SanDiego_2016_homeWith our 228th meeting in Phoenix just completed, ECS is calling for abstract submissions for our 229th meeting in San Diego, California. By submitting an abstract, you have the opportunity to present a paper or participate in a poster session and are eligible to apply for a division-sponsored travel grant. Travel grants are intended is to assist students, postdoctoral researchers, and young professionals with the travel costs of attending an ECS biannual meeting. These grants are specific to each division.

How to submit an abstract:

To submit your abstract for the 229th meeting in San Diego, please visit here.

The deadline for submitting an abstract is DECEMBER 11, 2015.

How to apply for a travel grant:

Apply for a travel grant after submitting your abstract by visiting

The deadline for travel grant submissions for the San Diego meeting is FEBRUARY 12, 2016. 

If you have any additional questions please contact


Poster session winners Andrew Akbashev, Axel Gambou-Bosca, Andrew Durney

How to enter the General Poster Session:

Students are eligible for the biannual meeting general student poster awards by submitting their abstract to the Z01- General Society Student Poster Session. To submit your abstract for the San Diego meeting, please visit and then scroll to the “Z-General Topics” section.


Who’s Talking Energy Conversion & Storage?

Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
December 11, 2015
Submit Today!

SanDiego_2016_homeTopic Close-up #5

SYMPOSIUM I05: Heterogeneous Functional Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage.

FOCUSED ON the science that controls emergent properties in heterogeneous functional materials as a foundation for design of functional material devices with performance not bounded by constituent properties.

PROVIDING a unique venue for both contributed and invited speakers to present the latest advances in novel modeling approaches, advanced 3-D imaging and characterization techniques, novel material synthesis and manufacturing methods to create highly ordered material structure, and applications of heterogeneous functional materials in devices for energy conversion and storage. This symposium especially encourages and welcomes contributed presentations.


Hot Topics at 229th ECS Meeting

Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
December 11, 2015
Submit today!

group-talkingTopic Close-up #3

SYMPOSIUM A02: Future and Present Advanced Lithium Batteries and Beyond – a Symposium in Honor of Prof. Bruno Scrosati.

FOCUSED ON the most innovative concepts, materials and designs for the advancement of the science and technology of secondary batteries.

SPECIAL INVITED TALKS will be delivered by highly respected scientists in this field.

SELECTED papers on the synthesis of the materials, battery assembly and testing, modeling and simulation will be invited to talk from the submitted abstracts. Learn about all the topics!

group-talking2Topic Close-up #4

SYMPOSIUM B02: Carbon Nanostructures in Medicine and Biology

FOCUSED ON the biomedical applications and biological interactions of carbon nanomaterials, including studies in toxicology, imaging, research tools, sensors, therapeutics, bioenergy, and theranostics.

FEATURING Lon Wilson of Rice University on Carbon Nanomaterials for MRI Contrast, Mohammed Islam of Carnegie Mellon University on Sub-cellular Partitioning and Analysis of Ultra-Short Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes, and Ardemis Boghossian of EPFL on Plant Nanobionics Approach to Augment Photosynthesis and Biochemical Sensing.

SELECTED papers on the most promising bio-application of carbon nanostructures will be invited to talk from the submitted abstracts. Learn about all the topics!


Posted in Meetings

Submitting to the 229th ECS Meeting?

Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
December 11, 2015
Submit today!

postersTopic Close-up #1

SYMPOSIUM E02: Three dimensional electrodeposition and electroless deposition

FOCUSED ON efforts to extend electrochemical deposition methods to three dimensions, and to find synergies with other additive manufacturing methods, such as deposition onto 3D-printed structures.

NOTING THAT additive manufacturing methods, many of which are called “three-dimensional printing”, are undergoing rapid development due to their ability to create material forms that are not accessible to conventional machining techniques, and due to their capacity for rapid prototyping and optimization when combined with powerful new design software. Learn about all the topics!

posters2Topic Close-up #2

SYMPOSIUM Z02: Nanotechnology General Session featuring Nanoscale Luminescent Materials 4

FOCUSED ON those characteristics of nanoscale materials that relate to their luminescent properties.

RELEVANT TOPICS INCLUDE effects of quantum confinement, the role of surface states, loss mechanisms, methods to improve luminescence efficiency, bulk vs. nanoparticle luminescence, and the role of phonons in nanomaterials.

FEATURING more than 30 invited and keynote speakers from the Americas, Europe, and Asia.

SELECTED papers on the luminescent properties of nanoscale materials may be added to the list of invited talks from among the submitted abstracts. Learn about all the topics!


Posted in Meetings
[Click to enlarge]

Image: Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis (JCAP) [Click to enlarge]

The fifth international ECS Electrochemical Energy Summit (E2S) will take place October 12-14, 2015 during the 228th ECS Meeting. This year’s program will be focused around solar critical issues and renewable energy. One of the invited talks is from the Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis (JCAP).

JCAP is pioneering revolutionary methods of synthesizing transportation fuels simply by combining three of Earth’s most abundant resources: carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight.

The goal is to generate liquid hydrocarbon or alcohol fuel products whose heating value equals or exceeds that of methanol, using selective and efficient chemical pathways.

Achieving a Technological Breakthrough

Any technological breakthrough of this sort requires multiple simultaneous advances in mechanisms, materials, and components—from novel catalysts and protection coatings to concepts for self-sustaining integrated systems—and JCAP, under its five-year renewal project, will continue to act as a hub for accelerated discovery and integration of these developments.

The project’s first two years will focus on an accelerated campaign of discovery and development, while years three to five will see a ramped-up emphasis on the integration of JCAP’s materials, catalytic mechanisms, and testbeds with advances made by JCAP, in close consultation and collaboration with the broader scientific community and industry.


Highlights of the Glasgow Meeting

Attendees gathered together to network, discuss research, and collaborate with new associates.

Attendees gathered together to network, discuss research, and collaborate with new associates.

The first international ECS Conference on Electrochemical Energy Conversion & Storage with SOFC-XIV convened in Glasgow, July 26-31, 2015, at the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre. More than 800 attendees, from over 40 countries explored three main symposium topics.

More than 400 oral presentations and 300 poster presentations added great depth to the scientific material presented in Glasgow.

The Organizers
Subhash Singhal (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, U.S.) and Koichi Eguchi (Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan) organized the section on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, which covered all aspects of research, development, and engineering of solid oxide fuel cells.

Subhash C. Singhal at the SOFC banquet.

Subhash Singhal at the SOFC banquet.

Section B focused on Batteries and was led by Peter Bruce (University of Oxford), Clare Grey (ALISTORE-European Research Institute), Stefan Freunberger (Graz University of Technology, Austria), and Jie Xiao (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, U.S.).

The Low Temperature Fuel Cells track, featuring presentations on low-temperature fuel cells, as well as electrolyzers and redox flow cells, was organized by Hubert Gasteiger (Technische Universität München, Germany), Deborah Jones (CNRS – ICGM – AIME – University of Montpellier, France), Thomas Schmidt (Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland), and J. Herranz (Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland).

About the Meeting
The ECS Conference on Electrochemical Energy Conversion & Storage with SOFC-XIV served as a major forum for the discussion of interdisciplinary research from around the world through a variety of formats, such as invited and keynote oral presentations, poster sessions, and exhibits. This was the first of a series of planned biennial conferences in Europe by ECS on electrochemical energy conversion/storage materials, concepts, and systems, with the intent to bring together scientists and engineers to discuss both fundamental advances and engineering innovations.


Glasgow_blog_imageThe ECS Conference on Electrochemical Energy Conversion & Storage with SOFC-XIV in Glasgow is right around the corner. With Scotland on our minds, we thought it’d be fitting to look at some of the greatest Scottish scientists, inventors, and engineers. In spite of being a relatively small country, Scotland has produced a group of prolific and esteemed scientists. Take a look at our list and join us in Glasgow, July 26-31.

John Logie Baird (1888-1946)
Engineer, Inventor
Baird was one of the inventors of the mechanical television and was the first person to publicly demonstrate the color television system.

Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922)
Engineer, Scientist
One of Scotland’s most eminent scientists, Bell is credited with inventing the first practical telephone. Bell established the Volta Laboratory and Bureau in the late 19th century, which would eventually become known as Bell Labs. (Check out our podcast on Bell Labs!)

Joseph Black (1728-1799)
Chemist, Physician
Black is best known for his discoveries of latent heat, specific heat, and carbon dioxide. Chemistry buildings at both the University of Edinburgh and the University of Glasgow are named after him.


Over 2,395 people attended the 227th ECS Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, May 24-28, 2015. This was ECS’s first return visit to Chicago since 2007. Participants could choose among 45 symposia and over 2,300 presentations.


Paul Kohl, ECS President

Plenary Session
ECS President Paul Kohl opened the meeting by providing an update on the new fellowship with Toyota Research Instituted of North America, and highlighting the Society’s continuing growth in the open access initiative. Attendees also got their first glimpse of the Official ECS Trading Card Series, with every person at the plenary receiving an Allen J. Bard trading card.



John A. Turner, Research Fellow, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

John A. Turner, Research Fellow, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

The ECS Lecture
Hydrogen from Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting – What’s it gonna’ take? was the title of the ECS Lecture given by Dr. John A. Turner, Research Fellow at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. He highlighted novel developments in solar-to-hydrogen efficiencies, challenges and opportunities facing the photoelectrochemical (PEC) community, and PEC solar water splitting systems that could lead to commercial devices. His discussion also focused on metal oxides, surface treatments, and tandem cells for PEC water splitting. Listen to Dr. Turner’s podcast to learn more about PEC water splitting and the future of the energy infrastructure.


Posted in Meetings

227th ECS Meeting Chicago LogoThe 227th ECS Meeting begins this coming Sunday, May 24. We’re excited to see you there! In preparation, we’ve put together a quick checklist to make sure you’re prepared for all of the events of the meeting.

Not going to the meeting? Make sure to keep up with the blog and follow us on Facebook at Twitter to get a peak at all of the events!

My Meeting Checklist:

Schedule sessions, meetings, events on meeting app | check it out now
Order Chicago proceedings | what’s published now
Submit article to an ECS journal | use free article credit
Go to the Pine and Metrohm exhibitors’ workshops | exhibitor hall
Read Daily News emails starting Sunday

While I’m at the registration desk:

Sign up for 5K | bring sneakers
Get ticket for annual business meeting/lunch | read minutes now
Get tickets for division luncheons

Posted in Meetings

brandon-nRegistration for the ECS Conference on Electrochemical Energy Conversion & Storage with SOFC-XIV, convening in Glasgow, July 26-31, 2015, is now open. The plenary session will feature Nigel Brandon, Director of the Sustainable Gas Institute at Imperial College London.

Prof. Nigel Brandon OBE FREng is also Director of the UK Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Hub, and Co-Director of the UK Energy Storage Hub. He held research positions with BP and Rolls-Royce before joining Imperial College as a Senior Lecturer in electrochemical engineering in 1998.

In 2000 he was a founder of the fuel cell company Ceres Power, acting as CEO to 2003, CTO to 2006 and Chief Scientist to 2009. He was appointed to the Shell Chair in Sustainable Development in Energy in 2005 and the BG Chair in Sustainable Gas in 2014.

He was the UK focal point with China in energy and climate change from 2007 to 2011, and Senior Research Fellow in Energy to the UK Research Councils from 2005 to 2014.
