Topic Close-up #16

Symposium: I03—High Temperature Corrosion and Materials Chemistry XV Symposium

Extended abstract deadline: April 21, 2023
Submit today!


For additional information on symposia offered at the 244th ECS Meeting, consult additional topic close-ups.


Topic Close-up #15


D02—Plasma and Thermal Processes for Materials Modification, Synthesis, and Processing

Extended abstract deadline:
April 21, 2023

For additional information on symposia offered at the 244th ECS Meeting, consult additional topic close-ups.

Submit today!


 Topic Close-up #14


Z01 General Student Poster Session

Extended abstract deadline:
April 21, 2023

For additional information on 244th ECS Meeting symposia, consult more topic close-ups.

Submit today!


Topic Close-up #13


E02—Electrodeposition of Porous Materials and Materials with Complex Geometries

Extended abstract deadline: April 21, 2023

For additional information on symposia offered at the 243rd ECS Meeting, consult additional topic close-ups.

Submit today!


Interested in the organic and bioelectrochemistry field? Check out the upcoming symposium and related topics taking place at the 244th ECS Meeting from October 8-12, 2023, in Gothenburg, Sweden. Submit your abstract and join us!

Submit your abstract

Extended abstract deadline: April 21, 2023


 Topic Close-up #12


E01—Metal electrodeposition from fundamentals to applications

Extended abstract deadline:
April 21, 2023

For additional information on 244th ECS Meeting symposia, consult more topic close-ups.

Submit today!


244th ECS Meeting: Battery Topics

Interested in the battery field? Check out these exciting symposia and related topics taking place at the 244th ECS Meeting from October 8-12, 2023, in Gothenburg, Sweden. Submit your abstract and join us!

Submit your abstract

Extended abstract deadline: April 21, 2023


244th ECS Meeting Topic Close-up: A05 – Interplay Between Temperature and Battery Phenomenon

Image credit: Vecteezy

Topic Close-up 10


A07—Interplay Between Temperature and Battery Phenomenon

Extended abstract deadline:
April 21, 2023

For additional information on symposia offered at the 244th ECS Meeting symposia, consult more topic close-ups.

Submit today!


Topic Close-up 9


A03—Battery Safety and Failure Modes 4

Extended abstract deadline:
April 21, 2023

For additional information on 244th ECS Meeting symposia, consult more topic close-ups.

Submit today!


Interested in the physical and analytical electrochemistry field? Check our list of symposia on that and related topics taking place at the 244th ECS Meeting from October 8-12, 2023, in Gothenburg, Sweden. Submit your abstract and join us!

Submit your abstract

Extended abstract deadline: April 21, 2023
