Dr. Thalia Standish

Dr. Thalia Standish

Congratulations to Thalia Standish of the University of Western Ontario for receiving the 2021 ECS Corrosion Division Morris Cohen Graduate Student Award. Each year, the division recognizes and rewards outstanding graduate research in the field of corrosion science and/or engineering. Such early recognition of highly qualified corrosion scientists and/or engineers is intended to encourage especially promising researchers to remain active in the field after their graduate research is completed.

Dr. Thalia Standish

Thalia Standish is a Research Scientist at Surface Science Western, where she conducts material analyses to advance academic research and help solve industrial problems. She received her PhD in Chemistry from Western University in 2019. Her graduate research focused on evaluating the galvanic corrosion behavior of copper-coated carbon steel for used nuclear fuel containers, using a combination of electrochemical techniques, x-ray micro-computed tomography (micro-CT), and surface analytical techniques. Dr. Standish is currently developing expertise in Raman spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and thermal analysis techniques, focusing on polymeric materials in particular. (more…)

Scientsts collecting dataThree US Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science Programs are currently accepting applications for the summer 2022 term:

  • Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI)
  • Community College Internships (CCI)
  • Visiting Faculty Program (VFP)

These programs give students the opportunity to conduct research and technical projects at national laboratories. Applications are due by January 12, 2022, at 1700h ET. (more…)

ECS University of Waterloo Student Chapter and ECS Purdue University Student Chapter are 2021 Chapters of Excellence

The Outstanding Student Chapter Award was established in 2012 to recognize distinguished ECS Student Chapters that demonstrate active participation in the Society’s technical activities; establish community and outreach activities in the areas of electrochemical and solid state science and engineering education; and create and maintain a robust membership base.

2021 ECS Outstanding Student Chapter

ECS congratulates the 2021 Outstanding Student Chapter winner, the ECS Clarkson University Student Chapter, for their dedication and commitment to the advancement of electrochemical and solid state science and engineering education. (more…)

The ECS Student Chapter program continues to expand as students around the world join ECS’s global community. On October 22, 2021, the Board of Directors approved the chartering of four new student chapters. The Society now has 113 student chapters around the world.

Join us in welcoming student chapters from the following institutions and countries:

       Austria Student Chapter, Austria

       Harvard University, US

       Jawaharlal Nehru University, India

       Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US (more…)

Students submitted 79 posters to the 240th ECS Meeting Z01 General Student Poster Session. Judges reviewed the digital presentations and chose the following for awards. Congratulations to the winners!

Please take a moment to celebrate the excellent work of the authors listed below.

Z01 – General Student Poster Session awards

1st Prize – $1,500 Cash

Sara Sheffels, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Z01-1955 – “Proton Transport in Hydrated GdOx Measured with GdCo Magnetic Sensing Layer

The ECS Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering (IE&EE) Division recognizes and rewards promising young engineers and scientists in the fields of electrochemical engineering and applied electrochemistry with two special awards. Congratulations to Akshay Subramaniam who received the IE&EE Division Student Achievement Award, and Eric McShane, winner of the IE&EE Division H. H. Dow Memorial Student Achievement Award.

The IE&EE Division Student Achievement Award was established in 1989. The IE&EE Division H. H. Dow Memorial Student Achievement Award was established in 1990 with a gift from the Dow Chemical Company Foundation to encourage recipients to continue careers in electrochemical engineering or applied electrochemistry. Both awards require that nominees describe a research project that they will pursue during the award year, and how that project relates to the field of electrochemical engineering or applied electrochemistry. The recipients of the awards each receive a framed certificate and US $1,000 prize. The IE&EE Division H. H. Dow Memorial Student Achievement Award restricts use of the award to expenses associated with the recipient’s education or research project, i.e., tuition, books, equipment, or supplies. (more…)

Looking back and forward to the 240th ECS Meeting

On June 14, 78 graduate and undergraduate students from around the world received notification that their posters had been chosen for exhibition at the Z01 General Student Poster Session at the 240th ECS Meeting in Orlando, FL, from October 10-14, 2021. The poster session is a forum for students to present research results to ECS meeting attendees including the most active researchers in electrochemistry and solid state science and technology. Students choose to be part of the competition for cash awards recognizing the best poster presentations.


Byron Gates and Jeff Warren lecture on July 23, 2021

The ECS British Columbia Student Chapter invites students, post-docs, professors, and anyone interested in electrochemistry, materials, or renewable energy, to our 10th Annual Young Electrochemists Symposium. This milestone meeting is online via Zoom due to the unprecedented nature of COVID-19. Hopefully, this is the last online meeting before we gather in person again. 


We hope to see you soon at our symposium,

ECS British Columbia Student Chapter


The ECS Student Chapter program continues to expand as students around the world seek to join ECS’s global community. On June 10, 2021, the Board of Directors approved the chartering of two new student chapters.

Join us in welcoming the ECS Gebze Teknik Üniversitesi (Gebze Technical University) Student Chapter, Turkey; and the ECS University of Manitoba Student Chapter, Canada. (more…)

Collaborating is Critical

Elton Cairns on life before, during, and after COVID-19

To round out our series, The ECS Community Adapts and Advances, we checked in with Past ECS President Elton J. Cairns, who has been a member of the Society since 1961. Over his 60+ years with ECS, he was active in the Niagara-Mohawk Section; served on many Society and division committees; was Battery division editor; held all the offices of the Physical Electrochemistry division (Chairman, 1981-1983); organized Society meeting symposia; and was elected Vice-President (1986) and President (1989-1990). Dr. Cairns received the Turner Book Prize in 1963 and was elected Fellow of The Electrochemical Society in 1991. All of this on top of teaching, mentoring, and making important contributions to science! He is Professor of the Graduate School, Berkeley College of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, U.S.

Life outside the lab

“We have been in shut-down for over a year without access to the lab—even though now I am vaccinated. I have been active working with some grads and postgrads through Zoom. Mostly I help them with articles they seek to publish. As for my own work, I filled the year with activities related to publishing—the nuts and bolts of the publishing process. I stay in contact with colleagues around the world through Zoom and Skype. (more…)

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