Electrochemistry is the magic that binds together the many fields that excite Professor Bilge Yildiz, ECS Awarded Life Member and recipient of the 2012 ECS Charles W. Tobias Young Investigator Award—and invited speaker in the 241st ECS Meeting Symposium I05: Mechano-Electro-Chemical Coupling in Energy Related Materials and Devices 4. Prof. Yildiz was named a 2021 Fellow of the American Physical Society for “innovative contributions to understanding and manipulating ionic defects and charge transport at electro-chemo-mechanically coupled oxide interfaces and devices.” (more…)

Topic Close-up #8

Symposium F02 – Electrochemical Separations and Sustainability 4    

Deadline for Submitting Abstracts: April 23, 2021     


Submit today!


Electrochemistry in Orbit

Guest blog by Dr. Alyson Lanciki, Scientific Editor, Metrohm International

For over twenty years now, there has been continuous human occupation off our planet.

The International Space Station (ISS), launched in 1998, is a modular satellite in low orbit around the Earth, which is visible even with the naked eye.

In October, NASA launched an Antares rocket carrying a Cygnus resupply ship. This cargo ship carried an experimental system on board used to study the oxidation of ammonia under microgravity conditions to convert urine into water on the ISS. Improving this waste management system has far-reaching repercussions for longer exploratory missions where the weight of the payload must be optimized with the amount of water needed (which is heavy) to sustain life during the trip. Given the limited resources aboard a spaceship, the recovery of water from all processes is of great importance. (more…)

ECS is pleased to announce the winners of the PRiME 2020 symposia-funded best poster and presentation awards!

Awards of this type are presented at every ECS meeting thanks to the generous funding of individual symposium sponsors. Please take a moment to celebrate the excellent work of the authors listed below.

If you missed the opportunity to view these presentations, there is still time! All presentations are accessible until November 9, 2020! Pre-registration is required. (more…)

UPDATE: In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 11th International Frumkin Symposium on Electrochemistry has been postponed until October 2021 (expectedly October 18-22).

The symposium organizing committee hopes to proceed with the symposium in its originally planned format on this later date.

The symposium website, as well as the registration and abstracts submission engine, will remain fully operational so that previously submitted materials are kept active.

Further announcements will be available on here

Questions? Concerns? Reach out to Mikhail Vorotyntsev via email: mivo2010@yandex.com. (more…)

Q&A with Dr. Paul Kenis

On June 24, 2020, Dr. Paul Kenis, 2020 winner of the Energy Technology Division Research Awardpresented his talk on “Electrochemical CO2 Reduction: Path Towards a Carbon Neutral Chemical Industry?” via a live webinar presentation.

Dr. Kenis’s talk covered a summary of the status of CO2 electrocatalysis, the techno-economic and life-cycle analysis of CO2 electrolysis to identify remaining hurdles, and the prospects of CO2 electrolysis technology contributing to a future sustainable chemical industry.

View Dr. Kenis’s webinar presentation, here.

Following the talk, attendees were given the opportunity to ask Dr. Kenis questions in a Q&A session, available below. (more…)

Join Case Western Reserve University’s
Annual Workshop on Electrochemical Measurements
The Virtual Online Edition
Theory and Hands-On Experiments


Endowed by the Dow Chemical Company Foundation to recognize significant advances in industrial electrochemistry, the IE&EE Division New Electrochemical Technology (NET) Award is the only award in the ECS Honors & Awards Program presented to an organization. The award promotes high quality applied electrochemical research and development, and highlights novel electrochemical technology practiced at a commercial scale.


Deadline: June 15, 2020

In our series, The ECS Community Adapts and Advances, Netzahualcóyotl (Netz) Arroyo-Currás talks about his lab’s challenge as part of the pandemic response of Johns Hopkins Medicine, which is at the forefront of COVID-19 research. Soon after classes went online and labs were shuttered, his team shifted gears to quickly design a COVID-19 diagnostic device to help meet the urgent need to re-open work and study environments. Netz also reports that despite drawbacks, he finds that online teaching and learning has created good opportunities for developing, sharpening, and showcasing knowledge and skills.

Netz Arroyo Addresses Urgent Needs

“We were in full lockdown when the Provost’s Office called for internal applications to develop COVID-19 diagnostic tools. We had a week to develop an idea, form a team, put a proposal together, and submit it. Then came revisions and presentations. Within two weeks…my lab, in collaboration with two other labs, was awarded the funding to pursue the development of a diagnostic device that is electrochemical in nature. We’re in very early stages but…made a commitment to finish it in three months, in light of the pressing need.”


NGenE 2020 Goes Digital!

Next Generation Electrochemistry (NGenE) will be going digital for 2020! The FREE online program will focus on the frontiers of electrochemistry and is open to anyone interested in learning more! The program will be concentrated into four panels across two days and free for anyone anywhere in the world to view live via YouTube.

RSVP to receive updates and links to the panels or email Thomas Aláan at talaan@uic.edu to be placed on the list. (more…)

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