Deadline for submitting abstracts
December 2, 2019
Submit today!

Topic Close-up #2

Symposium H02: Advanced CMOS-Compatible Semiconductor Devices 19

Symposium focus: This symposium will focus on the studies of new devices, circuits and applications for Moore and More-than-Moore technology. (more…)

Koen KasWhat do Koen Kas and Valerie Browning have in common? They were both chosen to deliver The Electrochemical Society (ECS) Lecture at meeting plenary sessions. ECS selects only the most prestigious and forward thinking specialists to present these lectures. Koen Kas delivered the ECS Lecture at the 235th ECS Meeting. Valerie Browning will present the ECS Lecture at the 236th ECS Meeting. Plenary session attendees get to meet the speakers. So be sure to mark your calendar for Browning’s presentation in October at the plenary session of the ECS Meeting.

The ECS Lecture presenters speak on topics that are important for electrochemical and solid state scientists. Koen Kas is a lifetime member of ECS.  A renaissance man, Kas is known as a healthcare futurist, entrepreneur, professor of molecular oncology, acclaimed international keynote speaker, and author.


Students: Show Off Your Work

Show off your work at the 237th ECS Meeting with IMCS 2020. Students and early career professionals can present their research at special symposia.

A04 Student Battery Slam 4: Students present ten-minute flash oral presentations on their battery technology work. Awards are given for the three best talks.

Z01 ECS General Student Poster Session: Students deliver oral or poster-form presentations on their research results in electrochemical and solid-state science and technology. A competition for the best posters and papers is part of the session.

The meeting is in Montréal, Canada from May 10-15, 2020. The deadline to submit abstracts is November 15, 2019.



Jeff Dahn

More efficient, longer-lasting batteries are needed to ensure the future of the electric vehicle market. Thanks to Jeff R. Dahn and his Dalhousie University research team, a “million-mile battery” may soon be a reality. Dahn is Tesla’s battery research partner. In “A Wide Range of Testing Results on an Excellent Lithium-Ion Cell Chemistry to be used as Benchmarks for New Battery Technologies,” Dahn describes a new Li-ion battery cell with a single crystal NMC cathode and an advanced electrolyte. The new battery should power an electric vehicle for one million miles and last at least 20 years in grid energy storage—making Tesla’s electric-powered semi-autonomous driving cars and trucks viable.


NGenE class of 2017. Photo credit: University of Illinois at Chicago

Electrochemists—are you looking for the next challenge in your career? Are you prepared to examine the gaps in the electrochemical science field and willing to take a step back to find new, innovative solutions?

Next Generation Electrochemistry (NGenE), a summer institute on the frontiers of electrochemistry, is offering a one-week NSF-funded Summer Institute program at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) June 3-7, 2019 to do just that. Experienced students and young postdocs are encouraged to apply.

Application Deadline: May 1


Allen J. Bard

Allen J. Bard, regarded as the “father of modern electrochemistry,” was recently announced the winner of the 2019 King Faisal International Prize in Science. According to UT NEWS, the University of Texas at Austin professor of chemistry received $200,000 and a gold medal from the King Faisal Foundation, as a result of the big win.

Bard, an ECS member for over 50 years, is a big believer in chemistry—the chemistry found among people.

“There’s a chemistry that can develop in a group, and that chemistry can lead to very good science,” says Bard.

So it’s no surprise that his team player mentality has indeed led him to “very good science,” so good it earned him the international award, given to only those who have made outstanding contributions in physics, chemistry, biology, or mathematics through original scientific research that brings major benefits to humanity.


It’s winter. And with that comes heavy coats, icy winds, and occasionally, below freezing temperatures: conditions not favorable for batteries.

Car batteries

Temperature extremes, in general, are not favorable to batteries. According to Lifewire, lead-acid batteries drop in capacity by about 20 percent in normal to freezing weather, and down to about 50 percent in temperatures that reach about -22 degrees Fahrenheit.

As a result, you may find your car battery giving out on any given winter morning. This is due to reduced capacity and increased draw from starter motors and accessories. This is because starter motors require a tremendous amount of amperage to get going: knocking out the capacity of even the newest batteries. (more…)

The new organ-on-a-chip biosensor

Photo Credit: Michael Daniele

A new biosensor has been developed that allows researchers to track oxygen levels in real time in “organ-on-a-chip” systems, according to North Carolina State University. The organ-on-a-chip makes it possible to ensure that bodily systems more closely mimic the function of real organs. The goal is to use these organs-on-a-chip to expedite drug testing and development by evaluating the effectiveness of new drugs with small-scale, biological structures that mimic a specific organ function, such as transferring oxygen from the air into the bloodstream in the same way that a lung does.


IE&EE Division Awards

Nomination Deadline: September 15, 2018

Are you a student of electrochemical engineering and/or applied electrochemistry?  Do you teach or mentor students within these areas?  If the answer is ‘yes’ to either question, then the following information is for you! The ECS Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division invites you to nominate qualified student (s) for the following division awards:


For the legendary actor Alan Alda, it was the same curiosity that drew him into acting that propelled him into the world of science.

“I remember as a kid always trying to figure out why things were the way they were. How they got to be the way that they were,” says Alda. He was fascinated with the world around him, from examining a flame at the end of a candle to contemplating human behavior. “Why did adults say the things they said and why they behave the way they did?”

Then, an opportunity arose that mixed a little bit of each world. Alda was asked to host the television show Scientific American Frontiers. A show that discussed new technologies and discoveries in science and medicine.

“I said ‘yes’ on the condition I could actually interview the scientists and not just read a narration,” says Alda, “because I really wanted to hear from the scientists about their work. And I wanted to understand it better. That kind of lead to what I do now which is to help scientists communicate better.”
