The ECS Interface fall 2021 issue is now available to read online. This issue, on Electrochemistry for Recycling, is guest edited by Xiao Su, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Zheng Chen, University of California, San Diego; Jean St-Pierre, University of Hawaii; and Natasa Vasiljevic, University of Bristol. Rob Kelly, Interface’s Editor, invites you to enjoy our special features and news.

Special Features

Electrochemistry for Recycling
by Xiao Su, Zheng Chen, Jean St-Pierre, Natasa Vasiljevic

The Future of Nuclear Energy: Electrochemical Reprocessing of Fuel Takes Center Stage
by Bethany Kersten, Krista Hawthorne, Mark Williamson, Rohan Akolkar, Christine E. Duval (more…)

Posted in Publications
Call for Papers

The ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology is publishing a special collection of papers being presented at the International Conference on Advanced Materials and Mechanical Characterization (ICAMMC-2021). The meeting takes place December 2-4, 2021 in virtual format. 

ICAMMC 2021 covers a wide range of emerging inter- and multi-disciplinary topics in developing advanced materials and their characterization at multiple length scales, manufacturing, and growth of innovative materials. It is an international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, computation, synthesis, fabrication, and characterization of advanced materials in structural, microstructural, small-scale mechanical aspects (not limited to), structure-property correlations, and technological applications. It is a common platform to present and discuss path-breaking research ideas and is expected to be an interface between academia and industry for societal needs. This focus issue centers on the advancements in design/fabrication, characterization and properties of next-generation materials for energy, electronic and dielectric applications. (more…)

The Journal of The Electrochemical Society is publishing a focus issue dedicated to the late Professor Nongjian Tao for his longstanding contribution to the development of chem/biosensors and nanoscale measurements. This issue also serves as a celebration of the 70th birthday of Professor Stuart Lindsay, Professor Tao’s doctoral advisor and longtime collaborator for over 35 years.

Contributions are invited in all aspects of chem/biosensor technology with topics that include, but are not limited to: Electric, magnetic, and optical biosensors; novel transduction modes; molecular recognition elements; nanomaterials and their system level integration for biological/medical applications such as point-of-care, implantable, and wearable sensors.  In addition, novel nanoscale measurements of cells and cellular/molecular components (e.g., nucleic acid, proteins, organic molecules), including scanning probe microscopy, plasmonic, and optical imaging of biomolecules, are also highly encouraged.  Many of these measurements lead to improved understanding of transduction mechanisms and novel biosensor platforms that allow for ultrasensitive and dynamic detection in living systems. (more…)



The Journal of The Electrochemical Society is publishing a focus issue on advanced electrolysis for renewable energy storage. The utilization of renewable energy has substantially driven more attention into electrolysis technologies. As renewable energy emerges and penetrates further into the energy market, the storage of surplus “off peak” electricity has received widespread considerations. An electrolyzer (ELX) can utilize “off peak” electricity from solar or wind farms to produce hydrogen or other fuels (e.g., ammonia, methanol, ethylene). These chemicals can subsequently be operated in a fuel cell mode to generate electricity or used as intermediates for other industrial applications. Compared to conventional batteries, the chemical storage of renewable energy has advantages of high energy density, long duration, and more flexibility. The covered technologies can include water electrolysis, CO2 conversion, NH3 synthesis, or other new electrolysis technologies. (more…)

The publishing staff of The Electrochemical Society Interface is pleased to announce that with the addition to the ECS Digital Library of the four 1993 ECS Interface issues, plus the first Interface issue (winter 1992), more than 29 years of the ECS community’s history can be seen through the lens of Interface. The digitization of Interface was an 18-month project, focused on ensuring that Interface could be accessible to community members all over the world via a digital medium. (more…)

Interface 1994 Issue Digitized

The publishing staff of The Electrochemical Society Interface is pleased to announce that the 1994 issues are now digitized.  We are excited to continue the work of expanding the reach of Interface. (more…)

Posted in Publications

Interface 1995 Issue Now Online


The publishing staff of The Electrochemical Society Interface is pleased to announce that the 1995 issue is now digitized.

Issue 1, Spring: The Society Goes Online

Issue 2, Summer: Electrodeposition: A “Black Art” Comes Into the Light

Issue 3, Fall: Dielectrics: Diamonds are Forever

Issue 4, Winter: Batteries: Tomorrow’s Power Today (more…)

Posted in Publications

The publishing staff of The Electrochemical Society Interface is pleased to announce that 1996-1997 issues are now digitized. We are working issue by issue to get this exclusive back content to you. Thank you for being a valued reader of Interface. (more…)

Posted in Publications

ECS Transactions presents its latest publication, 17th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XVII) July 18-23, 2021 | Digital Meeting. Volume 102 features 208 papers from the digital meeting. It is available online through the ECS Digital Library and can be purchased as instantly downloadable electronic (PDF) editions through the ECS Online Store.

Link to Volume 102:

The ECS Interface summer 2021 issue is now available to read online. This issue features the theme: High-Temperature Corrosion in Advanced Energy Systems. Dev Chidambaram, Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno, is our guest editor. Rob Kelly, Interface Editor, would like to give you a first glimpse into our recent issue.

Special Features
High-Temperature Corrosion in Advanced Energy Systems
by Dev Chidambaram

Corrosion in Advanced Nuclear Reactors
by Gary S. Was and Todd R. Allen

Corrosion in Molten Salts for Solar Thermal Power
by Kodi Summers and Dev Chidambaram

Corrosion by Hot CO2 Gases
by David J. Young and Jianqiang Zhang

Perseverance Rover Lands on Mars
by E. Jennings Taylor and Gregory S. Jackson (more…)

Posted in Publications