Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
March 30, 2018
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Topic Close-up #11

Symposium E04: Electrodeposition of Reactive Metals and Alloys for Energy Storage

Symposium purpose is to bring together experts from the fields of electrodeposition and energy storage to discuss and learn about the science and technological issues in this fascinating topic which we share. Electrodeposition or plating of reactive compounds is common place in energy storage applications such as metal-air, lithium metal and next generation sodium, magnesium or calcium battery concepts. On the other hand, high quality coatings of reactive metals and alloys such as aluminum, magnesium, vanadium and zinc find applications in anti-corrosion coatings, microelectronics, fuel cells, electrolyzers, supercapacitors and sensors. We welcome all abstracts about novel deposition processes, electrolytes and additives, insights in kinetics, nucleation and growth phenomena, as well as on advanced applications in this field.

Confirmed Invited Speakers include Dr. Fanny Barde of Toyota Motor Europe, Dr. Debra R. Rolison of NRL, Prof. Craig B. Arnold from Princeton University, Prof. Takayuki Homma from Waseda University and Snehashis Choudhury, young investigator at Cornell University (group of prof. Lynden Archer).

Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
March 30, 2018
Submit today!

Topic Close-up #10

Symposium G02: Atomic Layer Deposition Applications 14

Symposium Focus: This symposium focuses on a variety of applications of ALD and other atomic layer-by-layer processing in semiconductor CMOS (e.g. high-k oxides and metals for memories like Flash and 3D NAND, MIM, MIS capacitors), photovoltaics, energy storage and conversion, catalysis, optics and photonics, smart coatings of nanoporous materials, MLD and hybrid ALD/MLD, fundamentals of ALD processing: reaction mechanisms, in-situ measurement, modeling, theory, new precursors and delivery systems, optical and photonic applications, productivity enhancement, scale-up and commercialization of ALD equipment and processes for rigid and flexible substrates, including roll-to-roll deposition, spatial ALD, area-selective ALD, Atomic Layer Etching (‘reverse ALD’) and related topics aiming at self-limited etching.


Short Courses in Seattle

Short CourseECS has scheduled three short courses to be held at the 233rd ECS Meeting in Seattle, WA. The courses will be held on Sunday, May 13, 2018 from 0900h to 1430h. Registration for a short course includes a breakfast (0800-0900h), lunch, and morning/afternoon coffee breaks.

The offerings are:

Short course #1: Advanced Impedance Spectroscopy | Course description
Mark Orazem, Instructor

Short course #2: Rechargeable Battery Materials | Course description
Shirley Meng and Boryann Liaw, Instructors

Short course #3: Electrodeposition Fundamentals and Applications | Course description
Stanko Brankovic and Giovanni Zangari, Instructors

Pre-registration for a short course is required by Monday, May 7, 2018. The registration fee for each course includes participation in the course, materials, continental breakfast, luncheon, and refreshment breaks; the short course registration fee does not include or apply to the general meeting registration, and it is not applicable to any other activities of the meeting. All individuals participating in short courses along with the meeting are required to register for both events.

Register by the early bird deadline of April 9, 2018 to receive a meeting and short course registration discount!


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The 233rd ECS Meeting will take place May 13-17, 2018 at the Seattle Sheraton and Washington State Convention Center.

If our strong technical program, of over 2,600 abstracts being presented in 43 symposia across five days, wasn’t enough of a reason to join us, check out some of the other exciting events taking place in Seattle.


Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
March 16, 2018
Submit today!

Meeting speakerTopic Close-up #9

Symposium G03: SiGe, Ge, and Related Compounds: Materials, Processing, and Devices 8

Symposium Focus: This meeting is the 8th International ECS SiGe Symposium for the past 16 years ( It will provide a forum for people from industry, research institutions, and academics around the world to gather together in an unique and relaxed environment, reviewing and discussing materials and device related aspects of SiGe, Ge, and Related Compounds (Group IV incl. C and Sn alloys, and III/V on Si, as well as 2D materials). There are 10 areas of interests covering very broad spectrum from devices to fundamental material characterization, to stimulate information exchange and innovations, 1) Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors, 2) FET Technology, 3) Optoelectronics, 4) Epitaxy, 5) Emerging Applications, 6) Processing, 7) Strain Engineering, 8) Surfaces and Interfaces, 9) Related Compounds, 10) Metrology and Characterization.


ECS meeting attendeesJoin us as ECS comes to the Seattle Sheraton and Washington State Convention Center in Seattle, WA! Our strong technical program of 2,600 abstracts being presented in 46 symposia over five days will have something for everyone!

ECS meetings are well known for their strength in areas such as batteries/energy storage, fuel cells/energy conversion, carbon nanostructures, semiconductors, sensors, corrosion, and more. In addition, the Seattle meeting will explore newer areas such as materials recycling, data science for modeling and design, consumer products, and flexible electronics.

Take a moment and read a few topic close-ups, and see what is in store!


Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
March 16, 2018
Submit today!

Meeting SpeakerTopic Close-up #8

Symposium G01: Semiconductor Wafer Bonding: Science, Technology, and Applications 15

Symposium Focus: The fifteenth symposium solicits original theoretical and experimental papers that document new developments and cover the full range of basic science, process technologies, and product applications of semiconductor wafer bonding (direct, anodic, thermo-compression, eutectic, adhesive bonding). Besides permanent bonding, temporary wafer bonding technique deserves also to be discussed regarding all the recent development in many 3D applications. Fundamental aspects of interest include surface preparations for bonding, film transferring, low temperature bonding, surface activation at bonding interfaces, bonding techniques, novel material composites to synthesize heterostructures. Presentations characterizing currently utilized materials and processes, as well as novel approaches to new materials systems and modeling and process simulations are encouraged. Practical aspects of interest include innovative developments in product architecture and new integration and processing schemes for microelectronics, photonics, MEMS, microtechnologies, nanotechnologies and other relevant applications.

Invited Speakers from CEA-Leti, imec, EVG, KTH, Qromis, and more will be featured during the symposium.

Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
March 16, 2018
Submit today!

Speaker at ECS meetingTopic Close-up #7

Symposium H07: Electronic, Thermal, and Electrochemical Properties of Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs): Technology, Applications, and Emerging Devices

Symposium Focus: The 1st International Symposium sponsored by the Electronics and Photonics Division of the Electrochemical Society brings together researchers in chemistry, materials science, physics, devices and process engineers and related interdisciplinary areas, to seek and capture the state-of-the art in MOF based fundamental aspects and latest technological applications. This symposium offers a new interdisciplinary and international platform, and aims to contribute towards advancing the fundamental understanding of the layered MOF thin films and aiming to improve technological applications thereof. Original contributions are solicited that cover all fundamental and applied aspects including electronic, thermal and electrochemical transport properties and phenomena, device/ system fabrication and integration of MOF thin films into emerging technological device applications. All oral presentations will be grouped into topical sessions. Invited Keynote speakers will present critical reviews covering recent advances and future directions in the diverse field of fundamental and applied MOF properties.


Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
March 16, 2018
Submit today!

Speaker at ECS meetingTopic Close-up #6

Symposium G05: Materials, Formulation, and Processes for Semiconductor, 2.5 and 3D Chip Packaging, and High Density Interconnection PCB

Symposium Focus: This symposium focuses on issues pertinent to advances in semiconductor interconnects beyond the 20 nm technology node as well as novel materials and integration methods for 2.5D and 3D interconnects. An emerging technology or device architecture called 2.5D and 3D integration is based on the system performance gains that is achieved by chip stacking and vertically interconnecting distinct device layers. Since electrochemical processes are the ultimate solution to create smaller size and lower cost devices, both practical and fundamental aspects of electrochemical processes are of high demand. Ideally, this symposium will bring researchers together to discuss various aspects of device architecture, novel materials, chemical formulation, packaging approaches and nano-scale fabrication methodologies.


Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
March 16, 2018
Submit today!

ECS meeting speakerTopic Close-up #5

Symposium D06: Surface Characterization and Manipulation for Electronic Applications

Symposium Focus: The properties of interfaces underpin many of the advances and emerging applications in electronics. From studies of charge transport in molecular electronics to interactions between biomolecules in bioelectronics sensing, the ability to understand and control interfacial properties is more important than ever. This symposium aims to address interfacial properties in a variety of electronic applications, where the functionalization of interfaces is demonstrated and characterized in order to advance understanding and to enable new devices and device applications.
