Who’s Talking Energy Conversion & Storage?

E2S-speakersThere are just eight days left to submit your abstracts for the 229th ECS Meeting! Make sure to submit by December 11, 2015.

Submit today!

Topic Close-up #5
SYMPOSIUM I05: Heterogeneous Functional Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage.

FOCUSED ON the science that controls emergent properties in heterogeneous functional materials as a foundation for design of functional material devices with performance not bounded by constituent properties.

PROVIDING a unique venue for both contributed and invited speakers to present the latest advances in novel modeling approaches, advanced 3-D imaging and characterization techniques, novel material synthesis and manufacturing methods to create highly ordered material structure, and applications of heterogeneous functional materials in devices for energy conversion and storage. This symposium especially encourages and welcomes contributed presentations.


Abstract Deadline Approaching Fast!

SanDiego_2016_homeDon’t miss your chance to submit your abstract to the upcoming ECS biannual meeting in San Diego. The deadline is December 11!

Submit your abstract!

The 229th ECS meeting, being held May 29 – June 3 at the Hilton Bayfront and the San Diego Convention Center, is already gearing up to be an important and energizing get-together. This location, right in the heart of downtown San Diego, is the perfect setting to really immerse yourself in all that San Diego has to offer from world class dining, élite shopping, and a plethora of outdoor activities.

Of course, first you’ll have to tear yourself away from any of the 50+ technical symposia we will be running, including:

  • Grand Challenges in Energy Conversion and Storage,
  • Sustainable Materials and Manufacturing,
  • The Brain and Electrochemistry,
  • More-than-Moore 3,
  • Medical and Point-of-Care Sensors,
  • Future and Present Advanced Lithium Batteries and Beyond – a Symposium in Honor of Prof. Bruno Scrosati.

…just to name a few

Make sure to join us and present your research alongside of the leading experts in the fields of electrochemistry and solid state science. Check the Call for Papers and see what we have in store for you!

There’s less than two weeks left to submit your abstract.

Submit today!

Invited Speakers for IMLB 2016 Confirmed!

IMLB_2016_4CQuestion: What do Doron Aurbach, Peter Bruce, Yet-Ming Chiang, Yi Cui, Jeff Dahn, Clare Grey, Linda Nazar, Petr Novak, and Jean-Marie Tarascon all have in common?

Answer: They will all be giving invited presentations at IMLB 2016!

In fact, 70 of the world’s leading experts on lithium batteries have now confirmed their participation in IMLB 2016.

What are you waiting for?

Join us in Chicago this June to present your work as well.

Submit your abstract today!
Deadline: Jan. 15, 2016

Five things to know about IMLB:

1. About 2,000 of the industry’s top researchers will be discussing the current state of lithium battery science and technology, as well as current an future applications in transportation, commercial, aerospace, biomedical, and other promising sectors.

2. Conference topics will include Li battery anodes, Li battery cathodes, Li battery electrolyte systems (solutions, polymeric, solid-state), Li sulfur system, Li-oxygen systems, magnesium batteries, sodium batteries, interfaces, diagnostic challenges, safety matters, red-ox, and flow non-aqueous battery systems.

3. ECS will publish a volume of ECS Transactions (ECST) devoted to papers from IMLB 2016. Find out more.

4. IMLB will include a Technical Exhibit, featuring presentations and displays by over 40 manufactures of instruments, materials, systems, publications, and software. Learn more about exhibit and sponsorship opportunities.

5. The conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Chicago, IL. Explore the “Windy City” and its famed attractions in your free time, including the Navy Pier, Grant Park and Buckingham Fountain.

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Submit Your Abstracts to the 229th ECS Meeting

plenaryWe are pleased to announce that Professor Christian Amatore, CNRS, will deliver The ECS Lecture, “Seeing, Measuring and Understanding Vesicular Exocytosis of Neurotransmitters” at the 229th ECS Meeting in San Diego, May 29 – June 3, 2016.

Submit your abstract for this meeting today!

Professor Amatore is member of the French Académie des Sciences, of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, of the Academia Europae, and of the Third World Academy of Sciences, Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Honorary Fellow of the Chinese Chemical Society, Fellow of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Honorary Member of the Israeli Chemical Society, and President of ISE.

He was one of the few pioneers of micro- and ultramicroelectrodes in electrochemistry with Mark Wightman, University of North Carolina. He published over 465 primary research publications cumulating more than 19,000 citations with an “h-index” of 68 and an average citation rate of ca. 1100 over the past five years.

His lecture discloses the best present measurements aimed to a precise understanding of vesicular exocytosis in endocrine cells and inside neurons obtained through a combination of theory and quantitative analyses of individual amperometric spikes recorded as ultramicro- and nano-carbon fiber electrodes. Altogether, these data cast a series of unprecedented new views of vesicular exocytosis that relegate previous ones to history.

In addition to Professor Amatore’s talk, Dr. John Scully, University of Virginia, will be receiving the Henry B. Linford Award for Distinguished Teaching, and Dr. Ralph White, University of South Carolina, will be receiving the Vittorio de Nora Award in San Diego.

Don’t miss your chance to present your latest work in San Diego! The deadline for abstract submission is December 11, 2015. Submit now!

Posted in Meetings

New Travel Grant Opportunity for Students

ECS’s Europe Section is now offering a travel grant to students presenting their papers at ECS biannual meetings. While there are over ten different divisions that offer travel grants, the Europe Section is the only section currently offering travel grants to students.

228th ECS Meeting in Phoenix attendees picking up their travel grant checks.

228th ECS Meeting in Phoenix attendees picking up their travel grant checks.

This grant will be offered to up to four students per biannual meeting that are enrolled in a graduate or upper level undergraduate program at, or be recent (within 12 months) graduates from, an institution in Europe. The attending student must also present an oral or poster presentation in a symposium sponsored or co-sponsored by ECS. Head over to our website for the complete terms of reference for this award.

The deadline to apply for a travel grant for the 229th ECS Meeting in San Diego is February 12, 2016.

Why wait? Apply today!

229th ECS Meeting: Submit Your Abstracts!

SanDiego_2016_homeThere are less than 30 days left to submit your abstracts for the 229th ECS Meeting! Make sure to submit by December 11, 2015.

Submit today!

Topic Close-up #6
SYMPOSIUM H03: Properties and Applications of 2-Dimensional Layered Materials.

FOCUSED ON electronic, optoelectronic, mechanical and chemical properties and potential applications of 2D layered materials with the focus on boron nitrides, silicene and germanene, graphene, transition metal dichalcogenides/oxides, and group-IV and group-III metal chalcogenides.

NOTING THAT the symposium includes materials preparation, growth, processing, devices, chemistry, physics, theory and applications, it also provides a forum for researchers, scientists and engineers from different countries worldwide, who are actively involved in the research on 2D layered materials to disseminate their latest research results and developments. Learn about all the topics!

Did You Know?
Students can be eligible for the General Student Poster Session awards by submitting an abstract to Z01 – General Society Student Poster Session.


Posted in Meetings

228th ECS Meeting Student Poster Session

Meeting attendees discussing the research presented at the Student Poster Session.

Meeting attendees discussing the research presented at the Student Poster Session.

ECS established General Student Poster Session Awards in 1993 to acknowledge the excellence and diligence of our students’ work. The winners demonstrate a deep understanding of their research topic and how it relates to one or more of the fields of interest to The Electrochemical Society. At each biannual ECS meeting, awards are given to students in two categories, electrochemical science and solid state science and technology. First and second place winners receive a certificate in addition to a cash award.

The 228th ECS Meeting Student Poster Session award winners holding their certificates.

The 228th ECS Meeting Student Poster Session award winners holding their certificates.


For the 228th ECS Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, the first place winners are Daiki Ito, and Xiaoxing Xia. Daiki Ito of Nagoya University, was the Solid State winner, and Xiaoxing Xia, of California Institute of Technology, was the Electrochemical Science winner. The second place winners were Kenta Machida of Kogakuin University and Subrahmanyam Goriparti of Instituto Italiano Di Technologia. Congratulations to all four winners!

In order to be eligible for the General Student Poster Session Awards, students must submit their abstracts to the Z01 General Society Student Poster Session symposium, and present their posters at the biannual meeting.

First place winner, Xiaoxing Xia accepting his certificate.

First place winner, Xiaoxing Xia accepting his certificate.

The submission deadline for the upcoming 229th ECS Meeting in San Diego is December 11, 2015.

Submit your abstract for the San Diego meeting today.

PEFC 15 Student Poster Awards

PEFC-postersThe PhD Student Poster Awards of the PEFC 15 Symposium held at the 228th ECS Meeting in Phoenix, AZ, Oct. 2015 were presented to (pictured left to right) Shuntaro Takahashi (Tohoku University, Japan), Yuji Chino (Yamanashi University, Japan), and Peter Dudenas (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab) for their excellent scientific contributions in the field of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Research.

PEFC 15 symposium organizers, Thomas Schmidt and Hubert Gasteiger, are also pictured.

Twenty-three posters were entered. See them all here.

ECS and ISE Co-Sponsor Symposia

ecs iseThe Electrochemical Society (ECS) and the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) are working together to co-sponsor symposia at each other’s respective conferences. The joint effort will start with “Modeling: From Elucidation of Physical Phenomena to Applications in Design” at the 229th ECS Meeting.

The symposia organizers include Mark Orazem, past president of ISE and chair of the ECS Education Committee; and Johna Leddy, ECS Vice President and member of ISE.

“Through society publications, conferences, and other activities, ECS and ISE both provide essential service to the international electrochemical community,” says Orazem. “As an active member of ISE and ECS, I am very pleased to see these two societies work together in forming jointly sponsored symposia.”

The symposium at the 229th ECS Meeting will cover areas from fundamental theory to modeling of electrochemical technologies and devices, exploring all aspects of modeling electrochemical phenomena and physical effects in electrochemical systems.

“Electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering are central to fundamental research in dynamics and thermodynamics, fundamentals that implement technologies across wide areas that include energy, the environment, and healthcare,” says Leddy. “Because electrochemistry and electrochemical modeling are central to all electrochemists and electrochemical engineers, worldwide, electrochemical modeling provides an excellent venue for this, the first joint symposium of ISE and ECS.”

Abstracts for the “Modeling: From Elucidation of Physical Phenomena to Applications in Design” symposium will be accepted for the 229th ECS Meeting up until December 11, 2015.

“Personally, I am very pleased with the modeling topic and look forward to excellent interactions and discussions with friends of long standing and new colleagues not yet met,” says Leddy. “I look forward to the opportunity that this joint symposium of ISE and ECS provides to exchange ideas and to create new knowledge and new questions.”

Following the 229th ECS Meeting, the “Education for Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering” symposium will be co-organized by both ECS and ISE as part of the 2017 Annual Meeting of ISE.

“This is a new venture, being tested first at the 2016 ECS Meeting in San Diego and then at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the ISE in Providence, Rhode Island,” says Orazem. “I believe that this venture will strengthen both societies and may lead to new levels of cooperation that will benefit electrochemical research and education. I appreciate sincerely the engagement of the ISE and ECS leadership.”

Highlights from the 228th ECS Meeting

posterOver 2,080 people from 46 different countries attended the 228th ECS Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, October 11-15, 2015. This was ECS’s first return visit to Phoenix since 2008. Participants could choose among 1,977 presentations.

Check out tons of photos from the meeting on our Facebook page.

Plenary Session
ECS President Daniel Scherson opened the meeting with an update on the Society’s Free the Science initiative, a major endowment campaign allowing all ECS content to be open access—providing it at no cost to anyone—free to all authors, readers, and libraries. Attendees also got some insight into the fifth international ECS Electrochemical Energy Summit and a look at the Society’s plans for Open Access Week.

Adam Heller (center) receiving the ECS Lecture plaque from ECS President Daniel Scherson (left) and Honorary Member Plaque from ECS Vice President Krishnan Rajeshwar (right).

Adam Heller (center) receiving the ECS Lecture plaque from ECS President Daniel Scherson (left) and Honorary Member Plaque from ECS Vice President Krishnan Rajeshwar (right).

The ECS Lecture
Wealth, Global Warming and Geoengineering” was the title of the ECS Lecture given by Adam Heller, Research Professor and Professor Emeritus at the University of Texas at Austin’s McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering. His talk focused on the underlying cause of the rapid rise in carbon dioxide emissions and increased energy consumption, which Heller states is due to the rise in global wealth and growth of the world’s population. Additionally, Heller stressed the need for research and development in areas of geoengineering—specifically altering the albedo to reflect more sunlight and iron fertilization of the southern oceans—in order to stop the ever-increasing effects of climate change.

Franklin Orr, TK, delivering the keynote address at the fifth international Electrochemical Energy Summit.

Franklin Orr, U.S. Under Secretary for Science and Energy, delivering the keynote address at the fifth international Electrochemical Energy Summit.

Electrochemical Energy Summit
The fifth international ECS Electrochemical Energy Summit (E2S) took place during the 228th ECS Meeting. The main topic was solar critical issues and renewable energy. Acknowledging population and industrial growth paired with economic and environmental issues, E2S was designed to foster an exchange between leading policy makers and energy experts about society’s needs and technological energy solutions.

Franklin Orr, U.S. Under Secretary for Science and Energy, delivered the keynote address. His talk set the tone for the summit, focusing on environmental security, the critical role of energy storage, and how we can move towards a more sustainable future.
