Reza Javaherdashti, PhD
Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering
Chief Executive Officer, MICORR

Date: June 15, 2022
Time: 1000h ET
Sponsor: Hiden Analytical (more…)

Mitchell KaiserThe winner of the first ECS Pacific Northwest Section Electrochemistry Student Award has been named: Mitchell Kaiser of the University of Washington. Join us in congratulating him! Kaiser will receive the award at this summer’s ECS Pacific Northwest Section meeting.

The section established the award in 2021 to recognize promising young engineers and scientists pursuing PhDs in electrochemical engineering and applied electrochemistry, and to encourage recipients to continue careers in these fields. The winner receives a US $1,000 prize. Visit the award page for the full award description. (more…)

Kevin D. MoellerKevin D. Moeller
Professor of Chemistry
Washington University in St. Louis, U.S.

Date: May 25, 2022
Time: 1000h ET
Hiden Analytical (more…)

Mark J. WilleyIf you missed Dr. Mark Willey’s webinar, the live webinar was recorded and has been uploaded to the official ECS YouTube channel for open-access viewing. View it now!

The Society and ECS Pacific Northwest Section hosted the webinar, “The U.S. Lithium Battery Market and the Challenge of Supporting it with Domestic Suppliers,” on May 3, 2022. This interesting, forward-thinking presentation and lively Q&A session covered: (more…)

Karthish ManthiramProfessor Manthiram answered audience questions during a live Q&A session following his April 20 webinar, “Electrification and Decarbonization of Chemical Synthesis.” He kindly provided written answers to questions not covered during the broadcast (below). The webinar is available to view on the ECS YouTube channel.


Mark J. Willey
Battery Materials and Systems
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
University of Washington, Seattle

Date: May 3, 2022
Time: 1000–1100h PT
There is no cost to register for this event, but registration is required.
Registration: You must preregister through ECS My Account. Don’t have one? It’s easy to createvisit Create an Account now.

The webinar is open to the public; ECS membership is not required. (more…)

The grant writing and review process can be daunting and difficult for young investigators to navigate. Learn tips and best practices from experts on how to successfully craft a scientific proposal for federal grants, industry partnerships, and non-profit support. A live question and answer session with the audience follows short presentations by each panelist.

Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Time: 1400h ET
Cost: Free and open to the public
Format: Zoom (more…)

Karthish Manthiram
Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
California Institute of Technology, U.S.

Date: April 20, 2022
Time: 1000h ET
Hiden Analytical, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cell Press


The ECS Detroit Section invites you to join Dr. Chen Liao for her webinar on Wednesday, April 6, 2022.

Date: Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Time: 1900h EDT
Cost: Free (more…)

Note these April and June deadlines

Apply now or nominate someone you know for an ECS award or travel grant. Award recipients join an elite group of past Society, division, and section winners. Click on the links below for further details.

ECS uses an electronic portal for all applications. Here are some tips for the best results. Questions or concerns? Send a message as we are here to help. (more…)