Submission deadline: September 24, 2021

The 240th ECS Meeting will be the first face-to-face meeting in two years! If you missed the opportunity to submit your abstract, and are interested in participating in our event, it is not too late to join us!

Researchers now have the opportunity to submit a late poster presentation and attend the meeting in person, as well as upload their digital presentation files (video, and/or slide deck or poster) for on-demand viewing.

Late presenters who are unable to attend the meeting may still participate by uploading their files (video, and/or slide deck or poster), which will be made available for on-demand viewing. (more…)

Looking back and forward to the 240th ECS Meeting

On June 14, 78 graduate and undergraduate students from around the world received notification that their posters had been chosen for exhibition at the Z01 General Student Poster Session at the 240th ECS Meeting in Orlando, FL, from October 10-14, 2021. The poster session is a forum for students to present research results to ECS meeting attendees including the most active researchers in electrochemistry and solid state science and technology. Students choose to be part of the competition for cash awards recognizing the best poster presentations.


We are excited to announce that registration for the 240th ECS Meeting in Orlando, FL is now open! The meeting takes place from October 10-14, 2021, at the Orange County Convention Center.


Posted in Meetings

Register now!

ECS is offering virtual Short Courses beginning in September 2021 and as part of the 240th ECS Meeting in October 2021.

Popular ECS Short Courses deliver in-depth education for students and seasoned professionals on a wide range of electrochemical and solid state science topics. Novices and experts advance their technical expertise and knowledge through personalized instruction by academic and industry experts in an intensive short time period.

Don’t miss the opportunity to participate online in these courses! (more…)

Students submitted 41 posters to the 239th ECS Meeting Z01 General Student Poster Session. Judges reviewed the digital presentations and chose the following for awards. Congratulations to the winners!

Please take a moment to celebrate the excellent work of the authors listed below. If you missed viewing the poster presentations, they are accessible online through June 26, 2021. There is no fee, however registration for the meeting is required. (more…)

This year’s Annual Society Business Meeting (ASBM) takes place virtually via webinar on Wednesday, June 2, 2021, at 1400h EDT. The meeting is open to all ECS members; registration for the 239th ECS Meeting is required to participate in the ASBM.

Looking back and ahead

At the ASBM, which is held annually during the ECS spring meeting, the Society reviews the past year’s successes and challenges and outlines plans for the coming year.

This year, a special ceremony will be held immediately following the ASBM to announce recent award winners and recognize some of our volunteers’ past service. (more…)


Take a smart step: view the Digital Exhibitor & Vendor Guide (DEVguide)!

In today’s world, where everything is digital, the DEVguide is the perfect way to reach your target audience. Grab their attention as our community views the latest products in electrochemistry and solid state science in real time. Effortless navigation is at your fingertips as the DEVguide easily navigates on any platform. 


A special livestream event at the 239th ECS Meeting with IMCS18 features representatives of a subcommittee of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Basic Energy Science Advisory Committee (BESAC) reporting on research and requesting input on the future of international scientific research. “Benchmarking Innovation: The Future of International Scientific Research” takes place on June 1, from 1400-1500h EDT after which the content will be available through June 26, 2021. The 239th ECS Meeting with IMCS18 is digital. There is no cost to participate, however pre-registration is required.

Benchmark Study

The BESAC subcommittee is conducting an international benchmark study with the goal of identifying key areas of its mission-relevant research and facility capabilities in which U.S. leadership is most challenged. The presenters will also advise participants on new ways to leverage limited resources and identify incentives to attract and retain scientific talent. The session includes a live panel discussion and moderated Q&A. (more…)

Marc Koper

Marc Koper

Koper Delivers Bard Award Address on June 3

The Electrochemical Society (ECS) honored Marc Koper, Professor of Surface Chemistry and Catalysis at Universiteit Leiden, Netherlands, with the 2021 ECS Allen J. Bard Award in Electrochemical Science. He will deliver his Award Address, “Electrochemistry of Platinum: New Views on an Old Problem,” at the 239th ECS Meeting with IMCS18. The address can be seen live online at 0900h EDT, Thursday, June 3, after which it will be available through June 26, 2021. There is no cost to participate, however pre-registration is required.

Bard Award Address

Koper’s address, “Electrochemistry of Platinum: New Views on an Old Problem,” presents his research group’s recent work on understanding the surface chemistry of platinum in an aqueous electrolyte, by combining single-crystal electrochemistry, density functional theory calculations, ultra-high-vacuum modeling, in situ spectroscopy, and in situ electrochemical scanning tunneling microscopy. Platinum is the most used electrocatalyst in electrochemical energy conversion devices such as fuel cells and electrolysers. Koper challenges some existing explanations and interpretations of platinum electrochemistry, and shows the sometimes surprising surface disordering of platinum that happens at both positive (anodic) and negative (cathodic) potentials. (more…)

Dr. Rodney Ruoff

Dr. Rodney Ruoff

Dr. Rodney Ruoff delivers the ECS Lecture on May 31

The ECS Lecture at the Plenary Session of the 239th ECS Meeting with IMCS18 will be delivered by Dr. Rodney Ruoff, Distinguished Professor in the Departments of Chemistry and Materials Science, and the School of Energy Science and Chemical Engineering at the Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), South Korea, and Director of the Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials (CMCM). The Plenary Session is from 2100-2200h EST on Monday, May 31, after which the content will be available through June 26, 2021. The 239th ECS Meeting with IMCS18 takes place in a digital format. There is no cost to participate, however pre-registration is required. (more…)