Proposal Submission Deadline: January 31, 2020

ECS, in partnership with the Toyota Research Institute of North America (TRI-NA), a division of Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing North America, Inc. (TEMA), requests proposals from young professors and scholars pursuing innovative electrochemical research in green energy technology for the ECS Toyota Young Investigator Fellowship for Projects in Green Energy Technology.

Today’s automotive industry faces three environmental and energy issue challenges: finding a viable alternative energy source as a replacement for oil; reducing CO2 emissions; and preventing air pollution. While the demand for oil alternatives—i.e., natural gas, electricity, and hydrogen—is expanding, oil remains the main source of automotive fuel. Further research and development of alternative energies can offset alternatives’ drawbacks and bring change. (more…)

New deadline for submitting abstracts:
Monday, December 2, 2019
Submit today!


Review the full Call for Papers and also visit the ECS blog to check out topic close-ups for select symposia. No abstracts will be accepted after the extended date.

The 237th ECS Meeting with the 18th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS 2020) takes place in Montréal, Canada, from May 10-14, 2020.

We hope to see you in Montréal!

These are the 2020 updated deadlines and submission guidelines for division, section, and student chapter news to be considered for Interface.

2020 Submission Deadlines for Divisions, Sections, & Student Chapters
Interface Issue Submission Deadline Anticipated Publication Date
Spring January 15, 2020 March 27, 2020
Summer April 15, 2020 June 26, 2020
Fall July 15, 2020 September 25, 2020
Winter October 15, 2020 December 25, 2020


Submit division news to

Submit section and student chapter news to (more…)

Mahsa Ebrahiminia (Photo by Gleb Yushin)

ECS is pleased to announce the winners of symposia-funded best presentation awards from the 236th ECS Meeting in Atlanta. Through the generous funding of individual symposium sponsors, several awards of this type are presented at every ECS meeting. You are invited to celebrate the excellent work of these authors:

A05 – Lithium Ion Batteries – Best Poster Award Winners

Thank you to Livent, Arbin Instruments, and Gamry Instruments, Inc. for their generous sponsorship of this symposium.

Mahsa Ebrahiminia, University of Utah: “Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of Ion Transport, Structural and Mechanical Properties of Li2CO3 and Mn-Li-CO3(more…)

Deadline for submitting abstracts
December 2, 2019
Submit today!

Topic Close-up #7

Symposium B02: Carbon Nanostructures in Medicine and Biology

Symposium focus:

Nanocarbons have unique electronic, optical, and structural properties that enable new applications in biology and medicine. These may include but are not limited to assays, imaging tools, sensors, and therapeutics. The session covers areas including the development of new materials, characterization, uses/demonstration of pharmacology or effects in vitro and in vivo, plant biology applications, and clinical uses.

Nanocarbons Division SES Research Young Investigator Awardee and Keynote Speaker: Prof. Markita Landry, Assistant Professor, University of California at Berkeley


2019 ECS Young Author Awards

Jan Schwämmlein and Jiancheng Yang won the ECS 2019 Young Author Awards.  The awards were presented at the 236th ECS Meeting in Atlanta, GA, on October 13-17, 2019. Schwämmlein received the Norman Hackerman Young Author Award for his paper, “Origin of Superior HOR/HER Activity of Bimetallic Pt-Ru Catalysts in Alkaline Media Identified via Ru@Pt Core-Shell Nanoparticles.” The prize, which honors corrosion expert Norman Hackerman, is given to the best paper published in the Journal of The Electrochemical Society in the previous year. Yang received the Bruce Deal and Andy Grove Young Author Award for his paper, “2300V Reverse Breakdown Voltage Ga2O3 Schottky Rectifiers.” This award, established in honor of semiconductor industry pioneers Andy Grove and Bruce Deal, recognizes the best paper published in the ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology in the previous year. The two young authors’ articles are free to read. They join a distinguished group of scientists; Stanley M. Whittingham, co-winner of the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, won the ECS Young Author’s Award in 1971.


Congratulations to Siegfried R. Waldvogel who received the 2020 ECS Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Division Manuel M. Baizer Award in recognition of his significant contributions to the field of organic electrochemistry. The award is sponsored by The Electrosynthesis Company, Inc. and Monsanto Company. A symposium and reception in his honor will be held at the 237th ECS Meeting with IMCS 2020.

Siegfried R. Waldvogel

Waldvogel received his PhD in 1996 from the University of Bochum/Max-Planck-Institute for Coal Research. After postdoctoral research at the Scripps Research Institute, he worked at the University of Münster, then as professor of organic chemistry at the University of Bonn. Waldvogel became a full professor in 2010 at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. He has recently been named the director of the Gutenberg University Forschungskollegs.

Long Luo, the featured speaker at ECS Detroit Section’s November 21 meeting, presents:

“Bubble-based electrochemical methods for detection of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in water”

Long Luo

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry
Wayne State University
Detroit, Michigan (more…)

From left to right: Ramchandra Gawas, Thomas Lee Spencer, and Junpei Koike; photo by Robb Cohen Photography and Video

Established in 1993, the General Student Poster Session Awards acknowledge the excellence of students’ work. The winners display their understanding of research topics in fields of interest to The Electrochemical Society (ECS).

This year, at the 236th ECS Meeting in Atlanta, GA, almost 600 students submitted posters to the General Student Poster Session. Of them, three student posters stood out above the rest.

The recipients of the 235th ECS Meeting’s best poster awards are:

1st Place – $1,500 cash award
Ramchandra Gawas, Drexel University
Poster # 2310
Ionic Liquid Composite Electrocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction(more…)

Shimshon Gottesfeld received the 2019 Olin Palladium Award at the 236th Electrochemical Society (ECS) Meeting.  The award recognizes distinguished contributions to the field of electrochemical or corrosion science.  Gottesfeld talk, “Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells: Recognition of a Field of Electrochemistry for Technical Contributions Made by Outstanding Technical Teams,” is on Wednesday, 16 October, at 1640h in Galleria 2.

Shimshon Gottesfeld

Gottesfeld is an emeritus member and fellow of ECS.  He received his PhD in chemistry from Technion – Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa. He joined the staff of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Tel Aviv in 1972. Gottesfeld spent an extended sabbatical leave between 1977 and 1979 at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, New Jersey. In 2015, Gottesfeld was nominated adjunct professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering of the University of Delaware. (more…)

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