From left to right: Ramchandra Gawas, Thomas Lee Spencer, and Junpei Koike; photo by Robb Cohen Photography and Video

Established in 1993, the General Student Poster Session Awards acknowledge the excellence of students’ work. The winners display their understanding of research topics in fields of interest to The Electrochemical Society (ECS).

This year, at the 236th ECS Meeting in Atlanta, GA, almost 600 students submitted posters to the General Student Poster Session. Of them, three student posters stood out above the rest.

The recipients of the 235th ECS Meeting’s best poster awards are:

1st Place – $1,500 cash award
Ramchandra Gawas, Drexel University
Poster # 2310
Ionic Liquid Composite Electrocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction(more…)

Shimshon Gottesfeld received the 2019 Olin Palladium Award at the 236th Electrochemical Society (ECS) Meeting.  The award recognizes distinguished contributions to the field of electrochemical or corrosion science.  Gottesfeld talk, “Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells: Recognition of a Field of Electrochemistry for Technical Contributions Made by Outstanding Technical Teams,” is on Wednesday, 16 October, at 1640h in Galleria 2.

Shimshon Gottesfeld

Gottesfeld is an emeritus member and fellow of ECS.  He received his PhD in chemistry from Technion – Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa. He joined the staff of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Tel Aviv in 1972. Gottesfeld spent an extended sabbatical leave between 1977 and 1979 at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, New Jersey. In 2015, Gottesfeld was nominated adjunct professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering of the University of Delaware. (more…)

Robb Cohen Photography & Video

John W. Weidner of the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences at the University of Cincinnati received the 2019 Carl Wagner Memorial Award at the 236th Electrochemical Society (ECS) Meeting. The award recognizes mid-career achievement, excellence in research areas of interest of the Society, and significant contributions in the teaching or guidance of students or colleagues in education, industry, or government.

Weidner delivers “Mathematical Modeling of Electrochemical Systems” on Tuesday, 15 October, at 1140-1200 in Room 311.

John W. Weidner

John W. Weidner is an ECS Fellow and dean of the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences at the University of Cincinnati. He published 113 refereed journal articles and contributed to over 200 technical presentations in the field of electrochemical engineering. His research group created novel synthesis routines… (more…)

ECS announces a special opportunity for attendees

Interested in innovation programs at the National Science Foundation (NSF)? The NSF Directorate for Engineering’s Division of Industrial Innovation and Partnerships (IIP) supports programs to accelerate NSF-funded and federally-funded fundamental research into market opportunities, and fosters public-private partnerships to advance technological innovation. IIP invests in high-tech small businesses and collaborations between academia and industry to transform discoveries into innovative commercial technologies with societal benefits.

Meet one-on-one with Jesus Soriano, NSF program director, Industrial Innovation and Partnerships Division, October 15-16 at the 236th ECS Meeting in Atlanta. Reserve your 15-minute meeting here:

Learn more about the IIP programs:


John B. Goodenough

Christina Bock, president of the Board of The Electrochemical Society (ECS), congratulated John B. Goodenough, M. Stanley Whittingham, and Akira Yoshino who today were jointly awarded the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

“On behalf of the entire ECS community, I would like to extend my sincerest congratulations to our esteemed members: John Goodenough, M. Stanley Whittingham, and Akira Yoshino on being awarded the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry ‘for the development of Lithium-ion batteries,’” said Bock. “This is fitting recognition for the truly groundbreaking advancements these pioneers have made for our field and for the whole of humanity. Simply put, their research is the enabling science upon which the solutions to the grand challenges facing the planet—renewable energy, clean transportation, communications to name but a few—will be based. We are honored to count their almost 60 years of combined membership among our ranks.” (more…)

Deadline for submitting abstracts
December 2, 2019
Submit today!

Topic Close-up #4

Symposium A04: Battery Student Slam 4

Symposium focus: This special symposium is dedicated to students working on energy storage and energy conversion. In the student slam, students have the opportunity to present flash oral presentations on their work in a 10-minute time slot. All students enrolled at a valid degree-granting institution may submit an abstract describing their presentation. (more…)

In September 2019, at the 16th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XVI), Symposium Chair Subhash Singhal presented a plaque from The Electrochemical Society (ECS) to Yukiko Dokiya, the widow of Professor Masayuki Dokiya. Also present were daughter Fumiko Dokiya, her husband Hironobu Dokiya, and their daughter Yoko Dokiya and son Masahiro Dokiya.  The plaque thanked the Dokiya family for their generous contribution in Masayuki’s memory. The gift made possible the creation of the Dokiya Fund of The Electrochemical Society in 2004. From 2004 to 2019, the Fund provided financial travel assistance to 128 Dokiya Fund Travel Grant Recipients to attend ECS and other related meetings around the world in their pursuit of electrochemical science and technology to benefit mankind. (more…)

The new deadline is October 8, 2019.

The Electrochemical Society Nanocarbons Division established the Award in 2018 to encourage excellence in nanocarbons research. The award recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the understanding and applications of carbon materials.

ECS invites nominations for the Robert C. Haddon Research Award of qualified individuals who have made outstanding achievement in, or scientific contribution to, the science of fullerenes, nanotubes and carbon nanostructures. The award consists of a scroll, a $1,000 prize, and assistance up to $1,500 to facilitate attendance at the award presentation. ECS has 13 electrochemistry and solid state science and technology divisions, each of which has robust awards and travel grant programs. (more…)

Students: Show Off Your Work

Show off your work at the 237th ECS Meeting with IMCS 2020. Students and early career professionals can present their research at special symposia.

A04 Student Battery Slam 4: Students present ten-minute flash oral presentations on their battery technology work. Awards are given for the three best talks.

Z01 ECS General Student Poster Session: Students deliver oral or poster-form presentations on their research results in electrochemical and solid-state science and technology. A competition for the best posters and papers is part of the session.

The meeting is in Montréal, Canada from May 10-15, 2020. The deadline to submit abstracts is November 15, 2019.



Chris Jannuzzi

ECS Executive Director & CEO Chris Jannuzzi

The Electrochemical Society meetings’ plenary sessions provide unparalleled opportunities for participants. Christopher J. Jannuzzi, ECS Executive Director and CEO, described these benefits in his introduction to the 235th ECS Meeting. The plenary session brings everyone together. Colleagues create long-lasting collaborative efforts. Participants enrich and energize their professional lives. New friends are made and old friends revisited. Leading authorities showcase important innovations in the electrochemical and solid state sciences which can impact attendees’ research.

Last spring, at the 235th ECS Meeting’s plenary session, Héctor Abruña and David Lockwood received Society Awards. They spoke on new research in energy conversion and storage, and silicon-based photonic integrated circuits. (more…)