Call for Papers

Journal of The Electrochemical Society
Focus Issue on Characterization of Corrosion Processes in Honor of Philippe Marcus

The Journal of The Electrochemical Society will publish a focus issue in connection with the fifth symposium on High Resolution Characterization of Corrosion Processes: In Honor of Philippe Marcus taking place during PRiME 2020.

Characterization techniques are being applied in novel and innovative ways, often in situ during corrosion studies, to obtain new information about corroding systems. This focus issue highlights exciting applications of techniques that are highly resolved in space and/or time and used to elucidate kinetics and mechanisms of underlying electrochemical reactions. (more…)

Call for Papers

ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology
Focus Issue on Photovoltaics for the 21st Century

The ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology will publish a focus issue in connection with the Photovoltaics for the 21st Century 16: New Materials and Processes Symposium taking place during PRiME 2020.

Electrochemical and solid state sciences have major roles to play in removing many of the barriers to terawatt solar photovoltaics. The journal invites submissions in both current and emerging areas of solar photovoltaic research, and covers a whole spectrum of cell technologies from silicon to thin films and emerging technologies. Topics of interest include, but are not limited, to the following:


Publish Now with ECS

Present your research to the world by publishing with The Electrochemical Society’s (ECS) flagship journals, Journal of The Electrochemical Society (JES) and the ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology (JSS).

ECS Journals

Since 1902, ECS has been at the forefront of publishing electrochemical and solid state science and technology research. For 118 years, the Society has been publishing high quality, peer reviewed journals that contain the work of renowned scientists, engineers, investors, and Nobel laureates. (more…)

In the age of Open Access, web browsers have become the search option of first choice for most researchers. Chrome, Explorer, and Bing can reach out across the whole of the internet in response to a query and pull in more results than would be found in any one online repository.

Similarly, the search features available on hosting platforms are becoming simpler and more streamlined. This reflects the growing number of journals being hosted across single platforms in order to enhance search functionality across multiple titles. Therefore, those searching for specific content must tailor their search parameters to the way the function works. (more…)

IOP Publishing (IOPP), the publishing partner of The Electrochemical Society, has become the first publisher to integrate its ScholarOne article submission system with the Editage Online System, allowing authors using Editage services to submit directly to IOPP.

“I am thrilled that our authors will benefit from these types of advances that IOP Publishing is making in their publishing operations. As a partner using ScholarOne, ECS authors engaging in Editage’s services can submit directly to our journals, which helps minimize the time spent in getting their manuscript into the editorial review process,” says Beth Craanen, Director of Publications. (more…)

Advertise in ECS’s Journals

The ECS community is one-of-a-kind. Researchers, engineers, students, established professionals, and early career researchers in the electrochemical and solid state science and technology, and allied fields rely on the Society as a trusted resource throughout their careers.

From networking events, professional development workshops, biannual meetings, ECS’s journals, and more, The Electrochemical Society is a platform that touches many aspects of our members’ professional lives. (more…)

ECS recognizes the importance of expanding opportunities for publishing in ECS journals as the science continues to evolve. The Society recently made changes to the sensors topical interest area (TIA). Submissions to the ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology (JSS) are now accepted along with the Journal of The Electrochemical Society (JES).

“With the rapid growth experienced by the sensor community, and the gradual blurring of boundaries between solid state and electrochemical sensing strategies, it makes eminent sense to have a single TIA for this topic for both journals,” said Krishnan Rajeshwar, JSS Editor-in-Chief, and Robert Savinell, JES Editor-in-Chief. (more…)

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Through generous donations from friends, colleagues, and members of the scientific community, the Jan Talbot Collection officially reached a fundraising milestone of $30,000, ensuring free, permanent access to Talbot’s legacy of ECS-published works.

A longtime ECS member, Talbot served as board president (2001-2002), vice president (1998-2001), and editor of Interface (1995-1998). She was inducted as a Fellow of The Electrochemical Society in 2004. Talbot’s career outside ECS is equally impressive. Since 2000, Talbot has directed the Chemical Engineering Program at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) Jacobs School of Engineering. She served as their associate dean from 2014-2016. In 2010, she received a UCSD Distinguished Teaching Award. Talbot chaired the Academic Senate from 2003-2004. She also worked as a development engineer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN, from 1975-1981. (more…)

Posted in Publications

Free the Science Week 2020

Are you ready? Make the most of Free the Science Week 2020.

As the world continues to quarantine at home, practice social distancing, and staying six feet away, it’s the perfect time to catch up on an unlimited supply of research papers in your favorite TIA!

From March 30-April 5, ECS will take down the paywall to the entire ECS Digital Library on IOPscience, making over 160,000 scientific articles and abstracts free and accessible to everyone. The week supports ECS’s long-term vision of Free the Science by providing access to all in order to further advance the research. (more…)