At their next meeting, the ECS Board of Directors will vote on a proposal to change the name of the ECS Sponsorship Committee to the ECS Institutional Engagement Committee. The name change was proposed at a meeting during PRiME 2020.

 “We felt that the word ‘sponsorship’ did not clearly define the purpose of our committee. Our goal is to engage the broader electrochemical community. By defining our committee as the ECS Institutional Engagement Committee, we will reach both the academic and industrial members of our society,” said Committee Chair Marion Jones, of Scribner Associates, Inc.


ECS Travel Grants provide financial assistance for early career electrochemists and Society members to participate in ECS meetings.

What is an ECS Travel Grant?

Many ECS divisions and sections offer travel grants to undergraduates, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, young professionals, and faculty presenting papers at ECS biannual meetings. Applications must be submitted no later than the deadlines listed on the ECS website. ECS divisions and sections may have additional application requirements. Please review these additional requirements before filling out the online application. (more…)

Mark Orazem reflects on now, as opposed to then

Mark OrazemWhen we started on our COVID-19 interview series, no one knew how long the pandemic would last or the long-term impact it would have on our community. As we approach the end of a year of living in the shadow of COVID-19, we thought it useful to follow up with some of our interviewees. We learned that research, collaboration, teaching, and learning are continuing to evolve—along with the challenges of distance learning, meeting, and life.

When we spoke with Mark Orazem last spring about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, he was on a sabbatical that did not turn out as planned. Now he is back teaching at the University of Florida where he is Distinguished Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering. (more…)

The ECS Board of Directors chartered a new ECS section on October 16, 2020. With the addition of the ECS Pacific Northwest Section, the Society now hosts over 24 region-specific sections providing opportunities for regional scientists and engineers to connect with researchers and participate in various events. Jie Xiao, ECS Fellow and Battery Division Secretary, took the lead in chartering the section and now serves as its chair.

The ECS Pacific Northwest Section seeks to connect all interested parties from academia, industry, and government, and bridge a scientific gap while providing networking opportunities that could lead to new developments—and help members advance their careers. The section serves all of the universities and national labs in Washington State, Idaho, and Oregon. Xiao believes the section will bolster the growth of the electrochemistry and solid state science fields in the Pacific Northwest. (more…)

The student chapter program continues to expand because students around the world are excited to join ECS’s global community. On October 16, 2020, the Board of Directors approved the chartering of six new student chapters. (more…)

D.O.E. Highlights Faraday Technology

ECS congratulates Faraday Technology, an ECS Patron Level Institutional Member. The U.S. Department of Energy (D.O.E.) recently highlighted Faraday for developing an energy-efficient method for removing water from cellulosic nanomaterials (CNs). CNs have a unique combination of characteristics including high mechanical properties, sustainability, and large-scale production potential. Their material applications include as additives, self-sustaining structures, and template structures. By making CNs more economical to transport, the new FARADAYIC® ElectroDewatering process and associated FARADYIC® ElectroExtrusion apparatus make them more accessible for a broad spectrum of industrial applications. (more…)

Join a powerful partnership!

An ECS Institutional Membership admits organizations to an elite group of scientists, academics, and professionals. Join and open the door to a vast array of information, people, and breaking research in electrochemistry and solid state science and technology.

Learn how customizable benefits packages save your organization up to 25 percent on the ECS Institutional Membership Program.

RENEW – JOIN today!
Contact Anna Olsen for more information.


Science’s Time to Shine

Greg Jackson on changing perceptions and new opportunities

In our series, The ECS Community Adapts and Advances, Greg Jackson reflects on changing perceptions of science and difficulties meeting goals in the shadow of COVID-19. Greg is professor of mechanical engineering at the Colorado School of Mines (CSM). His research group focuses on solar energy storage in solid-oxide electrochemical systems. Greg received his PhD from Cornell University. After working at Precision Combustion, Inc., he spent 15 years in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Maryland where he was Associate Director of the Energy Research Center. At ECS, Greg chaired the High-Temperature Energy, Materials & Processes Division, and served on the Board. He recently stepped back from administrative positions to teach more and spend time with his kids. (more…)

Coping with Chaos

Alice Suroviec on juggling home, work—and a transformed tomorrow

For our series, The ECS Community Adapts and Advances, Alice Suroviec describes pandemic-related challenges—and benefits—of being a mother, professor, scientist, researcher, administrator, homeschooler, and crisis manager. Alice is Professor of Bioanalytical Chemistry and Dean of the College of Medical and Natural Sciences at Berry College, Georgia, U.S. Her research focuses on enzymatically modified electrodes for use as biosensors and the use of self-assembled monolayers on gold nanoparticles. Alice is associate editor of the Journal of The Electrochemical Society and guest editor of Interface. Formerly chair of the Division of Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Alice now chairs the ECS Ad Hoc Committee on Diversity and Inclusivity, and serves on the ECS Individual Membership Committee and the Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Subcommittee. (more…)

The Big Unknown

Jeff Henderson describes coping today and fears for tomorrow

In our series, The ECS Community Adapts and Advances, Jeffrey “Jeff” Henderson opened up about what he and his colleagues are worrying about—and some tips to getting through this unprecedented period. Jeff is a PhD candidate in Physical/Analytical Chemistry under the supervision of Professors Jamie Noël and David Shoesmith at the University of Western Ontario (Western), Canada. His research focuses on the role of alloying elements on the corrosion behavior of Ni-based alloys. Jeff, who works from home with his pet rabbit for company, is very active with the ECS University of Western Ontario Student Chapter. (more…)

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