Submit Your Abstract for ECEE 2019

Abstract submission for ECEE 2019 is now open!

Join us at the Electrochemical Conference on Energy and the Environment (ECEE 2019): Bioelectrochemistry and Energy Storage, which will be held in Glasgow, Scotland from July 21-26, 2019 at the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Center.


Michel FoureBy: Michel Foure, Berkeley Interview Consulting

Scientists and engineers often find themselves trapped in a career that is far from fulfilling their dreams and aspirations. It is not for a lack of working hard. It is simply because they have not learned or (re)discovered the keys to build a very successful career.

Strategic Tools for a Successful Career, being offered at AiMES 2018, is filled with hands-on exercises. The participants will actively engage these essential principles.


Dennis W. HessBy: Dennis W. Hess, Georgia Institute of Technology

Engineers and scientists typically work in teams whether employed in industry, government, academia, or national laboratories. In these teams, a leader is appointed who is responsible for ensuring collaboration, synergy, effectiveness, and efficiency when addressing problems and performing research, development, or manufacturing functions.

I will be offering practical leadership strategies during the professional development workshop Managing and Leading Teams at AiMES 2018.

Top 6 Reasons to Attend AiMES 2018

The Moon Palace in Cancun, MexicoSave $125 on AiMES 2018 Registration!
Register Today

Early bird registration and room discount ends August 27.

Join us as ECS and SMEQ come together for the AiMES 2018, a joint meeting of the 234th ECS Meeting, the XXXIII Congreso de la Sociedad Mexicana de Electroquimica, and the 11th Meeting of the Mexico Section of the Electrochemical Society.


Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
December 28, 2018
Submit today!

Topic Close-up #1

Symposium G02: Processes at the Semiconductor Solution Interface 8

Symposium Focus: This symposium will address the most recent developments in processes at the semiconductor/solution interface including etching, oxidation, passivation, film growth, electrochemical and photoelectrochemical processes, water splitting, electrochemical surface science, electroluminescence, photoluminescence, surface texturing, and compound semiconductor electrodeposition, for photovoltaics, energy conversion, and related topics. It will include both invited and contributed papers on both fundamental and applied topics of both bulk and nanoscale materials.


Join The Electrochemical Society on August 19–23 at the 256th ACS National Meeting & Exposition in Boston, MA.

The ACS meeting is a great opportunity for ECS to connect with our members and other interested scientists, researchers, and academics to discuss what’s new and exciting in the field and with ECS. The ACS meeting offers a place for chemistry professionals to meet and share ideas. There will be over 16,000 attendees and over 300 exhibitors at this year’s Boston meeting, offering workshops, career training, social events, new technology and research, and career development opportunities.


Moon PalaceOver 2,100 abstracts across 53 symposia from the upcoming AiMES 2018 Meeting in Cancun, Mexico are now available for download in the ECS Digital Library!

ECS Meeting Abstracts contain extended abstracts of the technical papers presented at the ECS biannual meetings, ECS joint meetings, and ECS-sponsored meetings. This publication offers a first look into the current research in the field. ECS Meeting Abstracts are freely available to all visitors of the ECS Digital Library.  Learn more about our other open access publishing opportunities here!


Eric Wachsman

(Eric Wachsman will be presenting Safe, High-Energy-Density, Solid-State Li Batteries at AiMES 2018 in Cancun, Mexico on October 1, 2018.)

Behind the wheel of a ’68 Dodge Charger, Eric Wachsman discovered his passion for clean energy technology. He was a teenage boy in high school, and the open road was calling out to him.

“I just lived for cars,” says Wachsman, who serves on the ECS board of directors. “I could not wait to get my first car.”

So when he hit the road in his $1,500 hot rod, loaded with a holley double pumper carburetor, headers. “You name it.” He was thrilled. “That thing was the fastest thing around.”

However, life on the road soon came to a screeching halt.


Delegates from the 6th Annual India Section School held in December 2017.

ECS sections serve an integral role within the Society. Many sections offer opportunities for members and student members to connect with their regional peers and host local symposia/meetings. Like our divisions, the sections help to serve the mission of ECS.

The Society provides services for sections to assist with marketing, meeting registration, and member recruitment. The services available are:


An ECS editor recently shared a peculiar, but not uncommon, experience in the world of publication. He and a colleague were chatting, when she began to share details of a recent experience she had. She had been invited to speak at an international conference in Europe. Before she accepted, she looked at the plenary speaker, who was advertised extensively, and was a Novel Laureate. She was told the registration fee of $800 and travel expenses would not be covered, however, after reviewing the event, she decided to accept. When she arrived, she soon realized the only “name” person at the meeting was the Nobel Laureate and attendance was very low.

According to Physics Today, it’s not unusual for speakers invited to give keynote addresses to be tricked for the organizer’s profit.
