Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
March 16, 2018
Submit today!

ECS Topic Close-up #4

Symposium A07: Battery Safety and Failure Modes

Symposium Focus: Long life, high power, reliable and safe lithium-ion batteries are needed for new consumer electronics, vehicle and grid storage applications. Demands for increased battery functionality, makes the severity of a potential battery safety incident a growing risk for emerging lithium-ion battery technologies. The objective of this symposium is to address lithium-ion battery durability, reliability and safety from a materials and cell design perspective with the goal of reducing the severity of an energetic safety incident. Better understanding of battery failure modes and effects could enable cell and system design improvements, performance enhancements and facilitate regulatory approvals of advanced lithium-ion battery power systems.


Six Reasons to Join ECS in Seattle

Top 6 reasons to attend the next ECS meeting

ECS biannual meetings are a forum for sharing the latest scientific and technical developments in electrochemistry and solid state science and technology. Scientists, engineers and industry leaders come from around the world to attend the technical symposia, poster sessions, and professional development workshops. Not to mention exciting networking opportunities and social events.


Exhibit and sponsor deadline March 9!

ECS Exhibit HallDon’t miss the opportunity to sponsor or exhibit at our largest spring meeting ever! Join us as ECS heads to the Seattle Sheraton and Washington State Convention Center in Seattle, WA from May 13-17, 2018, for the 233rd ECS Meeting. This is a can’t miss event for electrochemists and solid state scientists, featuring over 2,600 abstracts in over 50 symposia.

In addition to long running symposia on batteries, semiconductors, fuel cells, fullerenes, and luminescent materials, the Seattle meeting will also explore newer areas such as materials recycling, data science for modeling and design, consumer products, and flexible electronics.

This meeting is the perfect opportunity to get your products and services in front of our specialized audience of leading scientist and engineers!

Reserve a booth or browse our sponsorship options
Return applications by Friday, March 9, 2018

If your organization is interested in exhibiting or sponsoring, please contact Ashley Moran, ECS corporate programs manager, via email.

Support the ECS Data Sciences Hack Week

ECS Data Science Hack WeekBuilding on the success of the first ECS Data Sciences Hack Day at the 232nd ECS Meeting this past October 2017, ECS is pleased to offer another opportunity at the 233rd ECS Meeting in Seattle this May.

ECS Data Sciences Hack Week is the Society’s foray into building an electrochemical data sciences and open source community from the ground up. Dataset sharing and open source software have transformed many “big science” areas such as astronomy, particle physics, synchrotron science, protein and genomic sciences, as well as computational sciences. The goal of this event is to increase awareness and impact of data science tools, open source software, and shared datasets in electrochemistry by bringing together people from different backgrounds to collaborate.

Data science tools and approaches have the potential to transform bench science like electrochemistry. The critical need is to build a community of electrochemical data scientists, the people who will contribute to a growing library of shared experimental and computational datasets, and who develop and adapt open source software tools.


ECS Meeting AttendeesWhy attend?

Consider ECS the prologue to your success story. As the must-attend event for academic and industry professionals from across the globe, it introduces you to the electrochemical and solid state science and technology trends, insights, and players who can help you make major strides in your career.

ECS meetings offer five days of learning, technical presentations, business development and networking opportunities for scientists, engineers and industry leaders from more than 70 countries. With a wide range of technical sessions, social events and hands-on courses, ECS meetings are the best investment you can make in your career.


Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
March 16, 2018
Submit today!

Michel ArmandTopic Close-up #3

Symposium A02: Challenges in Novel Electrolytes, Organic Materials, and Innovative Chemistries for Batteries – in Honor of Michel Armand

Symposium Focus: On polymer electrolytes, ionic liquid electrolytes, new electrolyte salts, conductive layer-coated electrode materials, electrode materials for organic batteries, metal/electrolyte interfaces, fuel cells made with previous materials and/or electrolytes, anode metal based rechargeable batteries, and any innovative cell design and chemistry.

Both theoretical and experimental papers are accepted, and contributions from industry and students are encouraged.


Yamagata University

Yamagata University

The First International Conference on 4D Materials and Systems (4DMS), sponsored by ECS, will be held in Yonezawa, Yamagata, Japan from August 26-30, 2018 at the Faculty of Engineering, Yamagata University, Yonezawa, Japan.

This international conference will bring together engineers, medical professionals, clinicians, chemists, biologists, and physicists under the same roof to initiate roadmap, share results, and discuss issues related to the latest advancements in the fundamental science and technological developments in challenges and innovations in polymer gels and network materials, including; electrochemical materials and devices for energy conversion and storage; smart engineering materials, robotics, soft-smart robotics; material processing – theoretical and experimental approach; and printed and flexible electronics.

This conference will have five parallel tracks:


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Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
March 16, 2018
Submit today!

Meeting speakerTopic Close-up #2

Symposium C02: Pits & Pores 8: Nanomaterials – Fabrication, Properties, and Applications

Symposium Focus: This symposium is aimed at the fabrication of all kinds of porous structures, their physical and chemical properties as well as their applications. It is a continuous attempt to integrate the diverse research in different fields such as localized metal corrosion, semiconductor electrochemistry, pore-filling, matrix materials, optical spectroscopy and characterization of magnetic properties in order to develop a highly transdisciplinary approach to the topic. Emphasis will be on pit and pore formation, porous-structure/surface-property relations, work relevant to the formation of advanced materials and their characterization, and applications of these materials in different areas of science such as biomedicine, energy storage and conversion, optics and magnetism.

The symposium brings together scientists from various research fields such as material science, electrochemistry, physics, chemistry, engineering and biology.


Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
March 16, 2018
Submit today!

Matteo Bianchini

Topic Close-up #1

Symposium H02: High Purity and High Mobility Semiconductors 15

Symposium Focus: The 15th High Purity and High Mobility Semiconductor symposium, which is an extension of the previous High Purity Silicon symposium, provides a forum for discussion of the latest developments in the growth, characterization, device processing, and applications of high purity and high mobility semiconductor materials in either bulk or epitaxial form. The emphasis is on the control and prevention of impurity incorporation, characterization and detection of defects and impurity states in high purity and high mobility semiconductors for superior device performances. Device and circuit aspects related to the use of devices on high quality and advanced silicon wafers will also be addressed. Special attention will be given to alternative and high-mobility substrates and their material and device aspects.

Keynote Presentation: Dr. Carlos Mazure will deliver a keynote presentation on :Silicon-on-Insulator based applications and products”. Dr. Mazure is the Executive Vice President and Chief Technical Officer at SOITEC, France.

AiMES 2018 Abstract Submission Is Open

AiMES 2018Join us as ECS and La Sociedad Mexicana de Electroquímica comes together for the AiMES 2018 Joint International Meeting at the Moon Palace in Cancun, Mexico from September 30 to October 4, 2018!

AiMES 2018, a joint international meeting between ECS and SMEQ, will bring together scientists, engineers, and researchers from academia, industry, and government laboratories to share results and discuss issues on related topics through a variety of formats such as; oral presentations, poster sessions, panel discussions, tutorial sessions, short courses, professional development workshops, a career fair, and exhibits.

In addition to long running symposia on PEFC&E, Li-ion batteries, molten salts, photovoltaics, SiGe, MEMS/NEMS, thin film transistors, atomic layer deposition, and semiconductors, AiMES 2018 will also explore newer areas such as; wearable sensors; the contamination of water, soil, and air; 3D chip packaging; metal organic frameworks (MOFs); and battery safety.
