiram

Arumugam Manthiram

Arumugam Manthiram
George T. and Gladys H. Abell Endowed Chair of Engineering
The University of Texas at Austin

Date: September 20, 2023
Time: 1000–1100h ET
Sponsors: EL-Cell, BioLogic, TA Instruments – Waters, WITec

Register (more…)

Doris Hung

Doris Hung

Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific 

The ECS Pacific Northwest Section is pleased to announce that Chih-Hsuan (Doris) Hung of the University of Washington received the 2023 Pacific Northwest Section Electrochemistry Student Award Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific

The award recognizes Hung’s contributions to modeling, analysis, and design of three-dimensional Lithium ion batteries (LIBs) and her contributions to K-12 education through the development and dissemination of science and engineering educational materials with an emphasis on clean energy and inclusivity. (more…)

Nomination Period: September 1 through February 1

Do you know an ECS member who has advanced individual technological contributions in the field of electrochemical and solid state science and technology and is actively involved in the affairs of The Electrochemical Society? Why not nominate them to receive the prestigious title of Fellow of the Electrochemical Society. Nominations are now being accepted for the 2024 Class of ECS Fellows! (more…)

Voting open from September 1-29

The 2023 election for ECS High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes (H-TEMP) Division officers and members at large takes place via electronic proxy from September 1 through September 29.

We urge all ECS H-TEMP Division members to take part in this important election!

We have a great slate with two candidates for division treasurer. Their biographical sketches and statements follow along with voting instructions. (more…)