Dennis Corrigan, chair of the ECS Detroit Section.

Dennis Corrigan’s connection to the ECS community came quite naturally. He had been an ECS member since the 1970s, and when he moved to Detroit to work at General Motors Research Laboratories in 1979, he was naturally inclined to become involved with the ECS Detroit Section.

“We had a very large Electrochemistry Department at GM Research Labs of over 60 people and most were active members of the Detroit section. They didn’t have to twist my arm too much to join,” laughed Corrigan, who today is the chair of the ECS Detroit Section.

The section meetings acted as a gateway for Corrigan to meet other electrochemists in the field with different areas of expertise. His passion for electrochemistry made it hard to resist.

“The section allowed me to figure out what was happening more generally than just at GM Research Labs,” said Corrigan, an adjunct mechanical engineering professor at Oakland University and founder and president of DC Energy Consulting, LLC.

The same of which is true today.

The ECS Detroit Section continues to draw in electrochemists from surrounding areas, including students from local universities, companies working on batteries and fuel cell technology, and countless startups targeting various kinds of electrochemical applications. (more…)

Young students entering the science field take on a significant amount of new material and learning in the classrooms, but that doesn’t mean we can’t learn just as much from them, too! ECS student chapters, ran and created by students themselves, inspire us every day. Their remarkable accomplishments and contributions to the Society not only help guide and encourage talented scientists and engineers around them but also contribute to the future and growth of the sciences.

That’s why in 2012, the Society established the ECS Outstanding Student Chapter Award to recognize distinguished student chapters that demonstrate active participation in ECS’s technical activities. That means chapters that have initiated outreach activities, coordinated community events, and created and maintained a robust membership base.

Does this sound like your student chapter? We want to award you for your hard work!

Application deadline: April 15, 2019


The S.K. Rangarajan Graduate Student Award was established in 2017 to assist a deserving student in India to pursue a career in disciplines related to electrochemistry and solid state science and technology. The award consists of a certificate, a $500 (US) prize, and a complimentary one-year ECS membership. Each year, the section recognizes the award winner at its acclaimed India School which is a weeklong teaching program in electrochemistry for young researchers. The recipient may be invited to speak at that meeting about his or her work or on another topic of interest to the mentioned field. (more…)

The following guest post is by Telpriore G. Tucker, PhD, founder of the ECS Valley of the Sun (Central Arizona) Student Chapter. In it, Tucker discusses his life and work, his experiences with the Society, and his continual efforts to promote the study of electrochemistry throughout the Valley of the Sun. 

My name is Telpriore “Greg” Tucker. I’m a postdoctoral research associate in the School of Molecular Sciences at Arizona State University (ASU) in Tempe, AZ. I simply go by Greg on the ASU campus and am more so known as Dr. T in the local community of Greater Metro Phoenix. I’m also the treasurer and a board member of the Arizona Green Chamber of Commerce. Currently, I reside in Scottsdale, AZ, but I’m originally from Colorado Springs, CO.


On Friday, February 8, 2019, the ECS New England section will host a meeting featuring a distinguished speaker at Northeastern University, and you’re invited!

Pre-registration and paid dinner reservation is required to attend.


Northeastern University’s Boston Campus
Egan Research Center
Room 305/306 (more…)

Save with an ECS Lifetime Membership

Society members have shared that ECS is their professional home. It’s where they meet new colleagues and discover valuable peer collaborations. Membership in ECS is priceless!

The Society offers a number of membership opportunities for individuals – one of the most valuable is lifetime membership! Individuals can save over 30% when purchasing a lifetime membership.

Your lifetime membership in ECS connects you to a global network of scientists and engineers throughout industry, government, and academia. In addition, you receive the member’s only benefits package – complimentary access to the latest research (up to 100 free downloads), discounted meeting registrations, along with networking, continuing education, and many more opportunities.

Access member only benefits and demonstrate your commitment to advancing the science by contacting for your lifetime membership quote.

(Note: Lifetime membership prices vary per person.)

Members speak out about why they joined ECS

The Electrochemical Society aims to advance theory and practice at the forefront of electrochemical and solid state science and technology, and allied subjects. To better serve the needs of researchers, scientists, and engineers across the field, we’d like to gather your thoughts on open access, membership, and the ECS quarterly magazine, Interface. Your feedback will inform the future direction of ECS programs.

Let us know your thoughts


Organization Membership with ECS

ECS Institutional Members

The ECS Institutional Membership Program provides a number of benefits for electrochemical and solid state science organizations from around the world. Institutional members are able to choose the benefit options that best help meet their organizational goals such as employee development, marketing and outreach opportunities, access to the ECS digital library, and publishing content with ECS.

Institutional membership allows each organization to create a benefits package allowing a customized engagement experience throughout our program areas. Examples of interests for different organization types are: (more…)

AiMES 2018: Best Student Posters

At AiMES 2018 in Cancun, Mexico, there were more than 80 students posters submitted to the Z01 General Student Poster Session.

The general student poster session was held on Tuesday night, October 2, 2018. This session draws a number of participants at each meeting as awards are given to the best posters. Awards recognize the student’s knowledge and understanding of their research; and the research’s relationship to fields of interest to ECS.

The recipients of the best poster awards for AiMES 2018 are: (more…)

6 New ECS Student Chapters

The ECS student chapter program continues to experience tremendous growth with student chapters forming around the globe! During AiMES 2018, the Individual Membership Committee and Board of Directors approved the chartering of six more student chapters:

  • Imperial College London (UK)
  • University of Cape Town (South Africa)
  • Dalhousie University (Canada)
  • Mexico Capitulo Estudiantil CIDETEQ (Mexico)
  • China Spallation Neutron Source (China)
  • Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University (Turkey)

ECS now supports 81 student chapters! The student chapter program helps students collaborate on their campus and promote electrochemical and solid state science throughout their communities.
