ECS is sponsoring the Henry White keynote address at the 100th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. The conference will take place in Toronto, ON, Canada, May 28 – June 1, 2017.

Canada’s premiere chemistry event takes on a special significance this year, coinciding with both the CSC meeting’s centennial and the 150th anniversary of the Confederation of Canada. CSC 2017 will feature plenary, invited and submitted lectures, jointly organized international symposia, poster sessions, panel discussions, and special events, including a closing day outreach event.

Early bird registration for the conference ends April 18, 2017. Register today.

Posted in Meetings

LI-SM3ECS is sponsoring the Lithium Sulfur Batteries: Mechanisms, Modelling and Materials (Li-SM3) 2017 Conference, taking place April 26-27 in London.

This year marks the second Li-SM3 conference, which will bring together top academics, scientists, and engineers from around the world to discuss lithium sulfur rechargeable batteries, among other related topics.

The conference will include four keynote speakers, including ECS member Ratnakumar Bugga, who will deliver a talk entitled “High Energy Density Lithium-Sulfur Batteries for NASA and DoD Applications.” Learn more about the speakers in the conference agenda.

There’s still time to submit a poster abstract. Deadline for posters is March 3.

Register for Li-SM3 today!

June 26-30, 2017 – University of Illinois at Chicago

NGenEThe University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) presents Next Generation Electrochemistry (NGenE), a one week, student-centered, summer intensive workshop that explores the frontiers of electrochemical research. The program brings together approximately 25 graduate students with demonstrated interest and research experience in the field of electrochemistry, for an immersion experience with 10 renowned electrochemists from across North America. Admission to NGenE is competitive. There is no program fee for participation, and travel and lodging support is available to everyone participating in the program.

The program’s primary objective is to introduce advanced students in electrochemistry to research at the frontiers of the field, with an emphasis on the identification of the critical gaps in our understanding of electrochemistry, and develop innovative strategies to address those gaps through collaboration and critical thinking. To achieve these objectives, the faculty will explore these topics through lectures on cutting-edge research, complemented with a site visit at Argonne National Laboratory. The students will carry out collaborative research projects during the week, where they will be challenged to develop innovative research methods under the guidance of faculty mentors.


Posted in Meetings

ECS is sponsoring the 21st International Conference on Solid State Ionics.

This is a major event in the field, which is held every two years and attracts a world-wide audience. It provides an unparalleled opportunity to gather leading international scientists and engineers, top-level industrial, management, and business executives to discuss all the different aspects of the science, technology, and applications of ion-conducting materials. The conference facilitates the exchange of ideas between people with different backgrounds and fosters the development and professional growth of both young and experienced researchers alike.

The Organizing Committee of the 21st International Conference of Solid State Ionics (SSI-21) comprises world-level experts in the preparation and study of a large variety of traditional and innovative ion-conducting materials for application in the modern fields of:


Posted in Meetings

The abstract submission deadline for the upcoming ECS Meeting in New Orleans, May 28 – June 2, 2017 has officially been extended to Dec. 30, 2016!

Do not miss this final opportunity to present your most recent work in one of 50 symposia covering the latest topics in in the fields of electrochemical and solid state science. In addition to longstanding symposia on batteries, semiconductors, and fullerenes, the New Orleans meeting will also cover newer areas such as sustainable materials, nature inspired systems, renewable fuels, 3D printing, flexible electronics, and the first ever Battery Student Slam.

Absolutely no abstracts will be accepted past Dec. 30, so make sure to submit your New Orleans abstract today and present your work at one of the premier technical events in the fields of electrochemistry and solid-state science!


PRiME 2016 Award Winners

PRiME 2016 award winnersCheck out the PRiME 2016 award winners for best paper, best poster, and best presentation.

Saya Takeuchi
Best Oral Presentation Award
Challenges in Advanced Analytical Tools and Techniques for Batteries: A Symposium in Honor of Prof. Zempachi Ogumi
Focused Ion Beams for Lithiation of High Capacity Host Materials for Negative Electrodes

Jingshu Hui
Best Oral Presentation Award
Challenges in Advanced Analytical Tools and Techniques for Batteries: A Symposium in Honor of Prof. Zempachi Ogumi
Layer Number Dependence of Li+ Intercalation on Few-Layer Graphene and Electrochemical Imaging of Its Solid-Electrolyte Interphase Evolution

Munekazu Motoyama
Best Oral Presentation Award
Challenges in Advanced Analytical Tools and Techniques for Batteries: A Symposium in Honor of Prof. Zempachi Ogumi
In-Situ Scanning Electron Microscope Observations of Electrochemical Li Deposition and Dissolution at Lipon/Pt, Au Interfaces

Koji Kitada
Best Poster Presentation Award
Challenges in Advanced Analytical Tools and Techniques for Batteries: A Symposium in Honor of Prof. Zempachi Ogumi
Inhomogeneous-Lithiation/Homogeneous-Delithiation Occurring in the Composite Electrode at Continuous Cycling

Melike Baytekin-Gerngross
Best Student Talk Award
Pits & Pores 7: Nanomaterials – Fabrication Processes, Properties, and Applications
Chemical Sculpturing of Al Micro-Particles for Polymer Composites and Universal Polymer-Polymer Joints


Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
Dec. 16, 2016
Submit today!

231st ECS MeetingTopic Close-up #8

Symposium B02: Carbon Nanostructures in Medicine and Biology

Focused on the biomedical applications and biological interactions of carbon nanomaterials, including studies in toxicology, imaging, research tools, sensors, therapeutics, bioenergy, and theranostics.
FEATURING Mike McDevitt of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Ardemis Boghossian of the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Rana Ghosh of Texas University, Markita Landry of Berkeley University.

Selected papers on the most promising bio-application of carbon nanostructures will be invited to talk from the submitted abstracts.

Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
Dec. 16, 2016
Submit today!

231st ECS MeetingTopic Close-up #7

Symposium D03: Plasma Nanoscience and Technology

Symposium Focus is on extensive and in-depth discussions in the field of plasma nanoscience and nanotechnology as well as developing the next-generation plasma-based nanotechnologies and applications. One of the motivations to organize this Symposium is an ever-increasing and more and more widespread use of plasma-based tools and techniques for nanoscale synthesis and processing. The Symposium is planned as an expert meeting that will provide overview of some of the most important research directions in this field followed by the comments and detailed discussions of the main challenges and strategic directions for the future development in relevant areas.

Examples include topics related to nanoscale synthesis and processing using low-temperature plasmas, ion beams, lasers, etc.; physical and chemical mechanisms of growth of nanostructures using plasma-based and related processes; present and future industrial applications of plasma-based nanoscale synthesis and processing; design of plasma processes, reactors, and associated tools and instrumentation for nanoscale synthesis and processing.


Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
Dec. 16, 2016
Submit today!

Yue KuoTopic Close-up #6

Symposium D01: Emerging Materials for Post CMOS Devices/Sensing and Applications 8

Symposium Focus on transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) (such as MoX2, WX2 etc.), IV/III-V based nanowires and TFET device performance, spintronics for next generation devices and sensing, as well as keeping its previous theme on graphene and CNT based device enhancement for post-CMOS applications. Integration of novel device concepts, transport and mobility enhancement related mechanisms; thermal behavior of graphene, and carbon-based devices including thermal transport, thermal conductivity, and heat transfer management in devices and nanostructures, sensing or backend interconnect applications; advanced materials for charge and non-charge based device application: resistance change materials encompassing logic, memory, or optical applications.

Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
Dec. 16, 2016
Submit today!

231st ECS MeetingTopic Close-up #5

Symposium A03: Battery Electrolytes

Symposium Focus on presentation of properties of novel electrolytes for application in lithium-ion and (Or) post lithium ion batteries (LI-S, Li-air, magnesium). Special emphasize will be paid on newly design systems which are in the optimization stage for further development and up scaling. Basic research is welcome however applied studies will be preferred.

Confirmed Speakers
Prof. Steve Greenbaum Hunter College CUNY
Prof. Dina Golodnitsky- Tel Aviv University
Prof. Maria Forsyth Deakin University (herself or somebody on behalf from her group)