Dr. Wesley Dose’s Webinar Q&A

Wesley DoseThe Electrochemical Society hosted Dr. Wesley Dose’s live webinar, “Challenges Facing Li-ion Battery Electrolytes and High-energy Cathodes,” on September 21, 2022. Dr. Dose took audience questions during a live Question and Answer session at the end of the presentation. He kindly answered, in writing, questions not answered during the broadcast. Find these responses below.

View Dr. Dose’s Webinar

NOTE: Registration is required to view the webinar.



ETDThe ECS Energy Technology Division recognized the 2022 Energy Technology Division Graduate Student Award Sponsored by BioLogic recipients at the 241st ECS Meeting in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Grace Lindquist of the University of Oregon was acknowledged for outstanding research in the development of robust high-performance alkaline membrane electrolyzer technology; and Zachary Schiffer of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for developing methods for harnessing renewable ammonia and for understanding energy exchanges in electrochemical transformations.


September 29, 2022, from 1300-1400h PST

The ECS San Francisco Section invites you to the 2022 Cubicciotti Student Award Ceremony with presentations by award recipient, Dr. Julie Fornaciari, University of California, Berkeley, and Honorable Mention recipients, Mr. Matthew Liu, Stanford University, and Ms. Rachel Huang, Stanford University.

Date: Thursday, September 29, 2022
Time: 1300-1400h PST 
Price: Free; the webinar is open to public.
Format: Virtual via Zoom
1300h PST               Introduction
1310-1325h PST     “Designing Polymer Interfaces for Lithium Metal Anode,” Rachel Huang, Honorable Mention
1325-1340h PST     “Relating near-surface Ti electrode structure with electrochemical nitrate reduction performance via synchrotron X-ray characterization,” Matthew Liu, Honorable Mention
1340-1355h            “Multiscale Transport in Electrolytic Devices,” Dr. Julie Fornaciari, 2022 Cubicciotti Student Award Recipient


ECS San Francisco Section Distinguished Seminar Series

Register for the September 22 event!

“Solid Electrolyte Interphase (SEI) of lithium ion batteries: Role of additives and crossover reactions on stability and performance”

Brett Lucht
Professor of Chemistry
University of Rhode Island 

Date: Thursday, September 22, 2022
Time: 1000-1100h PST 
Price: Free; the webinar is open to public.
Format: Virtual via Zoom
Sponsor: Toyota Research Institute of North America

Register now


Register for November 9 webinar

Join this webinar and learn how to publish your first book. Experienced Wiley Commissioning Editor Sarah Higginbotham talks you through the book publishing experience at Wiley, including how to prepare a new book proposal, what is expected of you as a book author or editor, and how Wiley publishing professionals support you through the process. The webinar also explores several great reasons to publish a book with Wiley and ECS, from enhancing the visibility and global impact of your work, to building your reputation and accelerating your career.

Speaker: Sarah Higginbotham (she/her)
Senior Commissioning Editor, Wiley
Date: November 9, 2022
Time: 1000-1100h ET
Free to register!
Registration is required to view the webinar. ECS membership is not required to participate.

Register now


John B. GoodenoughThe Electrochemical Society is now accepting nominations for the newly established John B. Goodenough Award of The Electrochemical Society

The Society announced the creation of the new biannual award at Nobel laureate and longtime ECS member John B. Goodenough’s 100th Birthday Celebration on July 25, 2022. The award recognizes distinguished and outstanding contributions in:

  • Fundamental and technological aspects of electrochemical materials science and engineering;
  • Materials innovations in the areas of batteries, solid ion conductors, fuel cells, transition-metal oxides, and/or magnetic materials.

Nomination deadline: October 23, 2022


There are still opportunities before the end of the year to recognize colleagues, students, and fellow scientists and engineers for their outstanding efforts and contributions to electrochemistry and solid state science and technology. The list of upcoming deadlines for ECS Society, division, section, and student awards follows. Nominate today!

Apply Now


Wesley DoseDr. Wesley Dose
Assistant Professor
University of Leicester

Date: September 21, 2022
Time: 1000-1100h ET
Sponsors: TA Instruments – Waters, Biologic, Hiden Analytical



Congratulations to Julie Fornaciari, winner of the ECS San Francisco Section 2022 Daniel Cubicciotti Student Award, and to Rachel Zhuojun Huang and Matthew Liu who received Honorable Mentions.

The Daniel Cubicciotti Student Award recognizes a deserving undergraduate student from a college or university in Northern California pursuing a career in the physical sciences. First prize recipients receive an etched metal plaque and $2,000 prize. The section also recognizes up to two students with honorable mentions. They receive framed certificates and $500 prizes.


Dr. Judy JeevarajanThe Electrochemical Society hosted Dr. Judy Jeevarajan’s live webinar, “Characterization of Li-ion Battery Thermal Runaway in ESSs and EVs,” on August 3, 2022. Dr. Jeevarajan took audience questions during a live Question and Answer session at the end of the presentation. She kindly answered, in writing, questions not answered during the broadcast. Find these responses below.

View Dr. Judy Jeevarajan’s Webinar


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