229th ECS Meeting, San DiegoThis May, join industry leaders like, Bio-Logic, Metrohm USA and more as an exhibitor at the 229th ECS Meeting in San Diego, CA. ECS meetings are a great place to network and meet customers—old and new.

The meeting will be held from May 29 – June 2 at the Hilton Bayfront and the San Diego Convention Center is expected to attract approximately 2,000 attendees. As an exhibitor, you will have the unique opportunity to present your services and products to these key constituents from industry, government and academia.

Exhibit space is filling up quickly!

As always, exhibit booths and sponsorship options will be allotted on a first come, first served basis. As the exhibit lineup continues to grow we highly recommend you lock in your exhibit location and sponsorship options now. To reserve a booth, or browse our sponsorship options, please complete pages 11-12 of our online exhibit and sponsorship brochure and return them by no later than Friday, March 11.

If you have any questions, please contact Casey Emilius, Meetings Coordinator, via email or phone (609) 737-1902 x 126.

As always, thank you for your support and we look forward to working with you in San Diego!

Posted in Meetings

Submit your PRiME 2016 Abstract!


Make sure to mark your calendars for PRiME 2016, the Joint International Meeting of The Electrochemical Society (ECS), The Electrochemical Society of Japan (JECS), and The Korean Electrochemical Society (KECS).

With over 50 technical symposia taking place from October 2-7, 2016 in Honolulu, HI at the Hawaii Convention Center and the Hilton Hawaiian Village, this will be one of the largest ever conferences devoted solely to electrochemistry and solid-state science. PRiME 2016 will also feature the technical co-sponsorship of The Chinese Society of Electrochemistry, The Electrochemistry Division of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, The Korean Physical Society Semiconductor Division, and The Chinese Physical Society Semiconductor Division.

Now is your chance to make plans for presenting your latest work to the leading researchers from around the world by submitting your abstract!

Submit your abstract today!

The abstract deadline for PRiME 2016 is April 15, 2016.

Posted in Meetings

IMLBNow that we have extended the abstract submission deadline to February 15, don’t miss your chance to participate in IMLB 2016!

This international meeting will provide an exciting forum to discuss recent progress in advanced lithium batteries for energy storage and conversion. The meeting will focus on both basic and applied research findings that have led to improved Li battery materials, and to the understanding of the fundamental processes that determine and control electrochemical performance.

A major (but not exclusive) theme of the meeting will address recent advances in beyond lithium-ion technologies. The meeting will cover a wide range of topics relating to lithium battery science and technology including, but not limited to:

  • General and national projects
  • Anodes and cathodes
  • Nanostructured materials for lithium batteries
  • Liquid electrolytes and ionic liquids
  • Polymer, gel, and solid electrolytes
  • Issues related to sources and availability of materials for Li batteries
  • Li battery recycling
  • Electrode/electrolyte interface phenomena
  • Safety, reliability, cell design and engineering
  • Monitoring, control and validation systems
  • Manufacturing and formation techniques
  • Primary and rechargeable Li cells
  • Industrial production and development for HEVs, PHEVs, and EVs
  • Latest developments in Li battery technology

Make sure to submit your abstract before February 15, 2016!

Posted in Meetings

Advancing Lithium-Air Batteries

As electronics advances, the demand for high-performance batteries increases. The lithium-ion battery is currently leading the charge in powering portable electronic devices, but another lithium-based battery contender is on the horizon.

The lithium-air battery is one of the most promising research areas in current lithium-based battery technology. While researchers such as ECS’s K.M. Abraham have been on the Li-air beat since the late 90s, current research is looking to propel this technology with the hopes of commercializing it for practical use.

A new contender: Lithium-air batteries

Recently, Khalil Amine, IMLB chair; and Larry Curtiss, IMLB invited speaker, co-authored a paper detailing a lithium-air battery that could store up to five times more energy than today’s lithium-ion battery.

(MORE: Submit your abstract for IMLB today!)

This work brings society one step closer to the commercial use of lithium-air batteries. In previous works regarding Li-air, researchers continuously encountered the same phenomenon of the clogging of the pores of the electrode.


IMLBDue to overwhelming demand the IMLB Abstract Submission deadline has been extended to February 15!

Don’t miss this chance to participate in IMLB 2016, make sure to submit your abstract so you can present your latest work to lithium-ion battery researchers from around the world.

Submit abstracts

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Hot Topics at PRiME

Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
April 15, 2016
Submit today!

posterTopic Close-up

SYMPOSIUM H04: Low-Dimensional Nanoscale Electronic and Photonic Devices 9

FOCUSED ON the most recent developments in nanoscale transparent electronic, photonic materials, and devices. The symposium will encompass low dimensional and transparent novel materials and devices, processing, device fabrication, reliability, and other related topics.

NOTING THAT the symposium includes materials preparation, growth, processing, devices, chemistry, physics, theory and applications, it also provides a forum for researchers, scientists and engineers from different countries worldwide, who are actively involved in all forms of research on low dimensional nanomaterials related to electronic and photonic devices and properties. Learn about all the topics!

Did You Know?

Students can be eligible for the General Student Poster Session awards by submitting an abstract to Z01 – General Society Student Poster Session.

Important Dates

Full papers presented at ECS meetings will be published in ECS Transactions.

Submit today!

Deadline Approaching for IMLB Abstracts

IMLB_2016_4CDo not forget that the IMLB 2016 abstract submission site is scheduled to close this Friday, January 15!

In order to make things easier for you, we will keep the submission system open through the day of Monday, January 18. Please make sure to get your abstract in as soon as possible so you can present your latest work to lithium-ion battery researchers from around the world.

Don’t miss your chance to participate in IMLB 2016, make sure to submit your abstract before January 18, 2016!

Submit today!


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IMLB Abstracts Due

IMLB_2016_4CDon’t miss your chance to participate in IMLB 2016! This international meeting will provide an exciting forum to discuss recent progress in advanced lithium batteries for energy storage and conversion.

IMLB focuses on both basic and applied research findings that have led to improved Li battery materials, and to the understanding of the fundamental processes that determine and control electrochemical performance. A major (but not exclusive) theme of the meeting will address recent advances in beyond lithium-ion technologies. The meeting will cover a wide range of topics relating to lithium battery science and technology including, but not limited to:

  • General and national projects
  • Anodes and cathodes
  • Nanostructured materials for lithium batteries
  • Liquid electrolytes and ionic liquids
  • Polymer, gel, and solid electrolytes
  • Issues related to sources and availability of materials for Li batteries
  • Li battery recycling
  • Electrode/electrolyte interface phenomena
  • Safety, reliability, cell design and engineering
  • Monitoring, control and validation systems
  • Manufacturing and formation techniques
  • Primary and rechargeable Li cells
  • Industrial production and development for HEVs, PHEVs, and EVs
  • Latest developments in Li battery technology

Make sure to submit your abstract before January 15, 2016!

See you in Chicago!

Posted in Meetings

Last Call for Abstracts!

SanDiego_2016_homePerhaps you have heard that the abstract submission for the 229th ECS Meeting in San Diego, CA is this Friday, December 11?

Well, what are you waiting for!

Submit your abstract today!

Please make sure to get your abstract in as soon as possible so you can present your latest work to thousands of your colleagues from across the globe.

In order to make things easier for you, we will keep the submission system open through the day of Monday, December 14 EST.

See you in San Diego!

Abstracts Due Friday!

SanDiego_2016_homeThe deadline for submitting abstracts to the 229th ECS Meeting in San Diego, CA is Friday (Dec. 11, 2015). Submit now!

Here’s just one of the symposia you’ll find:

D04: Plasma and Thermal Processes for Materials Modification, Synthesis and Processing

Symposium Focus: Modification, synthesis, and processing of micro- and nano-structured materials, nanowires, nanotubes, and 2-D materials using plasma or thermal activation approaches. Applications include microelectronics, photovoltaics, optoelectronics, thermoelectrics, sensors, QDOTs, MEMS, and 3-D packaging.

Symposium Invited Speakers:

  • David Graves (UC Berkeley), Plasma Therapy;
  • Peter Bruggeman (Minnesota), Plasma/Living Matter interactions;
  • Michael Keidar (George Washington), Plasma nanoscience;
  • Dave Thomas (SPTS/Orbotech), Bosch etching;
  • Peter Ventzek (TEL), Plasma Etch Challenges;
  • Cornelia Breitkopf (Dresden), Plasma Simulation for Biomedical Applications;
  • Thorsten Lill (LAM), Directional Atomic Layer Etching

Learn more.

Here’s another one on energy conversion and storage.