In just a few months, everything has changed—and will continue changing in the months ahead. ECS reached out to our members to understand how this unprecedented crisis affects our community. We will share their observations and insights in a series of stories so our shared experiences help us navigate this period.

There will be bumps in the road, unexpected opportunities, and newly discovered inspirations.  What is clear: everyone longs to return to their labs; and research, collaboration, teaching, and learning continue in new ways. We hope you stay connected to your colleagues and the broader ECS community for support.

Elizabeth Biddinger on Being Sensitive to our Academic Community’s Needs

Elizabeth Biddinger Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering Department, City College, The City University of New York (CUNY), shares how she and her CUNY community are adapting to—and planning to move beyond—the the current situation. (more…)

ECS Career CenterWe’ve all been touched by the COVID-19 pandemic in some shape or form and have felt its effects, particularly, within the job market. For job seekers, it’s crucial now more than ever to use all resources at hand to increase visibility and exposure. For employers, having a way to filter through countless job applicants is just as important. The ECS Career Center serves as a source to help you connect and find exactly what you’re for! 

The ECS Career Center’s Resume Bank feature allows employers to search resumes in the Resume Bank and target candidates that match the criteria they seek. Job seekers, take advantage of this feature! Use the Upload Your Resume Feature to upload your resume to connect with a potential future employer. (more…)

Young students entering the science field take on a significant amount of new material and learning in the classrooms, but that doesn’t mean we can’t learn just as much from them, too! ECS student chapters, ran and created by students themselves, inspire us every day. Their remarkable accomplishments and contributions to the Society not only help guide and encourage talented scientists and engineers around them but also contribute to the future and growth of the sciences. (more…)

Update Your ECS Profile

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Get the best of ECS for your next step forward

At ECS, we are committed to your success as a valued member of the electrochemical and solid state science and technology community. We offer many resources to help you throughout your education, career, and across your research interests. (more…)

Posted in Membership

What Inspires You?

One doesn’t have to look back far into history to be inspired by the great minds of electrochemistry and solid state science and technology. There is much to be inspired by in the here and now.

Our research community is grappling with problems that can change the future for the Earth—and discover more about Mars. And pioneers are creating innovative technology applications that touch virtually everyone’s lives—through the electronics we use to the medical devices that keep us alive. Opportunities abound in the theory and practice of our burgeoning field, with new discoveries and applications developed practically every day. (more…)

It’s Personal … And Professional

Using Social Media To Connect With Your Professional Community

Social media is a great way to boost your visibility as a serious student of solid state and electrochemical science, learn about important developments and key players in the field, build your ECS Student Chapter, and launch/navigate your career.

When you engage on social media as a professional, your membership in ECS’s unique community gives you a springboard. You can employ ECS’s Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube channels to build your network, share valuable research you discover, and help share ECS news. When you publish research, social media is a great tool for enhancing the discovery of your paper, and research indicates that social sharing increases the likelihood of citations and replications.

Here are some tips to help you effectively promote your professional self, your ECS Student Chapter, and your work on social media: (more…)

Student Travel Grants are due February 10!

Congratulations to all the students whose posters and presentations have been accepted to the 237th ECS Meeting with the 18th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS 2020). A total of 99 posters have been accepted and will be on display at the Z01 General Student Poster Session! Whether you are attending or presenting, you have a great opportunity to meet with the best minds in the field. Our leaders can help guide and accelerate your path to success. Build your network and friendships! (more…)

Canadian flagAwards are important. They make a difference when applying for jobs, promotions, research grants, and more. Let’s encourage and reward fellow Canadian students by nominating them!

Nominations are due
by February 28

The award recognizes promising young engineers and scientists in the field of electrochemical power sources who are pursuing a PhD degree at a Canadian university, consisting of a $1,500 (CAD) prize!

Candidates must be nominated by a university faculty member. (more…)

2020 ECS Summer Fellowships

Application Deadline: January 15, 2020

It’s hard to think about summer in the depths of winter, but summer will be here before you know it! The summer months can be a great time to further your career. You may be eligible for an ECS Summer Fellowship which supports graduate students from June through September who pursue work in a field of interest to The Electrochemical Society.

ECS has been offering summer fellowships since 1928. Today, as many as five recipients are selected annually to receive up to $5,000. Qualified applicants must be enrolled in a college or university, and be a member of ECS. Preference is given to activities that extend the scope of the applicant’s program of study such as tangential research topics or summer research at another institution. Review the candidate qualifications and award rules to see if you qualify!

If you meet the requirements, apply for an ECS Summer Fellowship today! ECS uses an electronic application system. The deadline is January 15, 2020. (more…)

On Thursday, December 19, the ECS Canada Section hosts its fall 2019 Meeting:

Current Challenges and Recent Advances in Electrochemical Technologies for a Sustainable Society

The preliminary program is available here. More information is available at the Section website.

Keynote presentations

“Autonomous Light Management in Flexible Electrochromic Thin Films Integrating High Performance Silicon Solar Microcells”
Ralph G. Nuzzo
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

“The European VOLUMETRIQ Project: Driving Forward Automotive Fuel Cells”
Deborah Jones
Université de Montpellier, France

The meeting includes additional invited speakers from international and domestic institutions, award presentations, and a poster section. (more…)