Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
Dec. 16, 2016
Submit today!

talk-imageTopic Close-up #4

Symposium L02: Ion-Conducting Polymeric (or, Polymer-based) Materials

Symposium Focus is on polymeric ion-conducting materials. They are supramolecular systems which comprise/are doped with ions and present a significant conductivity. Polymeric ion-conducting materials are found at the heart of a number of advanced applications, ranging from electrochemical energy conversion and storage systems (e.g., lithium batteries, low-temperature fuel cells, supercapacitors) to sensors, actuators, photo-electrochemical devices, not to mention the fields of microelectronics and biotechnology. This Symposium will place a particular emphasis on all the fundamental and applied aspects of the science and technology of polymeric ion-conducting materials, covering experimental and theoretical studies on their structure, properties, interactions and mechanisms of charge migration.

Student Poster Session winners

Congratulations to the PRiME 2016 Student Poster Session winners!

It is with great pride that ECS honors the winners of the General Student Poster Session Awards for the PRiME 2016 meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii.  In following with the meeting tradition, awards recognized the top poster presentations in electrochemical and solid state categories.

ECS established the General Student Poster Session Awards in 1993 to acknowledge the eminence of its students’ work. The winners exhibit a profound understanding of their research topic and its relation to fields of interest to ECS.

In order to be eligible for the General Student Poster Session Awards, students must submit their abstracts to the Z01 General Society Student Poster Session symposium and present their posters at the biannual meeting. First and second place winners receive a certificate in addition to a cash award.

The winners of the General Student Poster Session Awards for the PRiME 2016 Meeting are as follows:


Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
Dec. 16, 2016
Submit today!

231st ECS MeetingTopic Close-up #2

Symposium HO3: Processes at the Semiconductor-Solution Interface 7

Symposium Focus on most recent developments in processes at the semiconductor/solution interface including etching, oxidation, passivation, film growth, electrochemical and photoelectrochemical processes, water splitting, electrochemical surface science, electroluminescence, photoluminescence, surface texturing, and compound semiconductor electrodeposition, for photovoltaics, energy conversion and related topics.

Featuring full papers from this symposium will be considered for publication in a planned Special Focus Issue of J. Electrochem. Soc. (JES) and the symposium will also present a Best Paper award to a student who attends and presents an oral talk.

What to Know Before You Go


As we are getting ready to go to PRiME 2016, we thought of some things we didn’t want you to forget!

Registration opens on Saturday at 1600h and at 0700h on Sunday at the Convention Center. When you go, you’ll only need to enter your last name at the kiosk and your badge will be printed for you.

Before you leave home, go here and log in and add a Short Course or a ticketed event.


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ECS Monograph Series: Book Signings

The Electrochemical Society is pleased to announce, as part of the on-going ECS Monograph Series, the publication of two new editions of ECS monographs, published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Please join ECS in welcoming authors Christofer Leygraf, Mark Orazem, and Bernard Tribollet, as they sign copies of their monographs on Wednesday, October 5, 2016, 1830h in Hall 2, HCC, followed by a short Q+A session and book raffle! Two copies of each of the below monographs will be raffled off (must be present during the book signing to win)! Drop your business cards off at the ECS Publications booth any time during Registration hours in order to enter to win a copy of these monographs!

Atmospheric CorrosionAtmospheric Corrosion, Second Edition, by Christofer Leygraf, Inger Odnevall Wallinder, Johan Tidblad, and Thomas Graedel

Electrochemical Impedance SpectroscopyElectrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, Second Edition, by Mark Orazem and Bernard Tribollet

Questions? Please contact 

Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
Dec. 16, 2016
Submit today!

ECS StudentsTopic Close-up #1

Symposium A06: Battery Student Slam 1

Symposium Focus on the first ever Battery Student Slam is meant to provide lively and engaging presentations by students early in their research careers. The symposium is only open to submissions from students pursuing degrees at the undergraduate or graduate levels. Students will give 10 minute presentations about their research followed by 2 minutes of questions and discussion from the audience. All topics of relevance to battery research and in areas previously sponsored by the Battery Division are welcome.

Featuring the top three presentations will be recognized with cash prizes and awards as judged by the symposium organizers!

Learn about all the New Orleans topics!

ECS Open Access Raffle


Exciting news for PRiME 2016: Stop by the ECS Publication Booth for a chance to win 1 of 5 Open Access Credits! These credits may be used to publish your paper as OA in either JES or JSS.

Please stop by the ECS Publications Booth, located in the Honolulu Convention Center, Hall 2 Foyer, any time during Registration Hours and drop off your business card to enter the raffle. ECS will be raffling off 5 Open Access credits during the PRiME meeting (each credit is worth $800)!

Questions? Please email and we’ll see you in Honolulu!

You are cordially invited to join the ECS Canada Section for its 2016 Fall Symposium! uoit1

The meeting will be held on November 12, 2016 at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology in Oshawa, Ontario. The theme of the symposium will be “Interdisciplinary Electrochemistry.”

The meeting will feature an illustrious array of distinguished speakers, as well as a poster competition open to students and postdoctoral fellows.


Five ECS short courses will be offered at PRiME 2016 in Honolulu this October!

What are short courses? Taught by academic and industry experts in intimate learning settings, short courses offer students and professionals alike the opportunity to greatly expand their knowledge and technical expertise.

PRiME 2016 short courses will be held on Sunday, October 2, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Don’t miss the early-bird deadline of September 2, 2016! Register today!

Short Course #5: Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells

Hubert A. Gasteiger and Thomas J. Schmidt, Instructors 

This short course develops the fundamental thermodynamics and electrocatalytic processes critical to polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs, including Direct Methanol and Alkaline Membrane FCs). In the first part, we will discuss the relevant half-cell reactions, their thermodynamic driving forces, and their mathematical foundations in electrocatalysis theory (e.g., Butler-Volmer equations). Subsequently, this theoretical framework will be applied to catalyst characterization and the evaluation of kinetic parameters like activation energies, exchange current densities, reaction orders, etc.


Meet the E2S Keynote Speakers

e2slogoThe upcoming PRiME 2016 meeting will feature the 6th International ECS Electrochemical Energy Summit (E2S), focused on Recent Progress in Renewable Energy Generation, Distribution and Storage. The summit, taking place on Oct. 2, 2016 at the Hawaii Convention Center, will highlight speakers from around the world to discuss advancements happening in these critical fields.

This year’s keynote speakers include Robert K. Dixon, U.S. Department of Energy; Eiji Ohira, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO); and Won-Young Lee, Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER).

Robert K. Dixon’s career has revealed around advancing efforts to mitigate climate change and other global environmental protection. His work as the Director of the Office of Strategic Programs at the U.S. DOE has allowed Dixon to oversee energy policy and analysis, international outreach and communications, and moving new technologies to the marketplace.

Eiji Ohira joined NEDO in 1992, where he has been the acting project manager for the organization’s hydrogen and fuel cell technology R&D program since April 2013. Additionally, Ohira is NEDO’s project manager for its energy storage technology R&D program.

Won-Young Lee became KIER’s Director of the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Division in 2008. Since that appointment, Lee has focused on the development and commercialization of fuel cell systems and established the fuel cell test and evaluation center. Additionally, Lee has served as an advisory member on new and renewable energy technologies for the Korean government.

Learn more about these keynote speakers and register for PRiME 2016 today!

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