Chris Jannuzzi

ECS Executive Director & CEO Chris Jannuzzi

The Electrochemical Society meetings’ plenary sessions provide unparalleled opportunities for participants. Christopher J. Jannuzzi, ECS Executive Director and CEO, described these benefits in his introduction to the 235th ECS Meeting. The plenary session brings everyone together. Colleagues create long-lasting collaborative efforts. Participants enrich and energize their professional lives. New friends are made and old friends revisited. Leading authorities showcase important innovations in the electrochemical and solid state sciences which can impact attendees’ research.

Last spring, at the 235th ECS Meeting’s plenary session, Héctor Abruña and David Lockwood received Society Awards. They spoke on new research in energy conversion and storage, and silicon-based photonic integrated circuits. (more…)

Deadline for submitting abstracts
December 2, 2019
Submit today!

Topic Close-up #1

Symposium IMCS 03: Electrochemical and Metal Oxide Sensors

Symposium focus: There has been a long history to the development of electrochemical (based on ionic conduction; potentiometric, amperometric, and mixed potential) and metal oxide (based on electronic conduction; conductometric) gas sensors. Their optimization and min-iaturization is a source of continued research. The major focus is to improve selectivity, stability, and reproducibility of the sensor response in addition to novel methods for syn-thesis of metal oxide nano-hetero-structures with unique properties and novel sensing mechanisms, and the characterization of the arrays of metal oxide sensors. All relevant topics on gas sensors and biosensors based on electrochemical principles including am-perometric, potentiometric, mixed potential and conductometric devices for both room temperature and high temperature gas sensing are welcome. (more…)

Going to 236th ECS Meeting?

What you need to know before you go

Success in the industry takes more than a passion for science—it requires staying up to date on industry trends, presenting and publishing your research, and expanding your network. Not only will you find all of this at an ECS meeting, but a little preparation goes a long way when it comes to making the most of your time during the week.

Plan ahead


David Lockwood

David Lockwood

The Electrochemical Society values professional and volunteer achievement in the multi-disciplinary sciences. The ECS awards reflect the professional recognition of peers. At meeting plenary sessions, participants from every symposia come together to recognize award winners—some of the greatest minds in the field—and learn about their latest research.

ECS Fellow David J. Lockwood received the Gordon E. Moore Award for Outstanding Achievement in Solid State Science and Technology at the plenary session of the 235th ECS Meeting. This award recognizes outstanding contributions to the fundamental understanding and technological applications of solid state materials, phenomena, and processes. Lockwood is a physicist and researcher emeritus at the National Research Council of Canada. His research centers on the optical properties of low-dimensional materials and focuses on Group IV and III-V semiconductor nanostructures. Lockwood presented “Silicon-Based Photonic Integrated Circuits: The Quest for Compatible Light Sources” at the 235th ECS Meeting Plenary Session. (more…)


The 236th ECS Meeting is the prologue to your success story. As a must-attend event for professionals from across the globe, you will be introduced to industry trends, unbeatable content, insights, and players who can put you on the path toward climbing your career ladder.

Our guide to making career strides: (more…)

Over 2,400 abstracts across 51 symposia from the upcoming 236th ECS Meeting in Atlanta are now available for download in the ECS Digital Library!

ECS Meeting Abstracts contain extended abstracts of the technical papers presented at the ECS biannual meetings, ECS joint meetings, and ECS-sponsored meetings. This publication offers a first look into the current research in the field. ECS Meeting Abstracts are freely available to all visitors of the ECS Digital Library. Learn more about our other open access publishing opportunities here!

Did you know? All ECS Transactions, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, and ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology articles that develop out of ECS Meeting Abstracts are linked back to their original abstracts in the digital library. (more…)

ECS Awards Honor the Outstanding

Héctor D. Abruña


The Electrochemical Society presents prestigious awards at its meetings that recognize outstanding scientific achievement and acknowledge exceptional service to the Society. These sessions are a great opportunity to meet peers and learn more about the leading lights of electrochemistry, as well as early-career scientists and doctoral, post-doctoral, and graduate students—the future of our field.

Among the major society awards presented at the 235th ECS Meeting, Héctor D. Abruña received the Allen J. Bard Award in Electrochemical Science. Abruña is recognized internationally as a leader in electrochemistry and analytical chemistry. Attendees gained insights into his important research and future directions—and so can you by viewing his award address, “Energy Conversion and Storage: Novel Materials and Operando Methods.” (more…)

Interested in Being a Session Chair?

Session chairs serve as an integral role in the ECS meetings. We try our best to encourage early-career risers, post-grads, and young authors to get involved in the meetings by acting as session chairs. Although this is a volunteer-based program, it is a great networking opportunity, as it puts you in front of other scientists, engineers, and researchers sharing their work.

Interested in being a session chair at a symposium at the 237th ECS Meeting with the 18th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS 2020) in Montréal? Check out the call for papers and reach out to the lead organizer!

Read the here guidelines for session chairs.

Save $125!


The 236th ECS Meeting is just around the corner. With five days of technical programing including 2,400 abstracts in 52 symposia, the meeting is sure to have something of interest for everyone. In addition to the technical program, check out some of the other exciting events we have planned.


Call for Student Volunteers

Apply today to serve as a student volunteer at the 236th ECS Meeting in Atlanta, GA. Volunteers receive 50% off their meeting registration, a student mixer ticket, a complimentary student membership for one year, and a volunteer t-shirt too!

As a student volunteer, you will work closely with the ECS staff and meet your fellow ECS members and meeting attendees.

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to network and engage with meeting attendees, symposium organizers, and ECS staff! Multilingual speakers are highly encouraged to apply! (more…)