Alex Peroff

Alex Peroff, PhD, with (from left to right), Pine Research mascots the Post-Duck and Dr. Reducks.

Alex Peroff Looks on the Bright Side

Last spring, when the Society spoke with Alex Peroff, PhD, Electroanalytical Scientist at Pine Research, we were impressed by his positive attitude in the face of the challenges posed by the pandemic. We wondered if, after a year of living under COVID-19 restrictions, he was still as upbeat. The short answer: yes! The long answer follows.

Life not on the road

Before 2020, Peroff traveled extensively. Since spring 2020, he’s worked from home. “My only travel was to drive to Pine’s Pennsylvania facility last summer. There were a lot of social distancing protocols to make sure that everything was safe. Before, everyone worked together on a first shift. Now there are two shifts. I don’t think there’s going to be much safe travel until more people are vaccinated and the numbers of new cases significantly decrease. It’ll be a slow process.”


Cummins Inc. announced that Hydrogenics Corporation is transitioning to the Cummins brand and will now be known as Cummins Inc. In September 2019, Cummins closed on the acquisition of Hydrogenics, a fuel cell and hydrogen production technologies provider. Hydrogenics has been an ECS Institutional Member since 2019. (more…)

The 2021 Society election is the first opportunity for ECS student members to help choose the new ECS President and 3d Vice President.  As previously reported, the Individual Membership Committee submitted a proposal to the Board of Directors to grant student members full voting rights. The proposal was approved by the Board of Directors in May 2020.

ECS President, Stefan de Gendt, says, “Students and early career professionals are vital to the health and long-term sustainability of the Society.  By providing these critical members the right to vote we give them a voice and the ability to directly participate in the governance of the Society.” (more…)

Carolyn Graverson’s First Semester at Grad School

As part of our check-in with the COVID-19 series interviewees, we thought a student’s point of view would be interesting. When we spoke with Carolyn Graverson last spring, she was completing her senior year at Lewis University and preparing to pursue graduate studies in chemistry at Rice University. She was home from Rice when we spoke.

Still not your usual year

Carolyn’s first semester courses were “blended.” Two were fully online; others combined in-person and digital learning. As she worked in a lab and as a TA, Carolyn had high priority status to get weekly COVID-19 tests. These, plus mandatory indoor and outdoor mask-wearing, and students pledging to stay safe and isolate, made it comfortable for Carolyn to be on campus. She attended different groups’ virtual meetings and visited their labs in person to choose her research focus. As there were fewer in-person meetings, it wasn’t the same as pre-pandemic. Nonetheless, Carolyn is happy with her decision to join the Matthew R. Jones Lab, focusing on nanoparticle assembly and ligand design. (more…)

SanDisk—an ECS Sustaining Level Institutional Member for six years—announced plans to change the name of its Japanese entity to Western Digital GK as of January 1, 2021.

Western Digital provides NAND flash memory, drive devices-SDD (Solid State Drive) and HDD (Hard Disk Drive) to retail consumers, enterprises, and large-scale data centers. The company delivers top-level total storage solutions, developing and mass-producing multiple products, including WD® and SanDisk® brands. As part of ongoing integration activity, Western Digital is renaming certain legacy entities to align with the Western Digital name. Products will continue to be marketed under the Western Digital®, G-Technology™, SanDisk® and WD® brands. (more…)

2020 ECS Corrosion Division Morris Cohen Graduate Student Award Goes to Chao Liu

Each year, the ECS Corrosion Division recognizes outstanding academic achievements in corrosion science and/or engineering through the Morris Cohen Graduate Student Award. Congratulations to the 2020 Corrosion Division Morris Cohen Graduate Student Award winner, Chao (Gilbert) Liu of the Shell Technology Center. (more…)

ECS encourages its institutional members to renew their memberships before the end of 2020 to ensure that their benefits and community support continue uninterrupted.

Members build their own benefit package

When you renew, you can adjust your package to meet your 2021 goals and objectives. The benefits menu includes:

  • Reduced pricing on print and digital advertising
  • Discounts on sponsoring and exhibiting at ECS biannual meetings
  • Access to the ECS Digital Library and member pricing
  • Admission to an elite network of corporate, academic, government, and national laboratory leaders


The ECS Summer Fellowship Program assists students during the summer months of June through September to pursue work in a field of interest to ECS. The 2020 fellowship recipients are:

Edward G Weston Fellowship

“Towards Quantifying Ion Kinetics at Confined Nanointerfaces using Electrochemical Fluctuation Methods”
Andrew Pendergast (more…)

Are you a student working on energy storage and conversion? Join us at the 239th ECS Meeting with the 18th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS) for the opportunity to present your research! The special symposium, entitled A04-Battery Student Slam 5, is dedicated to students working on energy storage and energy conversion.

The student slam offers students the opportunity to present flash oral presentations of their work in a 10-minute time slot. All students enrolled at any valid degree-granting institution may submit an abstract describing the presentation. New materials and designs, performance studies, and modeling of all types of batteries, supercapacitors and fuel cells, including aqueous, non-aqueous, polymer electrolytes, solid electrolytes, and flow systems are of particular interest. (more…)

ECS Implements Single Sign On

With the completion of the year-long project to implement Single Sign On (SSO), the electrochemical and solid state community can now log in to the ECS website with just one set of credentials, and have access to all ECS-approved applications and websites without having to having to log in again. SSO simplifies username and password management while improving identity protection, decreasing “password fatigue.”


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