Deadline for submitting abstracts
December 2, 2019
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Topic Close-up #5

Symposium D01: Dielectrics for Nanosystems 8: Materials Science, Processing, Reliability, and Manufacturing

Symposium focus:

The eighth edition of the Dielectrics for Nanosystems symposium, sponsored by the Dielectric Science and Technology Division, will be held at the 237th ECS meeting. The symposium, which started at the 206th ECS Meeting in Hawaii in 2004, is being held after a gap of four years. It will outline the role of dielectrics in research areas of advanced nanosystems involving electronic, optical, magnetic, mechanical, biological, and chemical systems, including sensing devices and energy sources. (more…)

Deadline for submitting abstracts
December 2, 2019
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Topic Close-up #6

Symposium L05: Composite Electrodes

Symposium focus: Multicomponent composite electrodes are an essential feature of a variety of electrochemical devices such as batteries, fuel cells, supercapacitors, and hybrid systems, and their proper design is key to ensuring that optimum kinetics and mass transport are achieved during operation. Several phases must meet in these composite systems, such as a gas diffusion electrode of a polymer electrolyte fuel cell, for the electrochemistry to take place, which requires the combination of good materials selection and processing protocols. (more…)

Deadline for submitting abstracts
December 2, 2019
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Topic Close-up #4

Symposium A04: Battery Student Slam 4

Symposium focus: This special symposium is dedicated to students working on energy storage and energy conversion. In the student slam, students have the opportunity to present flash oral presentations on their work in a 10-minute time slot. All students enrolled at a valid degree-granting institution may submit an abstract describing their presentation. (more…)

In September 2019, at the 16th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XVI), Symposium Chair Subhash Singhal presented a plaque from The Electrochemical Society (ECS) to Yukiko Dokiya, the widow of Professor Masayuki Dokiya. Also present were daughter Fumiko Dokiya, her husband Hironobu Dokiya, and their daughter Yoko Dokiya and son Masahiro Dokiya.  The plaque thanked the Dokiya family for their generous contribution in Masayuki’s memory. The gift made possible the creation of the Dokiya Fund of The Electrochemical Society in 2004. From 2004 to 2019, the Fund provided financial travel assistance to 128 Dokiya Fund Travel Grant Recipients to attend ECS and other related meetings around the world in their pursuit of electrochemical science and technology to benefit mankind. (more…)

Women at the Forefront of Science

As ECS celebrates the 40-year-anniversary of its first female president, Joan Berkowitz, it is important to note that ECS has a tradition of showcasing women in the sciences at its meetings. Carol A. Bessel, acting division director at the National Science Foundation (NSF), was the highlighted speaker at the annual business meeting at the 235th ECS Meeting. Valerie Browning, director of the Defense Advances Research Projects Agency (DARPA)’s Defense Sciences Office (DSO), will deliver the ECS Lecture at the plenary session of the 236th ECS Meeting. If including, recognizing, and hearing women is critical to attracting and retaining talented women in the sciences, then Bessel and Browning are shining examples of women leading the way. (more…)

Christopher Jannuzzi, Executive Director and CEO of The Electrochemical Society (ECS), is featured in SciTech Europa Quarterly, a digital publication bringing together the key voices in the European scientific community and the leading trends in science, research and innovation. Jannuzzi describes the distinguished history of ECS, which was founded in 1902 and has grown to a society with over 8,000 members in 80 countries. The core mission remains the same: to advance theory and practice at the forefront of electrochemical and solid state science and technology, and allied subjects. However, with 13 electrochemistry and solid state science and technology divisions, the application—and vital significance—of electrochemistry has grown exponentially. The research published in ECS journals is of huge importance to the future of our planet. ECS makes it freely available to all readers—and free for authors to publish—through a bold and exciting open access initiative, “Free the Science.” Read the full article in SciTech Europa Quarterly now.

Elon Musk promised—and Jeff Dahn delivered! With the publishing of a ground-breaking paper in the Journal of The Electrochemical Society (JES), Dahn announced to the world that Tesla may soon have a battery that makes their robot taxis and long-haul electric trucks viable. Dahn and his research group is Tesla’s battery research partner. Dahn says “… that cells of this type should be able to power an electric vehicle for over one million miles and last at least two decades in grid energy storage.

According to Doron Aurbach, JES batteries and energy storage technical editor, “This comprehensive article is expected to be impactful in the field of batteries and energy storage. It is a very systematic study by one of the most renowned and prestigious electrochemistry groups in the world. It was a pleasure for me as a technical editor to handle this paper. It substantiates all the statements about the truly high quality and importance of JES, one of the leading and most prestigious journals in electrochemistry. JES provides an excellent service to the global electrochemistry community—and thousands of ECS members—regardless of ‘impact factors.’” As of today, Dahn’s JES article has received over 31,563 abstract views, over 17,000 articles downloads, and quotes in news outlets around the world. (more…)

Recent growth in space-related activities has presented numerous opportunities for electrochemistry in space. That’s why Greg Jackson, chair of the ECS High-Temperature Energy, Materials & Processes Division (H-TEMP) and mechanical engineering professor at the Colorado School of Mines, took it upon himself to bring the first-ever symposium dedicated to “Electrochemistry in Space” to the 236th ECS Meeting.

“As a board member and someone who cares about the Society expanding its audience, I felt that there are many activities going on in regards to applying electrochemistry in space and the uniqueness of the space environment merited a special symposium,” said Jackson, lead symposium organizer.

The potential for increased lunar and Martian activities with in situ resource utilization (ISRU), human space flight, and in-space satellite maintenance, and space debris management present many technical challenges and opportunities where electrochemistry plays a central role. (more…)

The new deadline is October 8, 2019.

The Electrochemical Society Nanocarbons Division established the Award in 2018 to encourage excellence in nanocarbons research. The award recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the understanding and applications of carbon materials.

ECS invites nominations for the Robert C. Haddon Research Award of qualified individuals who have made outstanding achievement in, or scientific contribution to, the science of fullerenes, nanotubes and carbon nanostructures. The award consists of a scroll, a $1,000 prize, and assistance up to $1,500 to facilitate attendance at the award presentation. ECS has 13 electrochemistry and solid state science and technology divisions, each of which has robust awards and travel grant programs. (more…)

Deadline for submitting abstracts
December 2, 2019
Submit today!

Topic Close-up #3

Symposium D02: Nanoscale Luminescent Materials 6

Symposium focus: This symposium—the sixth in a bi-annual series—focuses on those characteristics of nanoscale materials that relate to their luminescence properties. Relevant topics include: effects of quantum confinement, the role of surface states, loss mechanisms, methods to improve luminescence efficiency, bulk vs. nanoparticle luminescence, and the role of phonons in nanomaterials. (more…)

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