What’s a Battery Slam?

Battery Slam

Participants of the inaugural Battery Student Slam at the 231st ECS Meeting, from left to right: Sunhyung Jurng (session chair), University of Rhode Island; Mickdy Milien (session chair), University of Rhode Island; Robert Masse, University of Washington; Jeffrey Smith, University of Michigan; Jennifer Hoffmann (session chair), BASF Corporation; Vaclav Knap, Aalborg University; and Edward Thai, California State University, Long Beach.
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The first ever ECS Battery Student Slam symposium took place at 231st ECS Meeting in New Orleans, providing young researchers a new experience in presenting oral presentations at ECS meetings. After the success of the inaugural symposium, the Battery Student Slam is set to make its second appearance at the upcoming 232nd ECS Meeting in National Harbor, MD, October 1-5.

“We’re trying to create a symposium format that’s student-friendly,” says Brett Lucht, lead organizer of the symposium at the 231st ECS Meeting.

The symposium is open to students pursing undergraduate or graduate degrees geared toward battery-related research, ranging from battery materials and design to fuel cells and supercapacitors. Each student participating in the symposium delivers a 10 minute presentation about their work followed by two minutes of questions and discussion from the audience. The top three presentations in the symposium are then recognized with cash prizes and awards as judged by the symposium organizers.

“By putting students in their own symposium and giving them shorter periods of time for their presentations, we felt it would create less stress for the students,” Lucht says.

During the inaugural symposium at the 231st ECS Meeting, Wenhao Li from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst took home the first place prize with his talk, “Nanoimprinting of Woodpile Electrodes for 3D Lithium-Ion Microbatteries with Both High Capacity and Power.”


SOFC-XVThe 15th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells is being held in Hollywood, FL at the Diplomat Beach Resort from July 23-28, 2017. With almost 400 abstracts being presented across six days, this meeting is sure to have something of interest for everyone.

All participants are welcome to attend a special workshop  on SOFCs and their role in distributed power. The event will include talks by Microsoft, Cummins, University of California – Irvine, and Ceres Power on inherent synergies of SOFCs when embedded in data centers or other modular power applications. The talks will be followed by a panel discussion, giving audience members a chance to ask questions and share their ideas.

This workshop seeks to provide insight from the end-user perspective; i.e., what potential buyers/users of SOFCs envision as the opportunities and risks of the technology when embedded as an inherent part of the application, and what this approach means for the direction of the future SOFC development.

Discounted hotel rooms are still available.

The Diplomat Beach Resort ushers in a new era of oceanfront perfection in South Florida. Voted a Top Florida Resort by Conde Nast Traveler Readers in 2016, the hotel’s flair for the exceptional extends from the Atlantic Ocean to the Intracoastal Waterway. The resort features bright, beachy guest rooms, two sun-drenched pools, a glittering, ultramodern spa, plus 10 all-new restaurants.


SOFC-XVThe 15th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XV) is set to take place in Hollywood, FL, July 23-27, 2017.

This symposium will bring together scientists, engineers, and researchers from academia, industry, and government laboratories to share results and discuss issues related to solid oxide fuel cells and electrolyzers.


SOFC got its roots in 1989 when Subhash Singhal, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Battelle Fellow, initiated the symposium. After 28 years, Singhal is taking the conference back to its birthplace, drawing scientists and engineers from around across the globe.

“We have formed a world-wide community of solid oxide fuel cell researchers,” Singhal says. “Before this symposium, people were scattered among different professional societies and different scientific disciplines. This conference has been instrumental in bringing everyone together.”


General Student Poster Session winners (L-R):1st place, Sanjana Das and Stephanie Silic (not pictured) from University of Nevada, Las Vegas. 2nd place, Katrina Vuong and Laurie Clare (not pictured) from San Diego State University. Two 3rd place winners. Josie Duncan and Mary Heustess (not picture) from Clemson University and Phuong Tu Mai from Osaka Prefecture University. Honorable mention, Emily Gullette, Natalie Handson (not pictured), Emily Klutz (not pictured), and Meredith Hammer from Clemson.
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It is with great pride that ECS honors the winners of the General Student Poster Session Awards for the 231st ECS Meeting in New Orleans, LA.

ECS established the General Student Poster Session Awards in 1993 to acknowledge the eminence of its students’ work. The winners exhibit a profound understanding of their research topic and its relation to fields of interest to ECS.

In order to be eligible for the General Student Poster Session Awards, students must submit their abstracts to the Z01 General Society Student Poster Session symposium and present their posters at the biannual meeting. First and second place winners receive a certificate in addition to a cash award.

The winners of the General Student Poster Session Awards for the 231st ECS Meeting are as follows:

1st Place
Name: Sanjana Das and Stephanie Silic
Institution: University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Poster Number: 2015
Poster Title: Nanotechnology for Water-Less Cleaning of Solar Panels

2nd Place
Name: Katrina Vuong and Laurie Clare
Institution: San Diego State University
Poster Number: 2021
Poster Title: Effect of Added Bases on the Redox-Responsive Dimerization of a 4 H-Bond Array Containing a Phenylenediamine Redox Couple


As we are getting ready to go to the 231st ECS Meeting in New Orleans, we thought of some things we didn’t want you to forget!

Registration opens on Saturday at 1600h and on Sunday at 0700h at the Hilton Riverside. At registration, you’ll only need to enter your last name at the kiosk and your badge will be printed for you.

Before you leave home, go here to log in and add a short course or any ticketed event:


Posted in Meetings

There are only 10 days left to submit your abstract to the 2017 Fuel Cell Seminar & Energy Exposition!

Since 1976, the Fuel Cell Seminar has been a staple for fuel cell industry professionals, researchers, and stakeholders to meet with colleagues and customers alike and see the latest developments of this exciting industry.

Attracting an international audience, the Fuel Cell Seminar features the latest fuel cell and hydrogen products, technical and market research, policy updates, and commercialization strategies for all applications and market sectors.  The Fuel Cell Seminar is the foremost event for networking with industry representatives, current and potential customers, stakeholders and decision makers interested in the clean, reliable, resilient power potential of fuel cells.

Abstract submissions are due by May 27, 2017. Please see the FCS 2017 Call for Abstracts for topic list and submission guidelines. ECS will also be publishing an issue of ECS Transactions (ECST) containing full conference papers from the 2017 Fuel Cell Seminar for interested presenters.

The Fuel Cell Seminar & Energy Exposition will be held November 7-9, 2017, at the Long Beach Convention Center in Long Beach, California.

For further details about the seminar, please visit www.fuelcellseminar.com.

SOFC-XVWe are pleased to announce that early bird registration for SOFC-XV, being held in Hollywood, FL at the Diplomat Beach Resort from July 23-28, 2017 is now open!

This meeting provides an opportunity to learn and exchange information on the latest scientific and technical developments relating to SOFCs and SOECs. With over 400 abstracts submitted to this symposium, this meeting is sure to draw some of the best and brightest in the field.

Registration packages also include access to the meeting abstracts, a USB/CD-ROM of the proceedings published in ECS Transactions, and a ticket for the SOFC banquet.


Early bird rates will only be available until June 16, 2017.

Exhibit and sponsorship options are still available!

For more information contact sponsorship@electrochem.org.

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Get the ECS Mobile App

ECS appECS now has an app for your mobile device. Follow the latest research published in ECS journals, the newest Redcat blog posts, and get instant access to the ECS podcasts and videos all in one place. It also includes the meeting scheduler for the upcoming ECS biannual meeting.

Go to the App Store or Google Play and search “ECS Mobile.”

Student Volunteers Wanted!

ECS Student MembersVolunteer for six hours at the 231st ECS Meeting and receive a FREE meeting registration!

As a student volunteer, you will work closely with the ECS staff and gain first-hand experience in what it takes to execute an ECS biannual meeting.

Take advantage of the opportunity to network and engage with meeting attendees, symposium organizers, and ECS staff while learning how registration operates, technical sessions run, and how major meeting programs are facilitated. In addition to hands-on experience, volunteers will also receive a meeting t-shirt, a complimentary ticket to the student mixer and a certificate of participation.

Multilingual speakers are highly encouraged to apply!

Deadline for application submissions: Friday, April 21
Candidates notified: Tuesday, April 25


NOTE: If you do not complete the six hours of work on-site, you will be invoiced for the full registration fee. We will do our best to accommodate the hours you have listed as being available but this is not a guarantee. Each volunteer position will require interaction with the attendees, long periods of standing, and foot-traffic flow management. If you are unwilling or unable to complete these tasks please make us aware upon submitting your application.