Early bird registration for AiMES 2018 in Cancun, Mexico is now open! We are excited to invite you to the Americas International Meeting on Electrochemistry and Solid-State Science (AiMES 2018), a joint conference of the 234th ECS Meeting, the XXXIII Congreso de la Sociedad Mexicana de Electroquimica (SMEQ), and the 11th Meeting of the Mexico Section of ECS.
Why attend?
As a must-attend event for scientists and engineers from across the globe, AiMES 2018 will introduce you to the latest research trends, and industry leaders, all of which will help you make major strides in your career. The unique blend of electrochemical and solid state science and technology at AiMES 2018 provides a forum to learn and exchange information on the latest scientific and technical developments in a variety of interdisciplinary areas. Look through the technical program to see a full list of the topics that will be covered.