Malgorzata Norek

Malgorzata Norek

Małgorzata Norek
Associate Professor
Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland

Date: October 4, 2023
Time: 1000–1100h ET
Sponsors: BioLogic

Register (more…)

David Theuerkauf

David Theuerkauf

Register for David Theuerkauf’s September 20 seminar

The ECS Detroit Section invites you to an in-person seminar with David Theuerkauf, Technical Sales Specialist, AVL North America, at 1800h on September 20, 2023, at Mercedes-Benz R&D North America.


In constructed lithium ion batteries, only voltage, current, and temperature can be measured. This leads to difficulty making in situ analysis of electrochemical properties. Measuring and sourcing current at a high level of quality, 0.005% of full scale range, is considered ultra-high precision coulometry. Analysis of ultra-high precision coulometry metrics can be made by running cells at a slow 16-hour charge and discharge rate, with stable environmental control. These metrics can be used to compare degradation rates and anticipated rollover failure, quickly compare different potential chemistries or electrolytes, or detect lithium plating. (more…)

Arumugam Manthiram

Arumugam Manthiram

Arumugam Manthiram
George T. and Gladys H. Abell Endowed Chair of Engineering
The University of Texas at Austin

Date: September 20, 2023
Time: 1000–1100h ET
Sponsors: EL-Cell, BioLogic, TA Instruments – Waters, WITec

Register (more…)

Shoji Hall

Dr. Shoji Hall

Register for Dr. Shoji Hall’s September 14 Webinar

Join the ECS National Capital Section webinar on Thursday, September 14, 2023, from 1200-1300h ET, when Dr. A. Shoji Hall of Johns Hopkins University presents his work on “Atomic-scale Insights into Electrocatalyst Structure and Function.”

Speaker: Dr. A. Shoji Hall
Assistant Professor
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Johns Hopkins University
Date: September 14, 2023
Time: 1200-1300h ET (more…)

Section’s 2023 Annual Conference

The ECS Pacific Northwest Section is hosting a joint electrochemistry conference with the Oregon Center for Electrochemistry (OCE) from September 21 – 22, 2023, on the University of Oregon (UO) campus in Eugene, OR. The conference is free to attend with pre-registration, and participants are welcome to present their work in a lively poster session.

Register Today!


Prof. Yue QiRegister for Prof. Yue Qi’s August 23, 2023, seminar

The ECS Detroit Section invites you to an in-person seminar with Prof. Yue Qi from the Brown University School of Engineering. (more…)

Dr. Venkat Subramanian
Ernest Dashiell Cockrell II Professor of Engineering
Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering & Material Science Engineering
Affiliated Faculty, Oden Institute for Computational Engineering & Sciences
Texas Materials Institute
The University of Texas, Austin

Date: August 2, 2023
Time: 1300–1400h ET
Sponsor: BioLogic, TA Instruments – Waters, Hiden Analytical


Presented by Prof. Daniel A. Scherson and Prof. Andrew A. Gewirth from August 7-11, 2023

Daniel A. Scherson

Daniel A. Scherson

Andrew A. Gewirth

Andrew A. Gewirth



Event info

Annual Workshop on Electrochemical Measurement
The Hybrid Edition: Theory and Hands-On Experiments

Principal lecturers

Daniel A. Scherson
Case Western Reserve University

Andrew A. Gewirth
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


STEMThe Directorate for Stem Education of the National Science Foundation (NSF) has announced new award opportunities for FY 2023 and FY 2024 in two programs, Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) and Experiential Learning for Emerging and Novel Technologies (ExLENT).T

According to the June 13, 2023, “Dear Colleague Letter” (DCL Document number nsf23118), these efforts are intended to build on or leverage strong industry-academic partnerships to strengthen the semiconductor manufacturing workforce by advancing and supporting the development of a skilled STEM workforce in advanced memory manufacturing and/or semiconductor manufacturing and design. The goal is to meet the critical need to expand domestic “semiconductor research and development, design, and manufacturing” and fill the talent shortage in the domestic semiconductor industry through inclusive and equitable STEM education opportunities.


Letter of intent due July 13, 2023

The Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HCBU) Excellence in Research Program (HBCU-EiR) provides opportunities to stimulate sustainable improvement in research and development capacity. HBCU-EiR grants seek to create stronger connections between HBCU researchers and the National Science Foundation (NSF) by funding research projects aligned with NSF’s research programs.

The program was established in response to direction provided in the Senate Commerce and Justice, Science and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee Report (Senate Report 115-139) and is built on prior and continuing efforts by the NSF to strengthen research capacity at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). This report provided guidance to NSF to establish the HBCU Excellence in Research program “to provide opportunities for both public and private HBCUs, particularly for those who have not been successful in larger NSF Research & Related Activities competitions, in order to stimulate sustainable improvement in their research and development capacity”  (

Learn more


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