Apply today to serve as a Student Ambassador at the 243rd ECS Meeting in Boston, MA, from May 28-June 2, 2023. Students who volunteer as ambassadors work closely with ECS staff and meet many fellow ECS members and meeting attendees.


The Electrochemical Society eagerly invites you to our third on-site “Meet the Editors” event at the upcoming 243rd ECS Meeting. Connect with 12 esteemed editors of our family of journals at the ECS booth. They are there to answer your questions on journal processes and discuss editorial opportunities and the vision for ECS Publications’ growth. As you determine your personal meeting schedule, take this opportunity to interact directly with ECS Publications Editorial Team members!


Interested in the energy technology field? Check out upcoming symposia and related topics taking place at the 244th ECS Meeting from October 8-12, 2023, in Gothenburg, Sweden. Submit your abstract and join us!

Submit your abstract

Extended abstract deadline: April 21, 2023


Topic Close-up #16

Symposium: I03—High Temperature Corrosion and Materials Chemistry XV Symposium

Extended abstract deadline: April 21, 2023
Submit today!


For additional information on symposia offered at the 244th ECS Meeting, consult additional topic close-ups.


Topic Close-up #15


D02—Plasma and Thermal Processes for Materials Modification, Synthesis, and Processing

Extended abstract deadline:
April 21, 2023

For additional information on symposia offered at the 244th ECS Meeting, consult additional topic close-ups.

Submit today!


 Topic Close-up #14


Z01 General Student Poster Session

Extended abstract deadline:
April 21, 2023

For additional information on 244th ECS Meeting symposia, consult more topic close-ups.

Submit today!


Topic Close-up #13


E02—Electrodeposition of Porous Materials and Materials with Complex Geometries

Extended abstract deadline: April 21, 2023

For additional information on symposia offered at the 243rd ECS Meeting, consult additional topic close-ups.

Submit today!


Interested in the organic and bioelectrochemistry field? Check out the upcoming symposium and related topics taking place at the 244th ECS Meeting from October 8-12, 2023, in Gothenburg, Sweden. Submit your abstract and join us!

Submit your abstract

Extended abstract deadline: April 21, 2023


 Topic Close-up #12


E01—Metal electrodeposition from fundamentals to applications

Extended abstract deadline:
April 21, 2023

For additional information on 244th ECS Meeting symposia, consult more topic close-ups.

Submit today!


244th ECS Meeting: Battery Topics

Interested in the battery field? Check out these exciting symposia and related topics taking place at the 244th ECS Meeting from October 8-12, 2023, in Gothenburg, Sweden. Submit your abstract and join us!

Submit your abstract

Extended abstract deadline: April 21, 2023


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