Z. Jung Fang and Yamin Zhang receive the 2020 ECS Georgia Section Outstanding Student Achievement Awards

Established in 2011, the Georgia Section Outstanding Student Achievement Award recognizes academic accomplishments in any area of science or engineering in which electrochemical and/or solid state science and technology is the central consideration. To qualify, applicants must be (1) students pursuing PhDs at universities in Georgia, (2) nominated by a university faculty member, and (3) ECS members at the time of nomination. (more…)

ECS is pleased to announce the winners of the PRiME 2020 symposia-funded best poster and presentation awards!

Awards of this type are presented at every ECS meeting thanks to the generous funding of individual symposium sponsors. Please take a moment to celebrate the excellent work of the authors listed below.

If you missed the opportunity to view these presentations, there is still time! All presentations are accessible until November 9, 2020! Pre-registration is required. (more…)

The ECS General Student Poster Session Awards were established in 1993 to acknowledge the excellence of students’ work. The winners’ posters display their understanding of research topics in fields of interest to the Society.

This year, 243 students submitted posters for the PRiME 2020 General Student Poster Session. Of them, three student posters stood out above the rest. The recipients of the PRiME 2020 Z01 General Student Poster Session’s best poster awards are:

1st Place – $1,500 cash award
Jong Hwa Kim
Poster # 142359
Feasibility of LiNbO3 Surface Coating on High-Ni Layered Cathode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries
Kim received BS in Advanced Materials Engineering for Information and Electronics from Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea, in 2019. He is pursuing his MS under the guidance of Professor Min-Sik Park at the same university. Kim’s research focuses on improving the performance of cathode materials for lithium ion batteries.

Nomination deadline is February 1, 2021.

Nominations for the prestigious honor of Fellow of The Electrochemical Society are now being accepted.  The award was established in 1989 to recognize advanced individual technological contributions in the field of electrochemical and solid state science and technology—and active membership and involvement in Society affairs. Each year, ECS inducts a maximum of fifteen distinguished members to hold the title of Fellow. (more…)

Application Deadline: April 15, 2021

Nominations are now being accepted for the 2022 Vittorio de Nora Award.  The Vittorio de Nora Award was established in 1971 to recognize distinguished contributions to the field of electrochemical engineering and technology. Learn more!

The award consists of a gold medal and a plaque that contains a bronze replica thereof, both bearing the recipient’s name; a $7,500 prize; complimentary meeting registration for the award recipient and companion; a dinner held in the recipient’s honor during the designated meeting; and Society Life Membership. The winner will be invited to deliver the de Nora award address (on a subject related to his/her contributions to the field) at the meeting where the prize is awarded. (more…)

Nomination Opens September 15, 2020

Presented: Fall meeting 2021
Recipient qualifications

Young students entering the science field take on a significant amount of new material and learning in the classroom—but that doesn’t mean we can’t learn just as much from them, too! ECS student chapters, created and run by students, inspire us every day. Their remarkable accomplishments and contributions to the Society help guide and encourage the talented scientists and engineers around them while contributing to the future and growth of the sciences. (more…)

Congratulations to Keegan Adair, winner of the 2020 ECS Canada Section Student Award.

The Canada Section Student Award is one of four awards in the ECS Canada Section recognition program. Established in 1987, the award recognizes promising young engineers and scientists in the field of electrochemical power sources. It is intended to encourage the recipients to initiate or continue careers in the field. The recipient is a student pursuing a PhD at a Canadian university in any area of science or engineering in which electrochemical science and technology and/or solid state science and technology is the central consideration.

This year’s winner, Keegan Adair, received his BSc in chemistry from the University of British Columbia in 2016. He is currently a PhD candidate in Professor Xueliang (Andy) Sun’s Nanomaterials and Energy Group at the University of Western Ontario. Recognition of Adair’s work includes the Ontario Graduate Scholarship and the NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship-Doctoral award. (more…)

Nomination DeadlineOctober 1, 2020

The ECS Olin Palladium Award was established in 1950 to recognize distinguished contributions to the field of electrochemical or corrosion science. Past recipients of the ECS Olin Palladium Award are among the most distinguished leaders of the electrochemistry field, including 2019 Chemistry Nobel Laureate, John Goodenough.

The award recognizes outstanding contributions to the fundamental understanding of all types of electrochemical and corrosion phenomena and processes. The recipient does not need to be a member of The Electrochemical Society. There are no restrictions or reservations regarding age, sex, race, citizenship, or place of origin or residence. (more…)

New Deadline: September 23, 2020

The nomination deadline for the ECS Energy & Technology Division Awards has been extended to September 23, 2020. Take advantage of this extension to submit your nominations today!

The Energy Technology Division Graduate Student Award sponsored by Bio-Logic was established in 2012 to recognize and reward promising young engineers and scientists in fields pertaining to this division. (more…)

Deadline: October 1, 2020

The Carl Wagner Memorial Award was established in 1980 to recognize mid-career achievement, excellence in research areas of interest to the Society, and significant contributions in the teaching or guidance of students or colleagues in education, industry, or government.

The award consists of a silver medal and a corresponding wall plaque; $7,500 (USD); complimentary meeting registration for the award recipient and companion; a dinner held in the recipient’s honor during the designated meeting: and Society Life Membership. The next Wagner Award will be recognized at the 239th ECS Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, in October 2021. There the recipient will deliver a general address on a subject related to the contributions for which the award is being presented. (more…)